
  • 网络Veda;the vedas
  1. 《吠陀经》提到了意识所在的七个层面。

    The Vedas speak of seven planes where the mind dwells .

  2. 这是否会损害吠陀经的可靠性?

    Does it not impair the credibility of the Vedas ?

  3. 属于、关于吠陀经或写吠陀的一种早期梵文。

    Of or relating the the Vedas or to the ancient Sanskrit in which they were written .

  4. 吠陀经包含了无限的知识,可以唤醒灵性。

    The Vedas are a vast body of jnana , knowledge , for the attainment of spiritual awakening .

  5. 它不是通过重复的圣经或吠陀经使你成为一个知者,不是。

    It is not by repetition of the Bible or Vedas that you will become a knower , no.

  6. 当前的假说就是梵语形式的吠陀经保存了下来,直到公元前一千年中叶为止。

    The current hypothesis is that the Vedic form of Sanskrit survived until the middle of the first millennium BC .

  7. 以他的情形来看,他的精神导师或者古鲁是一个数百年前已经死去的《吠陀经》讲解者。

    In his case , his spirit guide or guru had been a commentator on the Vedas who had died centuries ago .

  8. 吠陀经最重要的目的在于教导我们那不朽真我的本性,并向我们显示“我们就是那”。

    The essential aim of the Vedas is to teach us the nature of the imperishable Self and show us that we are That .

  9. 有趣的是,要注意一下传统的印度教相信吠陀经是永恒和提示出它的词语和词序。

    It is interesting to note that orthodox Hinduism believes that the language of the Vedas is eternal and revealed in its wording and word order .

  10. 改为:希腊神话和伊索寓言,都是起源于吠陀经和佛教;波斯人又把它带到阿拉伯世界。

    Greek myths , as well as the fables of Aesop , inherited them from the Vedas and Buddhism ; Persia also took them from India .

  11. 周谛士通常是作为吠陀经的主体部分&《梨俱吠陀》的指导要素而谈论。

    Jyotish is often discussed as the instructional element of the Rig Veda , and as such is a Vedanga , or " body part " of the Vedas .

  12. 吠陀颂歌是根据《吠陀经》中给出的语调唱诵的。

    Vedic Mantras are chanted according to the intonation given in the Vedas .