
  • 网络gujarat;State of Gujarat;Gujarat state;Sanand
  1. 他说,印度的另外三个邦喜马偕尔邦、古吉拉特邦和恰蒂斯加尔邦已经从该项目中获得启示,并任命了CDM官员设计类似的项目。

    Three more Indian states Himachal Pradesh , Gujarat and Chhattisgarh have taken a cue from the project and appointed CDM officers to design similar projects , he says .

  2. 另外,电力设备制造商特变电工(TBEA)也在营商环境较好的古吉拉特邦设立工厂。

    TBEA , a power equipment manufacturer , is also setting up a plant in the business-friendly state of Gujarat .

  3. 印度古吉拉特邦(Gujarat)计划在今年年底前完成数千英亩的土地收购,为其建造世界最大太阳能产业群的计划做准备。

    India 's Gujarat state is planning to complete the acquisition of thousands of acres of land by the end of this year for its plan to build the world 's largest solar power complex .

  4. 通过其对保障性住房的研究,新兴市场解决方案研究中心在位于印度西部古吉拉特邦(gujarat)汽车工业城市拉杰果德(rajkot)的郊区帮助建设了一个包括218套住房的试点项目。

    Through its research on affordable housing , the centre helped to create a 218-unit pilot project outside Rajkot , a city in the western state of Gujarat heavily involved in the car industry .

  5. 国际组织已将救援物资和医务人员火速运往古吉拉特邦。

    International organizations have also rushed relief supplies and medical personnel to gujarat .

  6. 印度目前存在一场有关古吉拉特邦是不是将成为样板的辩论。

    There is debate in India over whether Gujarat is the model it is alleged to be .

  7. 有健康专家指出,就肥胖方面,喀拉拉邦位列旁遮普和古吉拉特邦之后排第三。

    Kerala ranks third after Punjab and Gujarat in terms of obesity , according to health experts .

  8. 2001年1月26日印度古吉拉特邦7.8级地震综述

    An Overview of the Devastating Earthquake With Magnitude 7.8 Struck the Gujarat State , India on January 26,2001

  9. 古吉拉特邦是世界上最大的恐龙化石收集地。

    India 's Gujarat state is home to one of the world 's largest collections of dinosaur remains .

  10. 古吉拉特邦已经在今年年初开始进行它的太阳能项目,许多太阳能场地已经规划出来。

    In Gujarat , which launched its own solar mission earlier this year , mega solar parks are planned .

  11. 印度西部古吉拉特邦的医生,成功地从一名一个月大的婴儿口中拔除了7颗牙齿。

    Doctors in the western Indian state of Gujarat have successfully extracted seven teeth from a one-month old infant .

  12. 这种挑战的难度可能比莫迪在古吉拉特邦克服的挑战高一个级别。

    This challenge is possibly an order of magnitude more daunting than those Mr Modi once overcame in Gujarat .

  13. 大约四十年前,一个社区服务组织开始在西印度古吉拉特邦提供眼科护理服务。

    Almost forty years ago , a community service organization started providing eye care in Gujarat State , in western India .

  14. 根据与克林顿基金会拟定的计划,古吉拉特邦政府将开发该邦1.2至1.5万英亩的荒废土地。

    Under its plan with the Clinton Foundation , the Gujarat government will develop 12,000-15,000 acres of waste land in the state .

  15. 但现在,被视为经济治理罕见典范的古吉拉特邦已批准了该项目。

    But now the state of Gujarat , which is a rare model of good economic governance , has taken the project instead .

  16. 1934年的大地震在尼泊尔和印度北部的比哈尔邦造成了巨大的破坏;2001年发生在印度古吉拉特邦的地震则使两万人遇难。

    A 1934 earthquake caused immense damage in Nepal and Bihar in northern India , and 20,000 died in the Gujarat earthquake of 2001 .

  17. 过着半游牧生活的拉巴里(Rabari)部落的牧民,沿着南至古吉拉特邦、东至中央邦的古老路线在这个国家跋涉迁徙。

    Through this country wander semi-nomadic herders of the Rabari tribe following ancient routes that take them south into Gujarat and east into Madhya Pradesh .

  18. 事实上,泰米尔纳德邦的蒂鲁巴和哥印拜陀市正在快速地取代古吉拉特邦的阿默达巴德和苏拉特,成为印度纺织业的中心。

    In fact , Tirupur and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu are fast displacing Ahmedabad and Surat in Gujarat as the leading textile centres of India .

  19. 随后,降雨活动可能会增加对中央邦在明天和马哈拉施特拉邦,果阿邦和古吉拉特邦从27日开始。

    Subsequently , the rainfall activity is likely to increase over Madhya Pradesh from tomorrow and over Maharashtra , Goa and Gujarat state from27th onwards .

  20. 白宫表示,特朗普将前往印度新德里以及总理莫迪的故乡古吉拉特邦艾哈迈达巴德市。

    The White House says Trump will travel to New Delhi and Ahmedabad , a city in Indian Prime Minister Modi 's home state of Gujarat .

  21. 事实可能会证明,在国家层面上实施旨在提振制造业或鼓励资本投资的改革,其难度要大于他掌管古吉拉特邦时在该邦实施这些改革。

    Reforms aimed at boosting manufacturing or encouraging capital investment may prove tougher to implement at national level than they did when he was running Gujarat .

  22. 莫迪通过视频链接,对在他的家乡古吉拉特邦举行的这一颁奖仪式进行了发言,并向一些员工展示了汽车钥匙。

    Modi addressed the prize-giving in his home state of Gujarat via video link , as well as presenting some of the employees with car keys .

  23. 受影响的邦为安德拉邦、安达曼和尼科巴群岛、泰米尔纳德、卡纳塔克、马哈拉施特拉邦、古吉拉特邦、中央邦、喀拉拉邦和德里邦。

    The affected states are Andhra Pradesh , Andaman & Nicobar Islands , Tamil Nadu , Karnataka , Maharashtra , Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh , Kerala and Delhi .

  24. 这些农民称,这列火车本来应经过北方邦、拉贾斯坦邦和古吉拉特邦,最后到达马哈拉施特拉邦,但实际路线却在他们不知情的情况下发生了变化。

    The farmers said that the train was due to reach Maharashtra via Uttar Pradesh , Rajasthan and Gujarat states , but the route had been changed without their knowledge .

  25. 一位来自古吉拉特邦的妇女表示:我哥病了,我已经5年没见过他了,或许我还能再见他一面。

    My brother is sick . I haven 't seen him for five years . Maybe I will get to meet him once again , said a woman from Gujarat .

  26. 根据一份报告,印度西部古吉拉特邦第二大用人行业&纺织制造业,正在逐渐地失去其地位。

    Textile manufacturing sector , the second largest employer in the west Indian State of Gujarat , is slowly losing its ground in the State , according to a report .

  27. 中国在印度的投资中有9亿美元都投在了古吉拉特邦,他曾三次担任这里的首席部长,这个地方也被称为印度的广东。

    Much of China 's $ 900 million investment in India is in Gujarat , where Modi served as a three-time chief minister and the state was dubbed India 's Guangdong .

  28. 性别比例最扭曲的邦,比如旁遮普邦、哈里亚纳邦和古吉拉特邦,都是印度最富有的地区。这表明扭曲的性别选择将不会由于财富和政府的政策得以纠正。

    The states with the worst sex ratios Punjab , Haryana , Gujarat are among the richest , which suggests distorted sex selection will not be corrected just by wealth or government policy .

  29. 西海岸的古吉拉特邦地下水的涌出无疑显示了印度正在下沉,还有东海岸的戈巴尔布尔海水形成的洪水同样是证据。

    The gushing of groundwater in Olpad on the west coast shows without a doubt that India is sinking , as does the inundation by sea water at Gopalpur on the east coast .

  30. 2月28日,西部省份古吉拉特邦有关部门为杜绝舞弊现象进行了另一项尝试:举办公务员考试的城市、乡镇,需要屏蔽当地的手机上网服务。

    In another attempt to stamp out cheating , on Sunday authorities in the western state of Gujarat blocked mobile phone internet services in cities and towns where entrance exams were taking place for public service jobs .