
ɡǔ dài fǎ
  • ancient laws
  1. 中外古代法中都有惩罚性赔偿的规定,但这严格来说它们并不是我们所说的现代意义上的惩罚性赔偿。

    All the ancient laws have prescribed Punitive Damages , but it is rigid to say that they are not the Punitive Damages we say in modern times .

  2. 现代法治与权利是紧密相联的,中国的古代法、现行法的推进在一定程度上还欠缺权利观念。

    Modern society , rule of law and right are connected .

  3. 中国古代法是儒家之法。

    China 's ancient law is deemed as Confucian law .

  4. 学者大多认为中国古代法不存在监护制度的规定。

    The law making stipulation on guardianship institution in china .

  5. 道成为中国古代法的精神。

    Dao , therefore , became the spirit of the ancient Chinese law .

  6. 中&中国古代法文化之价值目标

    The Golden Mean : The Value Goal of the Ancient Chinese Legal Culture

  7. 试论古代法与传统法的关系&兼析中西法传统在近现代演变中的差异

    On the Relation of Ancient and Modern Law

  8. 先王世界崇拜与中国古代法起源的特征

    " Ancient Kings World " Worship and Origin of the Ancient Law of China

  9. 论中西古代法文化的根本差异

    Thesis on the Fundamental Diversity in the Ancient legal Cultures of China and the West

  10. 关于印度古代法思想的探讨

    Ancient Indian Concept of Law

  11. 摆脱以西方法学概念诠释中国古代法的模式;

    Getting rid of the method of interpreting Chinese ancient law in light of western legal concepts ;

  12. 中国古代法中慎刑思想是其主流思想。

    In the Chinese ancient times the cautious punishment was its mainstream thought of its legal thoughts .

  13. 中国古代法与现代民法物权制度比较研究&兼及《中华人民共和国物权法(草案)》的相关规定

    A Comparative Study of the Rules on Right in Rem in Chinese Ancient Law and Modern Civil Law

  14. 该制度在古代法上就有相关记载,但那时的惩罚性赔偿并不是现代法意义上的惩罚性赔偿。

    Punitive damages had been recorded in ancient law . But that is not punitive damages in modern law meaning .

  15. 古代法成为统治阶级体现自己意志,贯彻自己意志,维护自己统治的工具。

    Ancient law be the ruling class reflect her will , through our will , to maintain their rule tool .

  16. 因此,以往研究中对中国古代法规则性因素的忽视和否定两种倾向都应该加以修正。

    Hence , the two tendencies of negating and neglecting the normative elements of traditional Chinese law should be amended .

  17. 亨利·梅因试图以他的精辟论断概括古代法的发展历程,事实上他的学说仍显笼统。

    Henry Maine tried to generalize the development of ancient law by his penetrating theory which is actually also a little general .

  18. 作者认为古代法是静止的、并已经成为历史的不可更改的客观存在。

    The author thinks the ancient law has become history which is an static and objective reality that can 't be altered .

  19. 只有对古代法秩序进行重构,才能解决现代社会纠纷,适应现代法治社会的需要。

    Only by reconstructing the ancient law order , can we solve the modern society dispute and adapt the need of law society .

  20. 但笔者认为,中国古代法仍存在对监护关系的调整,集中表现为各种礼制。

    Many learners think that there is not guardianship institution in " Chinese Ancient Law ", but writer thinks there is an adjustment for guardianship .

  21. 对法学古文的翻译是了解、分析、研究中国古代法文化的重要途径。

    Therefore , translating the ancient legal Chinese texts is an important approach to acquaint , analyze and further study on the ancient legal culture .

  22. 缘坐制度在展示不同的时代具有代表性刑法的同时,揭示了中国古代法深厚的宗法文化底蕴。

    It also indicates that different representative penal codes exist in different times , discovering the rich details of patriarchal clan in China 's ancient law .

  23. 此部分论证了我国古代法对挪用公款类犯罪的规定,以及在实践中如何认定问题。

    This part of arguments the ancient method of our country provision appropriate public funds offense and in the fulfillment how to recognize to settle the problem .

  24. 甄别古代法与传统法之间的关系,其学术意义在于追求历史的真实并对法的演变规律进行理论探讨;

    Screen the relation of ancient law and traditional law , the academic meaning is to pursue history true and to discuss the development law in law on the theory ;

  25. 古代法字以其象形文字的独特方式,为我们今天探讨法的定义和起源,提供了许多有益启示。

    The character " Fa " in ancient times , with the unique form of pictograph , has offered a lot of beneficial inspiration for the discussion of its definition and origin today .

  26. 论我国涉外一般侵权行为法律适用的立法考量侵权行为纵横谈&中国古代法与罗马法之比较

    Research About Legislation For The Legal Application Of China 's Foreign Act Of Tort A General Review of the Laws on Torts & A Contrast Between the Tort Laws of Ancient China and Roman

  27. 中西方古代法观念在法的本体、法的状况、法的价值、政体形式、治国方略等方面存在着很大的差异。

    There are some evident differences of the idea of law between ancient China and ancient occident , such as ontology of law , status of law , values of law , regime , reign means , etc.

  28. 各国古代法中就有了关于惩罚性赔偿的规定,近代意义上的惩罚性赔偿制度起源于英美法,并在20世纪的美国得到大力发展。

    The ancient law has a provision on punitive damages . Modern sense , the system of punitive damages originated in the Anglo-American law , and in the 20th century , punitive damages have a big advance in the United States .

  29. 正文第一章首先探究了惩罚性赔偿制度的古代法起源,接着介绍了英美法上惩罚性赔偿制度的产生和发展过程及其改革趋向,最后分析了大陆法系对惩罚性赔偿制度的态度。

    Chapter one focuses on the origin of punitive damages in ancient law at first , then discusses the development and reform of punitive damages in common law system . Finally it analyses the attitude towards punitive damages in civil law system .

  30. 对中国古代法和现代民法物权制度的相关内容进行比较可以发现,中国古代法存在着类似于现代民法动产与不动产的区分,而土地所有权制度则与现行民法有着较大的区别;

    Comparing the contents of the rule on right in rem in Chinese ancient law and modern civil law reveals the similar rule on movable and immovable property in Chinese ancient law , but there are more differences in land ownership between them .