
qiān jiāo
  • kJ;kilojoule
千焦[qiān jiāo]
  1. 如果我们测量热力学量会发现自由焓的变化,等于4千焦,正4千焦。,delta,H,is,4,kiloJoules,,plus,4,kiloJoules。,熵增dS是45焦耳每开尔文。

    If we measure the thermodynamics , we discover that dH Delta S is45 joules per Kelvin .

  2. 它的离解能只有0。01千焦每摩尔。

    It only has a dissociation energy of . 1 kilojoules per mole .

  3. 本质上我们不会看到它,它等于9千焦每摩尔。

    Essentially we 're not going to see this , it's9 kilojoules per mole .

  4. 这意味为了完成上面的反应,我们不得不往里面注入,7,千焦每摩尔的能量。

    This means in order to do that we actually have to put7 kilojoules per mole of energy into the reaction to make it happen .

  5. 相反,氢分子在我们周围到处都是,一个氢分子的离解能,是432千焦每摩尔。

    In contrast , the dissociation energy of a bond for hydrogen , and molecular hydrogen is everywhere around us , we see432 kilojoules per mole .

  6. 如果你有一个每摩尔400千焦的分子,和一个没摩尔200千焦的分子,我把它们并子一起,我怎么得到每摩尔500千焦的键?

    If I have one that's400 kilojoules per mole and another that's200 kilojoules per mole and I blend them , how do I get500 kilojoules per mole ?

  7. 如果我们以氮为例,如果我们给氮增加个电子令它变成-1价的氮,我们会发现能量的变化是,7,千焦每摩尔。

    So , if we took the case of nitrogen , if we add an electron to nitrogen and go to n minus , we find that the change in energy is7 kilojoules per mole .