
  • 网络The Obama Administration
  1. 奥巴马政府(government)表示,尽管白宫希望(hope)加强监管,但没有将银行国有化的计划。

    The Obama administration says that while it wants tighter regulations , it has no plans to nationalize banks .

  2. 不过,奥巴马政府推进了布什时代NASA的另一个项目。

    Instead , the Obama administration built upon another Bush-era NASA initiative .

  3. 那位政治家解释了奥巴马政府的典型特征。

    The politician explained the characteristic qualities of the Obama administration .

  4. 当天,奥巴马政府以违反世界贸易规则为由,在世界贸易组织(wto)对华提起两起新案件。

    The Obama administration that day opened two fresh cases against China , for breaching Global trade rules , at the World Trade Organisation .

  5. 政府扩大支出的方式也更具创造性,美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)和即将上任的奥巴马政府计划扩大支出。

    And government has more creative ways to spend , which both the current Federal Reserve and the incoming Obama administration intend to do .

  6. 奥巴马政府签署了一项具有象征意义的重要协定,并将启动与东盟(ASEAN)的峰会。

    The administration signed a symbolically important treaty and will inaugurate a summit with the Association of South-east Asian Nations .

  7. 副总统乔•拜登(JoeBiden)表示奥巴马政府将重新考虑对华政策。

    Vice-President Joe Biden has said the Obama administration is taking a new look at China policy .

  8. 这些谈判能否取得成功,将取决于奥巴马政府是否会从国会获得贸易促进权(TPA)。

    Whether these negotiations succeed will depend on whether the administration obtains trade promotion authority from Congress .

  9. 他还敦促奥巴马政府考虑重新对利比亚出口原油实施制裁&这些制裁是在小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)总统任内取消的。

    He urged the Obama administration to consider reimposing crude oil sanctions lifted during the presidency of George W. Bush .

  10. 此前,奥巴马政府上周六否决了国际贸易委员会做出的禁止进口和销售部分苹果iPhone和iPad产品的裁决。

    They follow the Obama administration 's veto last Saturday of an ITC order banning the import and sale of some Apple iPhones and iPads .

  11. 我认为奥巴马政府为这个决定作铺垫已经有相当长时间了,华盛顿战略与国际问题研究中心(CenterforStrategicandInternationalStudies)的葛莱仪(BonnieGlaser)表示。

    I think the administration has been paving the way for this decision for quite some time , said Bonnie Glaser of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington .

  12. 该计划需要NASA设计和运行两枚火箭,奥巴马政府认为它的成本过于高昂,于是取消了火箭项目。

    That effort relied on two rockets designed and operated by NASA . The Obama administration concluded that approach was too expensive and canceled the rockets .

  13. 美国环保署昨日宣布一项裁定,使奥巴马政府有更大理由监管二氧化碳排放,也让巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)总统得到在哥本哈根气候变化会议上采取主动的新理由。

    President Barack Obama has been armed with new ammunition for the Copenhagen summit on climate change with an announcement yesterday giving the US administration enhanced authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions .

  14. 这也将与奥巴马政府对克莱斯勒(chrysler)和通用汽车(generalmotors)所采取的行动形成反差,这些行动是向这两家困境中的汽车制造商提供进一步支持的条件。

    It would also mark a contrast with the actions that the Obama administration has taken as a condition of providing further support to troubled automakers Chrysler and general motors such as the vetting of business plans .

  15. 克里的电话只是奥巴马政府和CIA企图阻止报告公布漫长过程中最新一次举动。

    Kerry 's phone call is only the latest in a long series of efforts by the Obama administration and the CIA to obstruct the report 's release .

  16. (奥巴马政府基于向前看而不是向后追溯的准则,拒绝起诉涉及破坏关键证据的CIA官员。)

    ( The Obama administration , under its doctrine of looking forward not backward , refused to prosecute the CIA officials involved in destroying this key evidence . )

  17. 迪克·切尼就是不能闭上他的嘴,他说他对奥巴马政府关于CIA虐囚的调查感到很不安。

    Dick Cheney can 't keep his mouth closed , and he 's talking about how he 's really upset with the Obama Administration about the CIA torture probe .

  18. 奥巴马政府一直试图通过“问题资产救助计划”(tarp)来限制银行薪酬,但这还不够。

    The Obama administration has been trying to set compensation limits for banks under the Troubled Asset Relief Programme . But this is insufficient .

  19. 更有意思的问题是,奥巴马政府对保罗沃尔克(PaulVolcker)为大型金融机构集团瘦身计划的支持,是否将会对纽约产生不利影响。

    The more interesting question is whether the Obama Administration 's support for Paul Volcker 's plan to downsize large complex financial institutions will have an adverse impact on New York .

  20. 尽管MEDICARE支出有拖垮联邦预算的危险,但奥巴马政府依然提议称我们现在多花钱,以后就能少花钱。

    MEDICARE expenditures threaten to crush the federal budget , yet the Obama administration is proposing that we start by spending more now so we can spend less later .

  21. 与此同时,奥巴马政府还鼓励采取常识性步骤来防止甲型H1N1流感的传播,包括经常洗手,让流感患者待在家里等。

    In the meantime , the Obama administration is urging common-sense steps to prevent the spread of swine flu , including frequent hand-washing and asking flu sufferers to stay at home .

  22. 在美国国会以及欧盟(EU)的压力下,奥巴马政府很可能会追随对伊朗进行石油禁运的号召,但美国人对这种做法的后果显然十分紧张&而且他们的紧张有其道理。

    Under pressure from Congress , as well as the European Union , the Obama administration might well go along with calls for an oil embargo on Iran , but the Americans are clearly nervous about the consequences – and rightly so .

  23. 克诺普夫出版社,35美元。这本叙事坦白的书或许是史上最佳华盛顿回忆录之一,书中奥巴马政府成员里少有的好人之一就是希拉里·克林顿(HillaryClinton)。

    ( Knopf , $ 35 . ) One of the few Obama administration members who come off well in this frank account probably one of the best Washington memoirs ever is Hillary Clinton .

  24. 尽管在提交给WTO专家小组的争议问题中,美国并非全部获胜,但这次裁决被奥巴马政府看作胜利。奥巴马政府正在不遗余力地向选民兜售其在贸易执法方面的强硬立场。

    Although the US did not prevail in every argument it made before the WTO panel , the ruling was being treated as a win by the Obama administration , which is seizing every opportunity to tout its tough stance on trade enforcement with voters .

  25. 华盛顿&周一,奥巴马政府有条件地批准了壳牌墨西哥湾公司(ShellGulfofMexico)今年夏天开始在阿拉斯加海岸开采石油,这对于石油产业是个重大胜利,但对于环保人士却是个灾难性打击。

    WASHINGTON & The Obama administration Monday gave conditional approval to allow Shell Gulf of Mexico to start drilling for oil off the Alaskan coast this summer , a major victory for the petroleum industry and a devastating blow to environmentalists .

  26. 不过奥巴马政府官员表示,政府将接近达成一个关键的财政目标:到2015年实现基本平衡(不计债务利息),预算赤字与GDP之比略高于3%。

    Still , Obama administration officials say they will come close to achieving a key fiscal goal : a primary balance , excluding interest on the debt , by 2015 , with a budget deficit just above 3 per cent of GDP .

  27. 当奥巴马政府反对授权有关部门让违规网站消失(域名系统屏蔽)时,默多克在Twitter上发布了一条怪诞夸张的评论:奥巴马跟硅谷的金主们站到一起了。

    When the Obama administration objected to granting the authorities power to make offending websites disappear ( domain name system blocking ), Murdoch tweeted this grotesque exaggeration : Obama has thrown in his lot with Silicon Valley paymasters .

  28. 传统而言,世行行长实际上由美国任命,而欧洲则掌控着国际货币基金组织(imf)总裁一职,奥巴马政府对提名佐利克连任的想法反应冷淡。

    Traditionally , the US has in effect nominated the president of the world bank and European governments the managing director of the International Monetary Fund , and the Obama administration was cool to the idea of reappointing Mr Zoellick to a second term .

  29. 如果你计入奥巴马政府的财政规划,那将意味着今后10年赤字增加远超10万亿美元这些数字令人深感震惊,布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)资深经济学家比尔盖尔(BillGale)表示。

    If you include the administration 's fiscal plans , this implies a deficit increase way in excess of 10 trillion dollars over the next decade the numbers are deeply alarming , said Bill Gale , a senior economist at the Brookings Institution .

  30. 罗姆尼的一名顾问奈尔加德纳(nilegardiner)夸张地列出了一份清单,宣称上面都是表明奥巴马政府轻慢英国的一些事实,其中大多数连英国人自己都没有注意到。

    While Nile Gardiner , one Romney adviser , has made a fetish of compiling lists of alleged slights to Britain by the Obama administration , most of these have failed to register with the British themselves .