
  • 网络Auschwitz;Auschwitz Concentration Camp;Auschwitz-Birkenau;Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau
  1. 来自WIKI关于1945年奥斯维辛集中营中的儿童生还者的照片

    Child survivors photographed at Auschwitz in 1945 . ( Wikimedia )

  2. 弗兰克尔是一名维也纳临床心理学家,他还是一名奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)的幸存者。他在这本书里告诉我们,人即使在最无望的境地下也能找到生存意义。

    A Viennese psychiatrist and Auschwitz survivor , Frankl taught that one could find meaning in the most unpromising places .

  3. 那篇文章将欧元区危机与奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)联系起来,对德国的傲慢提出警告,还说德国已把单一货币变成了一种武器。

    The piece links the euro crisis to Auschwitz , warns of German arrogance and says that Germany has turned the single currency into a weapon .

  4. 埃米斯提到了奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)幸存者普里莫•莱维(PrimoLevi)的著作。集中营的一位看守曾告诉莱维:“这儿没有为什么(Hieristkeinwarum)”。

    Amis referred to the writings of Primo Levi , a survivor of Auschwitz , who was told by one camp guard : " Hier ist kein warum " ( There is no why here ) .

  5. 他父亲在二战期间被征到犹太人劳工营,而他和母亲辗转于匈牙利各地以免遭到拘捕,像许多匈牙利犹太人那样被抓起来送往奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)。

    His father was conscripted into a Jewish labour battalion during the second world war while he and his mother moved around Hungary to avoid detention and the fate that befell many Hungarian Jews who were rounded up and sent to Auschwitz .

  6. 苏菲的双重身份使她有别于奥斯维辛集中营的其他幸存者。

    Sophie 's double identity distinguishes her from other survivors in Auschwitz .

  7. 这些词写在奥斯维辛集中营的门口。

    These words hung over the gates at auschwitz .

  8. 利用奥斯维辛集中营已经不是什么新鲜事了。

    Attempts to exploit Auschwitz are hardly new .

  9. 在1940年到1945年间,约有110万人死于奥斯维辛集中营。

    Around 1.1 million people were killed in the Auschwitz concentration camps between 1940 and 1945 .

  10. 诺贝尔和平奖得住埃利-威塞尔曾在奥斯维辛集中营中有过令人难以想象的经历。此后,他一直致力于维护人权的运动之中。

    Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel survived the unthinkable at Auschwitz and went on to champion human rights .

  11. 他被委托要辛苦地汇集此案的所有事实。利用奥斯维辛集中营已经不是什么新鲜事了。

    He is committed to laboriously assembling all of the facts of the case . Attempts to exploit Auschwitz are hardly new .

  12. 他的父亲是奥斯维辛集中营的幸存者,后来在芝加哥成为了一名成功的建筑师。弗里德兰原本是在缅因州的鲍登文理学院读书的。

    The son of an Auschwitz survivor who became a prosperous Chicago architect , he had originally gone to Bowdoin , a liberal arts college in Maine .

  13. 转眼之间,身材俊美、从事高薪工作的小鲜肉们,成了全身长着黑斑、骨瘦如柴的奥斯维辛集中营囚犯,就像一座座卡诺瓦的未完成大理石雕像。

    Suddenly the glamour boys , with their showboat bodies and high-paying jobs , were Auschwitz skeletons covered with black spots , like Canova 's unfinished marble statues .

  14. 8个月后,他成为早期被运往奥斯维辛集中营的一员,是第二批。佩特罗夫斯基被迫修建集中营。

    Eight months later , he was one of the earliest people shipped to Auschwitz , on the second-ever transport.Piechowski was forced to build parts of the camp .

  15. 画中,一泓碧蓝色的湖水如梦似幻,其灵感正是来自乔尔乔涅的《暴风雨》;湖水上方森然笼罩着奥斯维辛集中营的大门,而四周原野则零散堆砌着富有象征意味的物品和人物。

    The dreamlike blue lake is inspired by Giorgione 's " The Tempest " overborne by the looming gates of Auschwitz , in a landscape littered with symbolic objects and people .

  16. 亲家母对我讲,当年在奥斯维辛集中营,一片面包皮都能改变一个人的生死。

    She told me how a crust of bread often meant the difference between life and death in Auschwitz and she would beg her neighbors to give her what they didn 't want .

  17. 从前的犹太居民区有一块匾牌,上面记录说,1943年,大约1000名犹太人被当时占领意大利部分地区的纳粹党人驱逐到奥斯维辛集中营。近些年,被驱逐的犹太人的房子旁边放上了一些纪念性的鹅卵石。

    A plaque in the former Jewish Ghetto marks the deportation of around 1000 Jews to Auschwitz in 1943 by the Nazis , who occupied part of the country , and in recent years commemorative cobblestones have been placed by the houses of deported Jews .

  18. 自7月6日发布以来,这款游戏在全世界收获了成百上千万的用户。因为在奥斯维辛集中营、阿灵顿国家公墓和纽约9·11纪念馆这类并不适宜的地方抓精灵,一些人已经登上了新闻。

    Since the game was released on July 6 , it has gained millions of users around the world , including some who had already made headlines with questionable decisions to play at Auschwitz , Arlington cemetery and the 9 / 11 memorial in New York City .

  19. 1945年1月27日这一天,苏联军队解放了例如奥斯维辛这样的集中营。

    January 27 is the date in 1945 when the Russian Army liberated the largest such camp , Auschwitz .