
  • 网络Drinking water sanitation;Hygiene of Drinking Water
  1. PH值、含氟量不高,基本符合饮用水卫生标准。

    PH Value and the content of fluoride tally with the sanitary standard of the drinking water .

  2. 水相Mo浓度高于生活饮用水卫生标准1.86-16.66倍。

    Mo concentrations in aqueous phase were much higher than the health standard for domestic drinking water by 1.86-16.66 times .

  3. 目的通过应用危害分析和临界控制点(HACCP)管理系统,寻找学校饮用水卫生监督管理的方法,提高师生饮水的安全性。

    [ Objective ] To seek for a method to ensure the safety of school drinking water by means of hazard analysis and HACCP managing system .

  4. 方法取经PCⅠ型水处理器处理前后的二次供水的水质样品,按《生活饮用水卫生规范》(2001年6月版)进行检测。

    Methods The samples of secondary supply water before and after treatment were collected and determined according to the < Hygienic criterion for analysis of drinking water > ( 2001 edition ) and the water quality was analyzed .

  5. 测定及结果评价按《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)及《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)执行。

    And Standard GB3838-2002 and GB5749-2006 were used to evaluate the results in sampling measurement .

  6. 产水水质达到或优于《生活饮用水卫生标准》GB5749-2005。

    The quality of UF filtrate satisfied the standard for drinking water quality of GB5749-2005 .

  7. 根据二次供水的卫生质量,加入一定量的MF-2消毒剂进行消毒可达到饮用水卫生标准。

    According to the quality of twice supplying water , acceding to some MF 2 disinfector to disinfect , it will achieve the standard of drinking water .

  8. 方法采用《生活饮用水卫生规范》(2001)和《地面水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)进行连续监测和综合评价。

    Method Successive surveillance and comprehensive evaluation were carried out by using Drinking Water Sanitary Criterion ( 2001 ) and Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard ( GB 3838-2002 ) .

  9. 所测24项水质指标均满足现行国家饮用水卫生标准GB5749-85。

    Furthermore all the 24 measured water quality indexes of the DS filtrate meet the requirements of current national standards for drink water ( GB5749-85 ) .

  10. 结论结果表明孝感市外环境中HCH残留量超过了绿色食品灌溉用水标准和生活饮用水卫生标准,农产品检出率为95%;

    Conclusion The results showed that the content of HCH residue in environment in xiaogan city was higher than the standard of green food irrigating water and the standard of drinking water . The pesticide residue could be detected in 95 % samples of farm produces .

  11. 方法对该基地所有自备水源的20个单位共23个水源水和23个末梢水的水质进行卫生监测,根据GB5749-85《生活饮用水卫生标准》进行评价。

    [ Methods ] Hygienic supervision was done on 23 water sources and 23 tip water of 20 units of the base ; evaluation was made according to GB 5749-85 " Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water " .

  12. 本文研究开发了混凝-微滤工艺处理膜反洗/清洗水,使其达到《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)要求,以提高膜装置的产水率。

    In this study , a coagulation-microfiltration process was operated to treat the membrane backwash water and membrane clean water to meet Standards for Drinking Water Quality ( GB5749-2006 ) . The aim of the experiment was for improving the productivity of the membrane process .

  13. 随着新的《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)的颁布,我国对饮用水水质要求变高,而传统的水处理工艺在一定程度上不能达到新标准要求。

    In China , with the promulgation of the new standards for drinking water quality ( GB5749-2006 ), the demand for water quality becomes higher , and therefore , to some extent , the traditional water treatment process cannot meet the demand of the drinking water quality standards .

  14. 河源市农村生活饮用水卫生现状分析

    Sanitary Quality of Drinking Water Analysis in Rural Areas of Heyuan

  15. 绵阳重灾区饮用水卫生恢复情况分析

    Analysis of drinking water sanitary recuperative condition in Mianyang after earthquake

  16. 福建省部分农村饮用水卫生现状调查

    Investigation of Drinking Water Quality in Some Rural Areas in Fujian

  17. 崂山桶装饮用水卫生质量调查

    Inquiring the hygiene quantity of barreled drinking water in Laoshan district

  18. 论我国饮用水卫生相关标准的若干问题

    An Elementary Introduction to Relative Hygienic Standards of Drinking-water in China

  19. 涉及饮用水卫生安全产品卫生监督有关问题探讨

    Exploring the problems related to sanitary inspection of drinking water products

  20. 2008年张掖市农村饮用水卫生状况调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of rural drinking water quality in Zhangye in 2008

  21. 新疆《生活饮用水卫生标准》实施情况的调查分析

    Investigation on Implementation of " Drinking Water Health Standards " in Xinjiang

  22. 平武县部分农村生活饮用水卫生质量现状调查

    Hygiene Quality Status of Rural Living Potable Water in Pingwu

  23. 地震灾后饮用水卫生安全对策与措施

    Measures and Ways to Deal With Safety of Drinking Water After Earthquake

  24. 瓶(桶)装饮用水卫生标准的研究

    Study on the hygienic standard of bottled drinking water

  25. 某基地2004年生活饮用水卫生监测结果分析

    Hygienic Supervision of the Daily Drinking Water in a Certain Base in 2004

  26. 甘肃省农村学校生活饮用水卫生调查分析

    Sanitary investigation and analysis of drinking water in rural schools of Gansu Province

  27. 余杭区农村饮用水卫生现况及致突变性研究

    Study on Hygienic Status and Mutagenicity of Drinking Water in YuHang Rural Areas

  28. 方法对桐城市农村饮水监测点调查监测资料及全市生活饮用水卫生监督、监测报表综合分析。

    Methods Monitoring report of drinking water was analyzed .

  29. 2凉开水除铝元素含量超标外,其余亦符合国家生活饮用水卫生标准。

    So did boiled tap water except for the level of Aluminium element .

  30. 海南省农村生活饮用水卫生监测结果及评价

    Hygienic Monitoring and Evaluation on Drinking Water for Living in Countryside , Hainan Province