
  • 网络Brussels Treaty;Brussels Treaty Organization;Treaty of Brussels;Brussels Pact
  1. 布鲁塞尔条约常设委员会

    Brussels Treaty Permanent Commission

  2. 现在尘埃落定,持有欧元怀疑主义观点的民族主义者在欧盟国家内部备受鼓励,这无疑是在助力脱离布鲁塞尔条约的观点。

    Now that the precedent has been set , Euro-skeptic nationalist movements across the EU have been emboldened and are making hay on the idea of independence from Brussels .

  3. 1948年2月的捷克斯洛伐克二月事件则直接导致了针对苏联的布鲁塞尔五国条约的签定。

    The Czechoslovakia Coup in February 1948 immediately caused the signature of Brussels Treaty whose aim was against Soviet .

  4. 这份获得联合政府通过的法案规定,任何一份将权力从议会转移到布鲁塞尔的欧盟新条约都必须接受全民公决。

    Passed by the coalition , this dictates that a referendum must be held on any new EU treaty that shifts power from Westminster to Brussels .