
nèi jǐng
  • interior;indoor scene;indoor setting
内景 [nèi jǐng]
  • [interior;indoor setting;indoor scene] 戏剧上指室内舞台的布景;电影方面指摄影棚内的场景

内景[nèi jǐng]
  1. 若原计划的住宅改造得以实施,Chetrit原本打算对一套复式公寓开价最高3200万美元——对于电影《华尔街》(WallStreet)曾拍摄内景的建筑来说,这一价格十分合适。

    Chetrit had planned to charge up to $ 32m for a duplex unit if its planned conversion into residential space had gone through - fitting for a structure where interior scenes for the movie Wall Street were filmed .

  2. 摄影师同时补充说他通常使用T2.8左右的光圈拍摄夜景和内景,日景戏则用T8左右的光圈拍摄。

    The cinematographer adds that he typically shot nights and interiors around T2.8 , and day exteriors around T8 .

  3. 图为马里总统府办公楼外景和内景。

    The pictures shows the new office building view inside and outside .

  4. 该作品是为某部电影搭建的一个内景。

    There are some indoor scenes of a film .

  5. 内审美是相对于建立在审美对象基础上的、以耳目视听为媒介的感官型审美的内在精神型审美。它包括在宗教或功夫密修中的内景呈现,内视、内照、内乐;

    Inner aesthetic is sense aesthetic which is based on aesthetic object and media of audio and visual properties .

  6. 电影后期制作部门里没了员工,内景上覆满了蛛网和灰尘,看上去破破烂烂。

    The postproduction facilities appeared unstaffed , and the interior sets , veiled in cobwebs and dust , looked in disrepair .

  7. 近期,白金汉宫在其社交媒体帐户上发表了一张图片,展示了女王在温莎城堡私人会客室的内景,让人们能够撇一眼君王的个人世界。

    A photograph showing the inside of the Queen 's private sitting room at Windsor Castle recently Tweeted by Buckingham Palace on their social media account offers a rare glimpse into the monarch 's personal world .

  8. 我的房间是内景房,面对着中央庭院,我想您可以选一间对着港口的外景房(适当多付一点钱),这样可以使你的住宿更加愉快。

    My room was inward facing into a central quad area , but I believe you can get ones with a harbour view ( probably at an extra charge ) if you want to make your stay more pleasant .

  9. 这个功能能量场通过特殊的信息相互沟通,他全息缩影复制神经系统的功能,典型的例证就是道教修炼养生术时内景感受到的丹象-太极图,就是此能量场。

    It miniature copy function of nervous tissue through special signal communication , and the epitome example was that inner view felt when Dantian shape , which was the Taiji picture ( energy field ), when drilling the longevity training in Taoism .

  10. 夏洛克家的内景拍摄地实际上在史皮迪斯咖啡馆楼上,这间卧室面积约为34平米,是福尔摩斯真正的家的两倍,这里距离贝克街约1600米。早在2012年这里是对外出租的,每周租金330英镑。

    The 370 sq ft one-bedroom flat above Speedy 's Cafe , which is in fact about a mile away from Baker Street but doubles as Sherlock 's home for exterior shots , was available for rent in early 2012 for the price of £ 330 a week .