- Palaearctic region

[Palaearctic region] 全北区(大陆动物地理区之一)划分的一个亚界,包括欧洲、亚洲北部以及非洲撒哈拉以北
At present , 87 percent of the sixty-one species of Vanessa which have been identified are distributed in Orient region , and 13 percent of them are distributed both in Orient region and palaearctic region .
There are93.9 % of the total belonging to Palaearctic Region , which means , in Shanxi Province , most species have a Palaearctic distribution .
Pleistocene distributional and evolutionary history of the genus Saiga gray , 1843 ( mammalia , artiodactyla , bovidae ) in the Palaearctic
Great Gerbil ( Rhombomys opimus ) is a typical desert rodent species in the desert and semi-desert habitats in central Asia , so it is regarded as one of the indicator species of Palaearctic desert and semi-desert .
The present paper deals with the characteristics of insect fauna in northwestern Yunnan province .
It includes 16 subfamilies 93 genera in China , mostly distributed in Oriental realm , others in Paleoarctic realm .
Seven tribes are all exist in Afrotropical region , 4 tribes in palearctic , 3 in Oriental and2 in Australian region respectively .
Conclusion The species of genus Hydrotaea in Hebei province make up 30.00 % of known Hydrotaea in China and have a Palaearctic distribution .
Conclusion The species of Anthomyiidae in Hebei province made up 13.20 % of known Anthomyiidae in China , 5.50 % of those in the world and most species had a Palaearctic distribution .
The Palaearctic species are the main specie in the north slope of Changbai Mountain . With the rising of altitude , the flower-visiting longicorn beetles gradually become less , the Palaearctic species increase , and the species common to Palaearctic and Oriental regions decrease .
Xuzhou-Xuyi Hilly Land Province and Huaibei Plain Province have obvious features of Palaearctic fauna and Palaearctic birds were accounting for 68.31 % , 68.57 % respectively .
Huainan Plain Province and Nanjing-Yixing Mountains Province have features of Transitional flora . The former inclined to the Palaearctic fauna while the latter inclined to the Oriental fauna .
77 species belong to boreal taxa , which are 81 % of all breeders . It obviously reflects the feature of Palearctic realm .
In the coniferous forests , the oriental and the palearctic almost accounted for a half .
The spatial distribution patterns of gamasid mites in Yunnan Province may be the results of the edge effect between the Oriental and Palaearctic realms .