
  • 网络Orissa;Odisha;oriya
  1. access还与位于印度东部贫穷的奥里萨邦(orissa)政府合作,培训政府地方职员,将简单的理财概念传授给村民。

    Access is also working with the government of Orissa , a poor eastern Indian state , to train government field workers who can impart simple concepts of financial planning to villagers .

  2. 韩国的浦项制铁(Posco)为了在印度东部奥里萨邦建立一座120亿美元的钢厂,几年来一直在与当地居民斗争。

    South Korea 's Posco has been fighting with local residents for years over plans to build a $ 12bn steel mill in the eastern state of Orissa .

  3. 英国商务部门发表声明谴责韦丹塔在奥里萨邦的所作所为。英格兰国教会(ChurchofEngland)旗下的投资基金抛售了该公司的股份以示抗议。

    The British commerce agency issued a rebuke of Vedanta 's actions in Odisha , and the Church of England 's investment funds sold their shares in the company in protest .

  4. access在奥里萨邦的联席副总裁a.k.mohanty博士称,这可以十分简单,就像向一个每天喝5杯茶的村民建议,每天只喝两杯茶,以便省钱。

    Dr A.K. Mohanty , associate vice-president with access in Orissa , says this might be as simple as advising a villager who drinks five cups of tea each day to drink just two cups and save money .

  5. 上月,塔塔钢铁在印度东部奥里萨邦(Orissa)的一座大型工厂举行了开业典礼,该工厂最终将使其产量接近翻倍。

    Last month , Tata Steel inaugurated a huge new plant in the eastern state of Orissa , which eventually will nearly double its output .

  6. 印度国防部一名官员说,烈火五型(AgniV)洲际弹道导弹预计将于周三下午晚些时候从东部奥里萨邦(Orissa)海岸外的惠勒岛(WheelerIsland)发射。

    Agni V , an intercontinental ballistic missile , is set to be launched from Wheeler Island , off the coast of the eastern state of Orissa , in the late afternoon , according to a defense ministry official .

  7. 还是在奥里萨邦,印度矿企韦丹塔(Vedanta)未能拿到开采铝土矿的许可,因为附近山脉被当地居民奉为圣山。

    Vedanta , an Indian mining company , has failed to secure permission to mine bauxite in the same state because the nearby hills are held sacred by local people .

  8. 去年,拉梅什曾否决在伦敦上市、业务集中在印度的矿商vedanta在被奥里萨邦部落居民视为圣地的一座大山开采铝土矿的计划。

    Last year , Mr Ramesh rejected plans by Vedanta , the London-listed , india-focused miner , to mine bauxite from a mountain deemed sacred to tribal people in Orissa .

  9. Khurana是位来自印度奥里萨邦的老师,对于这些孩子,她很清楚地认识到,他们要想拥有自己的未来,必须得到帮助。

    Khurana was a school teacher from Orissa , India , and she was sure that these children needed help if they were going to have a future at all .

  10. 奥里萨邦有三人死亡。

    Three more people were killed in Odisha .

  11. 我们在比哈尔、北方邦、孟加拉邦和奥里萨邦难道没有最穷的劳动力吗?

    Dont we have the poorest raw labor in bihar , up , bengal and orissa .

  12. 位于东部的奥里萨邦8月份以来弥漫著印度教徒和基督教徒之间冲突的硝烟。

    The eastern state of Orissa has been wracked with clashes between Hindus and Christians since August .

  13. 我住在华盛顿特区但我是在新河克拉,印度奥里萨邦的一个小村庄长大。

    I live in Washington , D.C. , but I grew up in Sindhekela , a village in Orissa , in India .

  14. 印度国防部说,这枚烈火三型远程导弹星期四从印度东部奥里萨邦沿海的惠勒岛上发射。

    India 's defense ministry says the Agni-three missile was launched Thursday from Wheeler island , off the eastern Indian state of orissa .

  15. 印度奥里萨邦布巴内斯瓦尔的一名男子,卖掉了自己11个月大的儿子,用交易所得的金钱买了一部手机。

    A man from Bhubaneshwar in Odisha sold his 11-month-old son and bought a mobile phone with the money he received in exchange .

  16. 科学特快列车正席卷印度东部,而这辆列车计划7月在西孟加拉邦和奥里萨邦州停靠。

    The Science Express train is making its way through eastern India , with stops planned in West Bengal and Orissa states in July .

  17. 随着韦丹塔在接下来的几年里推进其采矿计划,奥里萨邦原住部落的遭遇,成了国际维权团体关注的焦点。

    As Vedanta pursued its mining plan over several years , the plight of the indigenous tribe in Odisha became a focal point for international activist groups .

  18. 印度普山钢铁厂发生高炉爆炸,至少造成3名中国人在内的5名外国人失踪,事发地位于印度东部奥里萨邦的丹卡那尔区。

    At least five foreign nationals , including three Chinese , were missing after Wednesday 's blast furnace explosion at Bhushan steel plant in the eastern Indian state of Odisha 's Dhenkanal district .

  19. 奥里萨邦和安得拉邦的救灾官员称,截至周日夜里,这两个邦的部分地区已经疏散了近30万人。

    Close to 300000 people were evacuated from their homes in parts of the states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh as of Sunday evening , according to disaster and relief officials in each state .

  20. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,来自印度奥里萨邦的米娜塔·卡托今年27岁。在婚后六个月的时间里,“丈夫”一直跟她说自己正在进行一种宗教仪式,不能与她圆房。

    For six months , Minati Khatua , 27 , from Orissa , India , was told by her husband that they could not consummate their marriage because " he " was observing a religious ritual .

  21. 第二年,最高法院的另一个委员会指控韦丹塔迫使东部奥里萨邦的102户原住民搬迁,因为它想在那里开采炼铝厂所需的矾土。

    The next year , another Supreme Court committee accused the company of forcing 102 indigenous families from their homes in Odisha State , in eastern India , where it sought to mine bauxite for use in an aluminum refinery .