
  • 网络Egyptians;the ancient Egyptians
  1. 古埃及人把天堂视为他们现实生活的理想形式。

    The ancient Egyptians saw paradise as an idealized version of their own lives .

  2. 金字塔是古埃及人非凡工程技术的明鉴。

    The pyramids are an eloquent testimony to the ancient Egyptians ' engineering skills .

  3. 古埃及人曾经拥有高度的文明。

    The ancient Egyptians had an advanced civilization .

  4. 没有人知道古埃及人是如何在开罗附近建造金字塔的。

    No one is sure how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids near Cairo .

  5. 古埃及人建造的金字塔沿着河岸耸立。

    Pyramids built by ancient Egyptians rise along its banks .

  6. 古埃及人也制造肥皂。

    Ancient Egyptians also made soap .

  7. 足,罗河谷拥有充足的淡水与阳光,这二者被古埃及人奉为神灵,他们尊称太阳为AMON,称尼罗河为APIS。

    The Nile valley is a fertile one where there is an abundance of water and sun , elements which the ancient Egyptian believed were gods , they called the sun Amon and the Nile Apis .

  8. 第一个为人所知的驱虫剂是由古埃及人所使用的。

    The first known mosquito repellent was used by ancient Egyptians .

  9. 古埃及人还制做了蜂蜜药膏来对付各种伤病。

    Ancient Egyptians made ointments of honey to treat various injuries .

  10. 古埃及人究竟是怎么修建金字塔的呢?

    How on Earth did the ancient Egyptians build the pyramids ?

  11. 采矿孔雀石开始早在公元前4000年古埃及人。

    Mining Malachite began as early as4000 BC by ancient Egyptians .

  12. 古埃及人埋葬国王和王后时都会让他们双臂交叉。

    Ancient Egyptians buried their kings and queens with their arms crossed .

  13. 古埃及人将非洲野猫驯服并予以神化。

    The African wildcat was tamed and deified by the ancient egyptians .

  14. 古埃及人崇敬他们作为更新生命的一个符号。

    The ancient Egyptians revered them as a symbol of renewed life .

  15. 古埃及人懂得保护尸体使之不腐烂的方法。

    The ancient Egyptians knew ways to preserve dead bodies from decay .

  16. 古埃及人相信法老王的神性。

    Ancient Egyptians believed in the divinity of the Pharaohs .

  17. 古埃及人庆祝新季节中的第一批收获的水果。

    The ancient Egyptians celebrated the first fruit of the new season .

  18. 古埃及人将蜂胶珍视为一种防腐剂。

    The ancient Egyptians prized propolis as an embalming agent .

  19. 古埃及人用平坦的石块来做枕头。

    Ancient Egyptians used slabs of stones as pillows .

  20. 古埃及人亲属观念的语言学透视

    Humans Linguistic Analysis on Kinship Ideology of Ancient Egyptians

  21. 千百年里,古埃及人对尼罗河顶礼膜拜。

    For centuries the ancient Egyptians worshipped the Nile .

  22. 古埃及人为什么建造了金字塔?

    Why did the ancient Egyptians build the pyramids ?

  23. 知道么,古埃及人对死亡有一种美好的信仰。

    You know , the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about that .

  24. 古埃及人就玩一种用木头或陶器做成的球类。

    The ancient Egyptians played games with balls made of wood or pottery .

  25. 古埃及人是个令人神往的民族。

    The Ancient Egyptians were a fascinating people .

  26. 古埃及人和古罗马人在饭后会吃这种绿色叶状蔬菜。

    Egyptians and Romans served the green , vegetable at the end of dinner .

  27. 布赖恩表示,古埃及人其实比现代学者想象中的要爱好广泛得多。

    Bryan says ancient Egyptians were a lot more fun thanscholars may have thought .

  28. 古埃及人建造金字塔作为法老和女王的陵墓。

    The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens .

  29. 古埃及人的这些神学知识是早在耶稣之前的众先知之前就有了。

    This is against all the teachings of all the Prophets before and after Jesus .

  30. 古埃及人制造了玻璃、瓷砖、松脂、肥皂和染料。

    The ancient Egyptians could make glass , tile , turpentine , soap and dyes .