
  • 网络Vedic culture;Vedic period
  1. 瑜伽源于吠陀文化,是印度教的前生。

    Yoga originated from the Vedic culture , which is pre-Hindu .

  2. 吠陀意味着理解,那么进行灵性练习的地方则是一种吠陀文化。

    When veda means knowing , then everywhere spirituality is practiced is a vedic culture .

  3. 尽管后者占了大部分,阿达婆吠陀还是呈现出比梨俱吠陀更原始的文化。

    Although later in age , the Atharvaveda reveals a more primitive culture than the rigveda .

  4. 有关《吠陀》与法的部分并不专指印度,而只是对在印度留存时间最久的吠陀文化的一瞥。

    The section on Veda & Dharma is not specific to India , but is a glimpse of a vedic culture which remained in India the longest time .