
gǔ lù
  • old land;archicontinent
古陆[gǔ lù]
  1. 主要物源来自北部的汉南古陆。

    The major sediments originated from the northern Hannan Old Land .

  2. 雪峰古陆地区深部地质构造探讨

    The deep geological structure in the Xuefeng old land area

  3. 豫西G层铝土矿分布于古陆边缘的控制因素

    The Controlling Factors of the Bauxite in G Horizon of Western

  4. 晚泥盆世或早石炭世,Indochina地体与SouthChina板块发生碰撞,形成一个超级联合古陆Cathaysialand。

    In late Devonian or Early Carboniferous times , the Indochina Terrane collided with South China and formed an amalgamated super-terrane called " Cathaysialand " .

  5. 华夏古陆八宝山金银矿为140±5Ma的火山热液成矿。

    The Babaoshan gold-silver deposit in Cathaysian oldland is 140 ± 5Ma old originated from volcanic hydrothermal ore-formation .

  6. 前寒武纪早期朝鲜半岛地壳的形成与演化&古陆的形成阶段(Ar-Pt1)

    Formation and evolution of Early Precambrian crust in Korean Peninsula ― formation stages of palaeocontinent ( Ar-Pt_1 )

  7. 元古宙末期(800~900Ma)联合古陆的形成;

    ) formation of united paleo - continent at the end of Proterozoic ( 80 0 ~ 90 0 Ma ) ;

  8. 扬子地块区发育800~620Ma的基性岩墙群,反映了新元古代扬子古陆块的聚合、伸展过程。

    While basic dyke swarms of 800 ~ 620Ma in the Yangtze block indicates the convergence and extension in the Neo Proterozoic .

  9. 模拟结果显示中国西部地区的岩石圈有效弹性厚度存在明显的横向不均匀性,从6~10km的造山带区域的有效弹性厚度变到大于60km的古陆区域的有效弹性厚度。

    The modeling results show that the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere in China varies significantly from elastic thickness of 6-10 km in highly deformed mountain belts to over 60 km in stable platform areas .

  10. 地球旋转膨胀与冈瓦纳古陆裂解

    The Expansion of the Rotating Earth and the Breakup of Gondwanaland

  11. 冈瓦古陆的一部分,印度,随后与亚洲合并。

    One piece of Gondwanaland , India , later joined Asia .

  12. 以前那些沉积物将蚂蚁的起源定位在劳拉古陆。

    Those deposits had placed the origin of ants in Laurasia .

  13. 兽脚类主要产自远古的南方大陆&冈瓦纳古陆。

    Theropods are mainly known from the ancient southern landmass , Gondwana .

  14. 江南古陆金矿床长期以来被认为是一种广义层控金矿床。

    The Jiangnan terrain is a famous gold mineralization belt in China .

  15. 江西二叠纪古陆问题的讨论

    Discussion on Permian " Ancient Continent " in Jiangxi Province

  16. 秦岭佛坪古陆及周边热事件、盆地与成矿

    Thermal event , basin and metallogenesis of the Fuping ancient land , Qinling

  17. 青藏古特提斯蛇绿岩与冈瓦纳古陆北界亚洲特提斯域岩相古地理与油气聚集地质特征

    Geological Characteristics of Lithofacies Paleogeography and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Asian Tethyan Tectonic Domain

  18. 冈瓦纳古陆与太平洋古陆在中国西南部的分界及其相关地体的缝合时代

    Boundary between Gondwana and Pacifica and suture age of allied terranes in southwestern China

  19. 在罗迪尼亚大陆中,华南可能位于劳仑古陆南部和澳大利亚东部之间;

    South China is geologically plausible to be between southern Laurentia and eastern Australia .

  20. 这个超级大陆并不是人们所熟知的泛古陆,而是联合大陆的前身:罗迪尼亚超大陆。

    This was not the well-known supercontinent Pangea-it was Pangea 's predecessor , Rodinia .

  21. 中朝地块与扬子地块在古生代晚期是太平洋古陆的一部分

    Sino-Korean block and Yangtze block as part of the Pacifica continent in the late Paleozoic

  22. 中国沉积盆地演化与联合古陆的形成和裂解

    Evolution of sedimentary basins in China and its relationship with formation and break-up of Pangea

  23. 雪峰古陆的加里东期推覆构造

    Study on the Nappe Structure of Xuefeng Old Land in Caledonian Stage in Hunan Province

  24. 鄂尔多斯古陆核内部中生代晚期火山岩的发现及其地质意义

    Discovery of Late Mesozoic Magmatic Rocks in Ordos ancient continent nucleus and its geological implication

  25. 雪峰古陆加里东期的构造性质和构造演化

    Tectonic nature and tectonic evolution of the " xuefeng oldland " in the Caledonian stage

  26. 安加拉古陆外围晚二叠世混生植物群特征及形成机制的讨论

    The characters of the Late Permian mixed floras around Angara land and their formative mechanism

  27. 联合古陆演化周期中超大型含煤及含油气盆地的形成

    Formation of the giant coal bearing and hydrocarbon bearing basins during the Pangea evolution cycle

  28. 皖南变质岩分布区是古陆还是一个造山带?

    Is the tectonic setting of South Anhui metamorphic rocks an ancient land or an orogen ?

  29. 雪峰古陆东南侧中、晚泥盆世沉积模式探讨

    A preliminary study OE the middle & late DEVONIAN SEDIMENTARY model in southeastern Xuefeng old land

  30. 他提出目前的大陆以前是连在一起的一个巨大陆块,他把这个陆块称为联合古陆。

    He proposed that the present continents once comprised one large landmass which he named Pangaea .