
  • 网络upanishad;Upanisad;the Upanishads
  1. 奥义书上说所有的事物都由快乐创造并且支撑。

    The Upanishads have said that all things are created and sustained by an infinite joy .

  2. 他曾精研过古印度哲学的精华《奥义书》,并承认那是他哲学思想的三个来源之一。

    He ever studied carefully Indian " Upanishads ", and admitted that it is one of the three sources of his philosophy .

  3. 奥义书对印度古代不少宗教都有重要影响。

    Upanisads have the important influence upon many religions in ancient India .

  4. 相当长的察汗多雅奥义书发展了灵魂轮回的观念。

    The fairly long Chhandogya-upanishad develops the idea of transmigration of souls .

  5. 伊萨奥义书着重于人类灵魂与神的灵魂的同一性。

    The Isha-upanishad emphasizes the identity of the human soul with the divine soul .

  6. 大乘佛教的晚期经典《楞伽经》与印度古代的哲学宝典《奥义书》有着诸多相似之处。

    The later period Mahayana Sutra Lankavatara-sutra is similar with the ancient India philosophical classics Upanad .

  7. 远古的过去留下的文字残迹奥义书,既明晰又文雅,拥有极大的文学价值。

    As literary remnants of the ancient past , the upanishads-both lucid and elegant-have great literary value .

  8. 卡那奥义书论述了神圣要素(婆罗门)的品质和众神与神圣要素的关系。

    The Kena-upanishad discusses the qualities of the divine essence ( Brahman ) and the relationship of the gods to the divine essence .

  9. 门徒:奥义书说“一切都是梵”,为什么商竭罗却说“这个世界是一个幻象”。

    D. : When the Upanishads say that all is Brahman , how can we agree with Shankara that this world is illusory ?

  10. 巴克提这个术语,意思是奉献于一个人格化的神,出现在《薄伽梵歌》和《白净识者奥义书》上。

    The term bhakti , in the sense of devotion to a personal god , appears in the Bhagavadgita and the Svetasvatara Upanishad .

  11. 《新约》,《奥义书》以及《佛经》中都认为律法的条款不能使人得救或解脱。

    Works of law cannot save or liberate , according to passages from the New Testament , the Upanishads , and the Buddhist scriptures .

  12. 吠陀时期的终结集结在《奥义书》上,形成了传统编辑的吠陀文集的结束部分。

    The terminus ad quem of the Vedic period is marked by the composition of the Upanishads , which form the concluding part of the Vedic corpus in the traditional compilations .

  13. 《奥义书》更具哲学的特点,它包括了印度教的中心理论思想,其后面部分的文献通常称作《吠檀多》意思是《吠陀》的最后一部分。

    The upanishads , somewhat later writings usually called Vedanta that is , the end of the veda , are more philosophic in character and contain the central theoretical ideas of hinduism .

  14. 奥义书有句话说:“人们依据自己的性情,以及自己认为最佳或最恰当的方式而走上不同的道路,无论直路或弯路——每一条路都抵达神,有如河川汇流入海。”

    As one line from the Upanishads suggests : " People follow different paths , straight or crooked , according to their temperament , depending on which they consider best , or most appropriate - and all reach You , just as rivers enter the ocean . "