
  • 网络Otto;Alto
  1. 欧内斯特·阿尔帕斯和奥托·G·林德伯格,他们在1937年发布了这版地图。

    Ernest Alpers and Otto G Lindberg , and they released this map in 1937 .

  2. 奥托正是由包括安东尼•列万多夫斯基(AnthonyLevandowski)在内的几位杰出的Alphabet前员工创立的。

    Otto was founded by several prominent ex-Alphabet employees including Anthony Levandowski .

  3. 那一年9月,玛格丽塔的儿子奥托(Otto)出生,包裹在V字形襁褓里。

    That September , Margherita 's son , Otto , was born , swaddled in chevron .

  4. 本文以奥托内燃机为例,讨论了热机的输出功与热效率的关系及在循环中吸热Q1可变的情况下与热机最大输出功和对应的效率。

    This paper , giving an example of otto internal combustion engine , discusses the relation between the work output and thermal efficiency ;

  5. 该奖项的发言人爱德华·里弗森(EdwardLifson)说,奥托得知获奖消息,感到荣幸和惊喜。

    Mr. Otto was honored and surprised , according to Edward Lifson , a spokesman for the prize .

  6. Faraday发言人理查德.奥托(RichardOtto)也拒绝就此事置评。

    Richard Otto , spokesman at Faraday , also declined to comment on that issue .

  7. 奥托(Otto)发动机的最优性能

    Optimal Performane Of an Otto Engine

  8. 谷歌(Google)自己的无人驾驶技术主管不久前离职,优步在这样一个时候收购奥托(Otto),会加剧优步在无人驾驶方面与谷歌(Google)的东家Alphabet的竞争。

    The acquisition of Otto will heighten Uber 's driverless competition with Google owner Alphabet , at a time when Google 's own head of driverless technology has recently left .

  9. 最后一位Xbox的共同创始人奥托•伯克斯在微软供职18年后,决定离开微软加盟西雅图地区之外的一家未透露名称公司。

    The last Xbox co-founder , Otto berkes , is leaving Microsoft after 18 years for an undisclosed company outside the Seattle area .

  10. 5月15日,将由建筑师弗兰克·盖里(FrankGehry)在迈阿密的新世界中心举行的典礼上为奥托颁奖。

    The architect Frank Gehry was to award Mr. Otto the prize at a ceremony on May 15 at the New World Center in Miami .

  11. 同时,优步宣布已收购自动驾驶卡车技术开发公司奥托(Otto),这是优步迄今最大的一笔收购交易。

    At the same time , Uber announced it had bought Otto , a maker of self-driving technology for trucks , its largest acquisition to date .

  12. 优步已投资于自动驾驶汽车,并与沃尔沃(Volvo)和戴姆勒(Daimler)建立合作关系,去年还通过收购奥托(Otto)投资自动驾驶卡车领域。

    Uber is already investing in self-driving cars , striking partnerships with Volvo and Daimler , as well as autonomous trucks through last year 's acquisition of Otto .

  13. 汽车制造商以及瑞典奥托立夫公司(Autoliv)等安全技术供应商已研究出集成安全气囊的安全肩带。

    Auto makers and safety-technology suppliers such as Sweden 's Autoliv have developed shoulder straps with air bags built in .

  14. 今年年初,奥托已知道自己获奖的消息,该奖项的执行官玛莎·索恩(MarthaThorne)坐飞机来到斯图加特,把评委们的意见告诉他。

    Mr. Otto learned of his selection early this year when Martha Thorne , the prize 's executive director , flew to Stuttgart to inform him of the jury 's choice .

  15. 奥托经常同其他人合作进行设计,他与坂茂(ShigeruBan)合作,设计了2000年德国汉诺威世界博览会上的日本馆,与罗尔夫·古特布罗德(RolfGutbrod)合作设计了1967年蒙特利尔世界博览会上的西德馆。

    Mr. Otto often designed in collaboration with others , collaborating with Shigeru Ban on Japan 's pavilion for the 2000 Hannover Expo in Germany and with Rolf Gutbrod on the West German pavilion at the Montreal Expo of 1967 .

  16. 去美国旅行时,他参观了弗兰克·罗伊德·怀特(FrankLloydWright)、埃罗·沙里宁(EeroSaarinen)、路德维格·密斯·凡·德·罗(LudwigMiesvanderRohe)等人的作品,1952年,奥托成了自由建筑师,在柏林开了事务所。

    After a trip through the United States , where he viewed the work of Frank Lloyd Wright , Eero Saarinen , Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and others , Mr. Otto became a freelance architect in 1952 , opening an office in Berlin .

  17. 你对奥托的评价是百分之百地错了。

    Your assessment of Otto is a hundred per cent wrong .

  18. 但是我妈妈还活着,奥托也健在。

    But mom 's still here , and so is otto .

  19. 要想在奥托游乐场工作需要满足三条要求。

    It takes three things to work at Otto 's grotto .

  20. 他一直在发表贬低奥托才能的评论。

    He had been making disparaging remarks about otto 's talents .

  21. 奥托是一只小水獭,他现在已经会做很多事情了。

    Otto is an otter who can do many things .

  22. 奥托热机的最大输出功与临界效率

    Maximum Work Output and Critical Efficiency for Otto Heat Engine

  23. 这本书总体上论述人生,特别是论述奥托。

    The book looks at life in general and Otto in particular .

  24. 我倒是很想知道谁杀了奥托。

    I would like to find out who killed Otero .

  25. 是啊,我现在是奥托游乐场的美人鱼专门清理呕吐物。

    Yeah , I am the puke-cleaning mermaid at Otto 's grotto .

  26. 奥托在保住他席位的问题上正遇刭极大的困难。

    Otto was having the greatest difficulty in remaining in his seat .

  27. 奥托总是一心想赚钱。

    Otto always has an eye for the main chance .

  28. 奥托,你今晚真的需要好好睡上一觉。

    And you need to sleep soundly tonight , otto .

  29. 不可逆费米奥托制冷循环性能分析

    Performance analysis of an irreversible Fermi Otto refrigeration cycle

  30. 第四章阐述了理想奥托循环的过程。

    Ideal Otto cycle is introduced in chapter four .