
  • 网络millennialism;millenarianism;chiliasm
  1. 最粗陋的千禧年主义者预言会有极大的物质丰富。

    The crudest form of millennialism forecasts great material prosperity on earth .

  2. 较温和(轻度)的千禧年主义者仅仅预期会有一个比末时好一点儿的世期。

    The milder form of millennialism simply looks for better times before the end of the world .

  3. 见证人会是千禧年主义教派,这种信仰主要根据《圣经》中的启示部分,特别是〈但以理书〉和〈启示录〉。

    The Witnesses are a millennialist group whose beliefs are based primarily on the apocalyptic sections of the Bible , notably Daniel and the Book of Revelation .

  4. 愿上帝帮助我们抵制和反对千禧年主义的破坏性影响,使我们的心关注他为我们在基督里建立的真实、荣耀永恒的属天国度。

    May God help us resist and oppose the damaging errors of Millenialism and keep our hearts focused on the true , glorious , eternal , heavenly future that He has in store for His believers in Christ .