
lì chǎnɡ
  • force field;field of force
力场 [lì chǎng]
  • [field of force] 一种矢量场,其中与每一点相关的矢量均可用一个力来量度

  1. 力场分析法在物流自营决策中的应用

    The Application of the Field of Force Analysis in Deciding the Logistics Business

  2. 证明了带电粒子在有心力场中运动时有两个守恒矢量。

    In this paper it is shown that there are two vector constants of the motion for a charged particle in the central field of force .

  3. 首先需要研究的是赋予术语“一致力场”和“平衡力场”的含意。

    It is desirable first to consider the meaning to be assigned to the terms " consistent force field " and " equilibrium force field " .

  4. 这次地震的震源机制解表明其发震应力场的P轴是北偏西15°。

    The epicenter mechanism solution of the earthquake showed that the P axis was N15 ° E.

  5. 利用GPS资料研究区域地壳应力场变化与地震活动关系

    Relationship between regional stress field variation and earthquake activities from GPS data

  6. 本文报道了一种由量子化学方法获得的笛卡尔力场Fx矩阵转换成内坐标力场Fr矩阵的方法。

    This paper reports a transformational method and programme of force constants from Cartesian to internal coordinates .

  7. 圆柱体(H/D>1)镦粗时应力场计算的力学分块法

    Mechanical slab method of the stress field calculation for a cylinder ( h / d > 1 ) being upset

  8. 圆弧形沉积场地对入射平面Rayleigh波的散射解析解初应力场的Rayleigh波

    Analytical Solutions for Scattering of Rayleigh Waves by Alluvial Valleys Rayleigh Waves in Initial Stress Field

  9. 通过分析V型切口尖端附近应力场,建立了问题的微分方程,提出了解决该微分方程的可行方法。

    The differential equations of stress and displacement near the tip of V notch are obtained after the stress field being analyzed and a feasible solution of those equations is presented , also .

  10. 应用有限元软件Ansys,对某铁水脱硫喷枪的工作温度场与应力场进行动态仿真,显示喷枪在一次工作循环条件下热应力的动态分布。

    The working body temperature field and stresses field of desulfurizing lance has been dynamically simulated with the finite element software Ansys to show the dynamic thermal stresses distribution within lance in a duty cycle .

  11. 本文首先求出在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型荷载作用下,V型缺口及混凝土坝坝踵区附近的应力场和位移场的近似表达式;

    In this paper , the approximate expressions have been found for the stress and displacement field in the vicinity of V-notch as well as the concrete dam heel under the action of ⅰ,ⅱ and ⅲ mode loading .

  12. 振动力场强化了EPDM与PP两相间的结合,使得大分子链段发生断裂和分解所需温度增大,提高了TPE的热稳定性能。

    The vibration force field strengthens juncture between EPDM and PP , and increases temperature in which macromolecular chains are broken and decomposed , which enhances heat stability of TPE .

  13. 受区域构造应力场控制,裂隙发育表现出明显的方向性,主裂隙发育的NW方向为渗透性优势方位。

    Since controlled by regional tectonic stress field , the development of fissures shows obvious directional property , the main fissure developing NW direction is also the permeability superiority trend .

  14. 得到材料内部的瞬态温度场以及由温度梯度引起的瞬态应力场,该应力场以超声Lamb波的形式在铝板材料中传播。

    Then , the transient stressfield induced by temperature grads was obtained in the plate , and it is found that the transient stressfield propagates in the form of Lamb waves in the aluminum plate .

  15. 在螺位错芯区外,其应力场与Volterra位错的应力场完全一样,而在芯区内,当ρ趋于零时,螺位错的应力场是有解的。

    Outside the core , the stresses are the same as that of Volterra dislocation , but inside the core , the stresses of the screw dislocation approach zero when ρ goes to zero .

  16. 参与研制开发了有关温度场、应力场及MgO混凝土膨胀场的分析软件,并将上述软件有机地与ANSYS软件结合,在ANSYS基础上开发了外掺MgO混凝土仿真分析的专用软件。

    ( 3 ) Participating in the developing of analysis software about temperature field stress field and expand field of concrete ; Combining these software with ANSYS and developing special software for simulation analysis of MgO-mixed concrete base on ANSYS .

  17. 结果表明,整体调整系数、地震时能量的损耗系数、外部构造应力场的驱动力大小都会影响到地震系统中能量积累和释放的状况,影响到G-R关系中b值的大小。

    The results show that the global regulation factor , energy loss factor and driving force of external tectonic stress field have influence energy accumulation and release of seismic system , and also influence on b Value of Gutenberg-Richter relation .

  18. 以超临界CO2为发泡剂,用自行研制的动态发泡模拟机将机械振动力场引入到PS微孔塑料成型过程中,初步研究了振动力场作用下温度对微孔塑料气泡形态的影响。

    The effect of temperature on the cell morphology of microcellular plastics was analyzed elementarily , in which mechanical vibration was imposing on the molding process of PS microcellular plastics by dynamic foam process simulation machine and supercritical carbon dioxide was used as foaming agent .

  19. 采用COMPASS力场,通过分子动力学模拟,研究了Ni纳米薄膜的弹性模量的尺寸效应,以及生物分子吸附在Ni表面对其力学性能的影响。

    Based on Condensed-phase Optimized Molecular Potentials for Atomistic Simulation Studies ( COMPASS ) force field , the size-dependent properties of Ni nano-film are studied by molecular dynamics ( MD ) simulation , and the effects of the mechanical properties by bio-molecule adsorption is also investigated .

  20. 利用MSC有限元软件进行了温度场、机械应力场、热应力场、耦合应力场及活塞顶与活塞裙接触计算分析研究。

    Define the temperature , force and contact boundary conditions of the 3-D model . The temperature field , structural stress field , thermal stress field , thermal & mechanical stress field and contact analysis were calculated by MSC software .

  21. 压应力场下VONMISES屈服应力分布同拉应力场,但第一主应力很小,法向应力变为负值;

    In the case of compress stress , the distribution of von Mises stress is the same as under the case of tensile stress , but the first major stress become smaller , and the divisor stress is of minus .

  22. 将模型势函法和MNDO方法结合起来,得到了顺、反甲酸分子的完整力场。

    The complete force fields of the cis and trans isomers are determined by the method of determining force field combining model potential function method with MNDO method .

  23. 提出固→液玻璃化转变中,大分子的内旋转运动模式与温度无关,链段和链段集团的内旋转能来源于大分子链间vanderwaals力场中的不依赖温度的极化能。

    The model of macromolecular internal rotation motion does not depend on temperature in solid → liq-uid transition . The internal rotation energy of segments and segment groups is the source of the polarization energy independent of temperature in the intermolecular Van der Waals force field .

  24. 同时,有限元结果与HRR解、J-A2三项解的比较表明,HRR解只适合描述标准试样的裂纹应力场,而J-A2方法能够有效地描述不同裂纹长度的应力场。

    The comparison of HRR solution , J-A_2 three-term solution and finite results indicates that HRR solution is only suitable for characterizing crack-tip stress fields of deep-crack specimens and J-A_2 methodology is sufficient to characterize the crack-tip fields for various crack geometry .

  25. 山东内陆及附近海域构造环境剪应力场的分布特征

    The characteristics of tectonic ambient stress filed distribution in Shandong area

  26. 华北北部构造应力场局部构造应力场分析

    The Tectonic Stress Field in the Northern Part of North China

  27. 点接触表面层内应力场计算新方法

    A New Technique to Evaluate Subsurface Stress Field of Point Contacts

  28. 动态应变/应力场分析的模态法

    Using modal analysis method in analyzing dynamic strain / stress field

  29. 振动力场作用下聚合物填充体系挤出混合特性

    Extrusion Mixing Characteristics of Filled Polymer System on Vibration Force Field

  30. 华南晚元古代&三叠纪构造事件与应力场

    Tectonic event and stress field of late PROTEROZOIC-TRIASSIC in South China