
jīnɡ jì fǎ
  • economic law;law of economy
  1. 现实生活中大量产生的经济法纠纷需要得到解决,而司法解决无疑是最后且最权威的办法。

    A lot of economic law disputes , which generate from the real life , need to be settled .

  2. 本文对经济法的不确定性的研究侧重于经济法在动态意义上的不确定性,即经济立法、经济执法和经济司法的不确定性。

    The thesis puts emphasis on the uncertainty of dynamic economic law , including the uncertainty of economic law 's legislation , execution and judicature .

  3. 一直以来,理论界对循环经济法基本原则确立的方法或标准少有研究。

    Until now in china , there are few studies about the methods or standards of fundamental principles of the circular economy law .

  4. WTO规则及中国经济法调控下的市场经济

    WTO Rules and the Market Economy under Chinese Economic Laws

  5. WTO规则,对中国的经济法是一个严峻挑战。

    The rules of WTO are rigorous challenge to Chinese economic statutes .

  6. 试述WTO与国际惯例和国际经济法的关系

    On the Relationship between WTO and International Customs and International Economic Law

  7. WTO规则下我国经济法的功能

    The Functions of Economic Law of Our Country Under the Regulations of WTO

  8. 主要研究方向:国际经济法、WTO法律制度、区域经济一体化法律制度。

    Main research field : International Economic Law , the law system of WTO , the law system of regional economic intergration .

  9. 另有一些学者认为,WTO规则属于国际贸易法或国际公法的性质,但是国际贸易法或国际经济法与国际公法是建立在不同基础之上的不同制度体系,所以,WTO法也不是国际公法。

    Other scholars believe that WTO law is of the nature of international trade law or international economic law . But they also think that international trade law or international economic law is different from international public law because of the different legal basis .

  10. 研究和运用国际经济法为发展对外经济合作服务

    Study and Apply International Economic Law to Promote External Economic Cooperation

  11. 专长:税法、金融法、经济法。

    Expertise : Tax Law , Financial Law , Economic Law .

  12. 浅谈民族高等院校经济法课程实践性教学改革

    On Reform of Practical Teaching of Economic Law in Ethnic Universities

  13. 区域国际经济法的发展趋势及其影响

    The Developing Tendency and Its Influence of Regional International Economic Law

  14. 论经济法法权之合法性

    On the Legitimacy of the Legal Right in the Economic Law

  15. 论西部大开发的经济法视角

    On the Angle of View of Economic Law of Western Development

  16. 公共利益是经济法的利益价值取向。

    The public benefit is the benefit orientation of economic law .

  17. 论经济法视野中的公权力

    On the Administrative Power in the Vision Field of Economic Law

  18. 论非政府组织在国际经济法中的法律地位

    On the Legal Status of Non-Governmental Organization in International Economic Laws

  19. 论欧盟对美国经济法域外效力的法律阻却

    EU 's Blocking Regulation to U.S. Extraterritorial Application of Economic Law

  20. 中国经济法与行政法的混同:现实图景及原因背景分析

    On the Mix-Up of China 's Economic Law and Administrative Law

  21. 论经济法的社会本位理念及其实现

    The Thought of Society Standard in Economic Law and Its Adoption

  22. 经济法视野下的平行进口问题研究

    On the Parallel Import Question under the Economical Law Vision

  23. 经济法责任体系的二元结构及二重性

    Dualistic Structure and Dual Nature of the Responsibility System of Economic Law

  24. 税收中性与税收调控的经济法思考

    Thinking on Tax Neutrality and Tax Regulation in Economic Law

  25. 经济法主体与民法主体的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Subject of Economic Law and Subject of Civil Law

  26. 经济法思想史对中国经济法治建设的启示

    Enlightenments of economic law idea history to current economics rule by law

  27. 论经济法的本质:协调经济性

    On the Essence of Economic Law : Economy of Harmonization

  28. 经济法专业推行案例式教学的几点想法

    Some Thoughts on the Practice of Case-Teaching in the Economic Law Specialty

  29. 协调&科学发展观的精神,经济法的理念

    Harmony : Essence of Scientific Development Outlook and Logic of Economic Law

  30. 论凯恩斯主义对经济法发展的影响

    The Influence of Keynesianism on the Development of Economic Law