
  • 网络Brighton;Breton
  1. 我的一个朋友住在布莱顿。

    One of my friends lives in Brighton .

  2. 1817年1月18日,在庆祝俄国大公尼古拉斯访问乔治四世的布莱顿展馆的宴会上,菜单上有120道特色菜,着重推出了8道不同的汤、40道主莱和32道甜品。

    For a banquet celebrating the Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia 's visit to George Ⅳ 's Brighton Pavillion on Jan. 18 , 1817 , the menu featured 120 different dishes , highlighting eight different soups , 40 main courses , and 32 desserts .

  3. 在19世纪60年代早期,布莱顿患上了老年痴呆症。

    In the early 1960s , Blyton fell victim to Alzheimer 's disease

  4. 但我不需要担心什么,也不用把她从布莱顿《圣克莱尔学校的孪生姐妹》(TwinsofSt.Clare)边扯开。

    But I needn 't have worried ( nor torn her from Blyton 's " Twins of St. Clare " ) .

  5. 一个布莱顿海白(SeawhiteofBrighton)素描本和一支0.9毫米的派通(Pentel)自动铅笔,我不需要带太多行李。

    A Seawhite of Brighton sketchbook and a Pantel 0.9 millimeter propeller pencil . I don 't need much .

  6. 可就在爱尔兰的医生们束手无策之时,麦克尼克听说英格兰布莱顿市的苏塞克斯眼科医院有一位ChiristopherLiu博士,他能做一种名叫“骨齿人工角膜植入术”的神奇手术。

    After doctors in Ireland said there was nothing more they could do , McNichol heard about a miracle operation called Osteo-Odonto-Keratoprosthesis ( OOKP ) being performed by Dr Christopher Liu at the Sussex Eye Hospital in Brighton in England .

  7. 按常理说情侣们会私奔到苏格兰去结婚,不过James和SharonMcGregor和别人做得略有不同。他们瞒着所有家人和朋友,从苏格兰伐夫郡前往英格兰布莱顿举行秘密婚礼。然而他们的秘密婚礼曝光的方式却很出奇。

    Traditionally , couples elope to Scotland to get married , but James and Sharon McGregor did things a little different.Without telling their family or friends , they traveled from Fife to Brighton for their secret wedding .

  8. 部长表示,该工厂所有者ABP食品集团现已同意只采用英国和爱尔兰的肉源,并同意定期对银冠厂及位于北约克郡的分厂达莱帕克•汉布莱顿厂采用的肉进行DNA检测。

    The minister said the ABP Food Group , which owns the plant , had now agreed to source meat only from the UK and Ireland and to introduce regular DNA testing of meat at Silvercrest and its sister factory , Dalepak Hambleton , north Yorkshire .

  9. 在英国机场运营商协会(aoa)伦敦举行的年会上,布莱顿表示,应该取消在安检线强迫旅客脱鞋和检查笔记本电脑的做法。

    In remarks at the annual conference of the UK airport operators association in London , he said that the practice of forcing people to take off their shoes and have their laptops checked separately in security lines should be ditched .

  10. 新婚夫妇害怕盗贼会把这枚珍贵的戒指卖给某家著名的珠宝店,布莱顿(Brighton)的小巷子到处都是这种店,这对夫妇希望任何知情人士能与他们取得联络。

    The couple fear the thief intends to sell their prize possession to one of the dozens of famous jewellery shops in the Lanes in Brighton , and they are urging anyone who has any information about the ring to get in touch .

  11. 33岁的James和35岁的Sharon在14年前相遇,当时他们都在Butlins公司工作。之后他们坠入爱河,在布莱顿同居十年后,搬回了Sharon的老家苏格兰定居。

    James ( 33 ) and Sharon ( 35 ) first met 14 years ago when they both worked for Butlins.They fell in love and , after spending 10 years living in Brighton , moved back to Sharon 's native Scotland to settle .

  12. 24.人们为什么不喜欢布莱顿的作品?

    Question 24 . What makes people dislike Blyton 's works ?

  13. 另外,每年布莱顿都要举办大逃生音乐节。

    Every year , Brighton hosts The Great Escape music festival .

  14. 布莱顿海滩是俄罗斯黑帮的地盘。

    Brighton beach is Russian territory . So what 's the l.

  15. 烷烃混合工质在逆向布莱顿循环制冷中的应用

    Application of alkane - mixing media in Reverse-Brayton Cycle Refrigeration

  16. 伦敦与布莱顿之间火车班次很多。

    There are frequent trains running between London and Brighton .

  17. 莉蒂雅被邀请和民兵团到布莱顿去。

    Lydia 's been invited to Brighton with the forsters .

  18. 一次周末我们来到布莱顿。

    One weekend , we took a trip to Brighton .

  19. 英国海滨城市布莱顿的规划与实践

    Planning and Practice in Brighton and Hove , An England Sea Town

  20. 难怪很多布莱顿大学的毕业生都选择留在这里。

    It is no wonder that many Brighton graduates choose to stay here .

  21. 踏上布莱顿的那一刻,我就深深地被她所吸引。

    The moment I arrive in Brighton I am greatly attracted by her .

  22. 你整个周末独自一人打算在布莱顿做些什么?

    What are you going to do all weekend by yourself in brighton ?

  23. 哦,我忘了告诉你,布莱顿是一个沿海城市。

    Well , I forget to tell you that Brighton is a coastal city .

  24. 逆向布莱顿循环多元非共沸混合工质组分变化对系统性能的影响

    Effect of component variation of multiple non-azeotropic refrigerants on system performance of reverse-Brayton cycle

  25. 多毛屁股布莱顿每天都告诉我。

    Hairy arse Braden tells me every day .

  26. 我不同意,布莱顿城更为热闹。

    I disagree , brighton 's more lively .

  27. 去布莱顿捣毁窗子的那些摩登派和摇滚乐迷。

    The MODS and rockers who go down to Brighton and smash the windows .

  28. 每隔一个周末,他去布莱顿见另一个女人。

    He goes down to Brighton every other weekend to see the other woman .

  29. 但你没告诉布莱顿上校。

    Yet you did not tell Colonel brighton .

  30. 布莱顿的海滨是什么样的?

    What does the beach like at bournemouth ?