
  • 网络Asian Economy;Asia Economy
  1. 亚洲经济是世界经济增长的发动机。

    The Asian economy is the engine for world economic growth .

  2. 论亚洲经济的崛起和中华经济的腾飞

    On Rising of Asian Economy and Soaring of china 's Economy

  3. 数字经济助力推动复工复产,稳定经济形势,成为亚洲经济未来增长的新引擎。

    The digital economy has helped promote production resumption , stabilized the economic situation , and become a new driving force for Asia 's economic growth in the future .

  4. 调查发现,60%的管理者对亚洲经济表示乐观,强有力的疫情防控措施以及区域一体化有望成为亚洲今年经济复苏的主要动力。

    More than 60 percent of surveyed business owners were optimistic about Asia 's economic recovery , and strong anti-pandemic measures and regional integration are expected to be the primary drivers of Asia 's economic recovery in the coming year .

  5. 随着亚洲经济崛起成为这个世纪的主题,新丝绸之路(NewSilkRoad)这个概念继续吸引着政策制定者和分析人士。

    The so-called New Silk Road continues to fascinate policy makers and analysts as rising Asian economic power seals its imprint on this century .

  6. 渣打银行(standardchartered)昨日坚称,将继续在新兴市场进行扩张,尽管这家银行集团承认,亚洲经济增长有可能放缓。

    Standard Chartered yesterday pledged to carry on expanding in emerging markets even as the banking group acknowledged that economic growth in Asia was likely to slow .

  7. 联合国(unitednations)昨日警告称,虽然亚洲经济体受美欧信贷危机的影响仍然相对较小,但随着次贷危机继续发展,它们面临着更大的不确定性。

    Asian economies remained relatively immune to the credit crunch in the US and Europe but faced heightened uncertainty as the subprime crisis continued to unravel , the United Nations warned yesterday .

  8. 在大多数亚洲经济体中,个人消费占GDP的50-60%,这个数字并不比收入水平相同的其他任何地方低。

    In most Asian economies , private consumption is50-60 % of GDP , which is not out of line with rates in countries at similar levels of income elsewhere .

  9. 鉴于亚洲经济明显强劲复苏,产出、就业和需求都走上v型复苏轨道,同时区域性工业生产迅速反弹至此前高点之上,因此这种悲观情绪的持续存在确实不同寻常。

    The persistence of such pessimism is striking given a strong Asian recovery is visible , with output , employment and demand all following V-shaped trajectories , and regional industrial production rapidly bouncing back above the previous peak .

  10. 经纪公司里昂证券(clsa)的经济研究主管埃里克菲舍维克(ericfishwick)认为,亚洲经济体目前对出口的依赖更胜从前。

    Eric Fishwick , head of economic research at CLSA , the brokerage , argues Asian economies are more dependent on exports than ever .

  11. ActionEconomics驻新加坡的亚洲经济预测主管大卫•科恩(DavidCohen)表示:人们一直被坏消息淹没,投资者把中国看作全球少数几个潜在的增长发动机之一。

    People have been so overwhelmed with bad news , and investors are looking to China as one of the few potential growth engines in the world , said David Cohen , director of Asian economic forecasting at Action Economics in Singapore .

  12. 国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)的《世界经济展望》(WorldEconomicOutlook)数据库10月份预测,到2018年中国经济规模将超过美国,亚洲经济体的总规模将超过美国、加拿大、德国、英国、意大利、法国和俄罗斯的总和。

    In October , the International Monetary Fund 's World Economic Outlook database forecast that by 2018 , China 's economy will be bigger than that of the U.S. -- and Asian economies will be bigger than those of the U.S. , Canada , Germany , Britain , Italy , France and Russia combined .

  13. 对澳大利亚、拉丁美洲和非洲等大宗商品出口者来说,中国增长大幅放缓是很糟糕的消息,汇丰(HSBC)亚洲经济研究联席主管范力民(FredericNeumann)表示。

    For commodity exporters in places like Australia , Latin America and Africa , much slower Chinese growth is very bad news , said Frederic Neumann , co-head of Asian economic research at HSBC .

  14. 汇丰(HSBC)亚洲经济研究联合负责人纽曼(FredericNeumann)说,印度手脚被束,因此更容易受国际经济放缓的影响。

    ' India 's hands are tied , and because of that it 's much more exposed to the global slowdown , ' said Frederic Neumann , co-head of Asian economic research for HSBC . '

  15. 与许多资产管理公司一样,halbis对于亚洲经济和股市的中长期前景表示乐观,部分原因是消费者支出增加的巨大潜力。

    Like many asset managers , halbis is optimistic about the medium and longterm outlook for Asian economies and equities . This is partly because of the significant potential for upside growth in consumer spending .

  16. 中国对亚洲经济增长的贡献率已超过50%。

    China accounts for over 50 % of Asias economic growth .

  17. 亚洲经济正快速增长,但有可能溺毙于通胀之中。

    Asia is growing fast , but risks drowning in inflation .

  18. 但亚洲经济体在贸易和监管方面越来越接近。

    But Asian economies are growing ever closer in trade and regulations .

  19. 到1997年,亚洲经济小虎们的经济停滞局面已经持续了数年。

    In 1997 the " tigers " had been stagnating for years .

  20. 危机后的亚洲经济面貌:延续与改变

    The post-crisis Asian economic landscape : Continuity and Change

  21. 全球经济失衡及其对亚洲经济的影响

    Global Economic Imbalance and its Impact on Asian Economy

  22. 亚洲经济圈中上海信用评级业的发展与未来

    Shanghai 's Credit Rating Sector in Asian Economy Environment

  23. 对亚洲经济体同样会被击垮的恐惧?

    Does it signify terror that Asian economies will also be blown away ?

  24. 制造业长期以来一直是推动亚洲经济成长的原动力。

    Manufacturing has long been the driving force of economic growth in Asia .

  25. 这种政策会令亚洲经济体过度依赖于外部需求。

    It makes Asian economies excessively dependent on demand from outside the region .

  26. 仅去年高速发展中的亚洲经济就取得了平均增长8.3%的不俗战绩。

    Last year developing Asian economics grew at an astonishing average of8.3 % .

  27. 在许多其他的亚洲经济体,消费者耐用商品的借贷几乎不存在。

    In many other Asian economies financing for consumer durables is virtually nonexistent .

  28. 这可能减缓但并非扼杀一些亚洲经济体的增长。

    That could slow , but not throttle , growth in some Asian economies .

  29. 简言之,亚洲经济持续而稳定的增长,会令整个世界受益。

    In short , the world will benefit from steady , stable Asian growth .

  30. 此外,许多经济学家仍预期,下半年亚洲经济将出现反弹。

    Nevertheless , many economists are still expecting a regional rebound in the second half .