
nèi néng
  • internal energy;inner energy;intrinsic energy
内能[nèi néng]
  1. 与内能相比,机构整体刚体动能是主要的,整体y向等效刚体速度远远大于x向速度;

    Compared with internal energy , kinetics energy of total rigid body is dominating , and y direction equivalent rigid velocity is much higher than x direction velocity .

  2. 结果显示:随着烧结温度的升高,HA晶体的微晶尺寸增加,但内能、密度和微观应力随着烧结温度的升高而降低;

    The results show that with rising of the sintered temperature , the internal energy and micro-strain of HA cell decreases , but the crystalline size increases ;

  3. 我们希望年内能访问美国。

    We hope that we can visit the United States this year .

  4. ∧~5he中α粒子内能的变化对结合能b∧的重要影响

    Significant effect on the binding energy of _a ~ 5he by the change of the internal energy of the α particle

  5. 对pH的方差分析,证明大部分牧草生长期内能降低土壤pH值;

    To the pH analysis of Variance , we got mostly feeding grasses make the soil pH lower ;

  6. 液固界面内能的理论计算共析相变时Fe3C/α相界系统的内能和熵

    Internal energy and entropy about fe_3c / α phase interface system with the eutectoid phase transformation

  7. 内能u加上pv是什么?

    What 's u plus pV ?

  8. 目的确定人体内能产生杀菌/通透性增加蛋白(bactericidal/permeability-increasingProtein,BPI)的细胞群体,为研究BPI在细胞内的定位奠定基础。

    AIM To identify the cell populations that produce bactericidal / permeability increasing protein .

  9. 通过进气支管喷水试验得出,工质加湿对降低NOx排放效果明显,且在一定范围内能减少油耗。

    Test results show humidification could considerably decrease NOx emission and reduce fuel consumption to some degree .

  10. 结果表明,积雪草甙在一定剂量范围内能促进小鼠成纤维细胞DNA合成和胶原蛋白合成,并呈剂量依赖关系。

    The results showed that certain asiaticoside could stimulate the DNA and collagen synthesis of mice fibroblast and there is dependent relationship between dosages of asiaticoside and stimulation effects .

  11. 氨分子紫外光解离产物NH2内能分布的相空间理论计算

    Calculation of the Internal Energy Distribution of Product NH_2 from Ammonia Photodissociation Using Phase Space Theory

  12. 我们得到了自由焓的变化,和和熵增dS的符号与大小,of,delta,H,and,delta,S,如果我们想要计算内能的变化,会发生同样的事情。

    So clearly , we 've got signs and magnitudes dH and if we wanted to put delta u there , similar things would happen .

  13. 并对采用模糊PID复合控制器的压力控制系统进行了仿真分析,得出模糊PID控制能在一定范围内能较好的满足座舱压力制度的要求。

    Simulated the cabin pressure fuzzy-PID control system , and experimental results showed that the fuzzy-PID controller can satisfied the request of the rules of cabin pressure .

  14. 壳聚糖酶和溶菌酶在37℃下,2h内能将复合物中的壳聚糖降解而释放出DNA质粒。

    It can also be digested by chitosanase and lysozyme for 2 hours at 37 ℃, and DNA can be released from the complex .

  15. 发现EVA在一定浓度范围内能增加PVC与SBS的相容性,提高断裂伸长率。

    It was found that within some content area , EVA could increase the miscibility of PVC and SBS and extend material strain .

  16. 提高了工作效率,30S内能准确找到所需物品。

    To improve efficiency of work , anyone could find need goods in 30S .

  17. 结果发现阴离子表面活性剂与亚甲蓝形成离子缔合物,在一定时间范围内能抑制纳米TiO2对亚甲蓝的降解作用。

    This result showed that the ion-association complex between methylene blue and anionic surfactant could inhibit the degradation of methylene blue in a certain time .

  18. pH、温度、通氧量等环境因素会影响胞外酶的降解活性;Cd在一定浓度范围内能促进酶促降解。

    The environmental factors such as pH , temperature , and dissolved oxygen could affect the activity of extra-cellular enzyme . A certain concentration of Cd could improve the enzymatic degradation .

  19. TVGuide也了解到,本月早些时候在温哥华完成拍摄的《好医生》正在与当地政府沟通,要捐赠剧组内能用得上的物资。

    TV Guide has also learned that The Good Doctor , which wrapped production in Vancouver earlier this month , is in talks with the local government about donating any needed supplies from set .

  20. AE在土壤中的吸附解吸速度很快,1~2h内能达到吸附解吸平衡。

    Adsorption processes and desorption processes of AE in the tested realized very quickly and it could reach equilibrium within 1-2 h.

  21. 但是ManderJB没有考虑混凝土受压过程中内能的变化。

    But Mander J B dose not take into account the changes in the internal energy in the process of concrete compression .

  22. u是内能,或能量,等于dq加上。

    One is , du , u is called the internal energy dw or just the energy , is equal to dq plus dw .

  23. 就像内能u一样,我们希望能够利用状态方程的数据,计算出其表达式,这些表达式能方便我们说出即将发生的过程。

    Just like u , we 'd like to be able to express it in a way that allows us to calculate what happens only from equation of state data .

  24. 碰撞反应Ca+C2H5Br和Ca+n-C3H7Br产物CaBr的内能态分布

    Internal Energy State Distribution of Product CaBr in the Collision Reactions Ca + C_2H_5Br and Ca + n-C_3H_7Br

  25. 晶体的表面弛豫和表面重构现象导致了MD模拟中体系总内能的升高。

    The surface relaxation and reconstruction are reproduced in the NEMD computational approach , which leads to the increase of system energy during simulation .

  26. IUGR仔猪的小肠组织生长在出生后1周内能部分实现补偿,而且补偿生长的实现是随着日龄增加逐步完全的。

    IUGR piglet partly realized compensation growth during postnatal 1 week , and the compensation growth increased with age .

  27. 结果:EsA在5~40μg/ml范围内能明显抑制LPS诱导兔滑膜细胞产生IL-1和TNF。

    Results : EsA in 5 40 μ g / ml could significantly inhibit the production of IL 1 and TNF from rabbit synovial cells induced by LPS .

  28. 绵羊采食后牧草的恢复时间比无林草场短2~4d,既单位时间内能生产更多的牧草;

    The time for grass recovery after grazing by sheep on forested grassland was 2-4 day shorter than that on non - forested grassland .

  29. 利用改进变分法求出了正切作用量的四维SU(2)格点规范理论的元格内能和比热曲线。

    By using improved variational method , the internal energy per plaquette and the specific heat curves of the Tangent action in SU ( 2 ) lattice gauge theory arc worked out .

  30. Snake模型是由一组离散的点在内能和外能的共同作用下逼近目标轮廓的,计算速度比较慢。

    The Snake model uses a set of discrete points which are driven by internal energy and external energy to approach a target contour , and the calculation speed of the model is slow .