
  • 网络Economics and Finance;Economics & Finance;MSc Economics and Finance
  1. 这是经济与金融部。

    This is the Ministry of Economics and Finance .

  2. 经济与金融中的数学显微镜

    Mathematical Microscope in Economics and Finance

  3. 加入WTO以后,面对经济与金融全球化的压力和对外开放所带来的外部冲击,我国脆弱的银行体系爆发危机的可能性是存在的。

    After entrance WTO , facing pressure from economy and financial globalization and external impacts , there is possible for a bank crisis breaking out in our country .

  4. 斯坦利·费舍尔(StanleyFischer),以色列央行行长,IMF前二号人物,有应对国际经济与金融危机的丰富经验。

    Stanley Fischer , the governor of Israel 's central bank and former number two at the IMF , has vast experience of international economics and financial crises .

  5. 事实上,g8(及其姊妹组织g7,剔除俄罗斯、主要以经济与金融为目的的集团)的行事风格有些像一个服务于imf等机构的筹划指导集团,其本身的治理结构庞大而笨拙。

    In reality , the G8 ( and its smaller sibling the G7 , a primarily economic and financial grouping that excludes Russia ) has acted mainly as a kind of steering group for those institutions such as the IMF whose own governance structures are large and unwieldy .

  6. 农村经济与金融之间存在相互促进发展的关系。

    The relationship between rural economy and finance remains mutually promotive .

  7. 西部区域经济与金融协同发展的几点思考

    On the Coordinated Development of Regional Economy and Banking in West China

  8. 经济与金融的发展之间存在着大致平行的关系。

    Economic development and financial development are roughly parallel .

  9. 金融结构的变迁是伴随着经济与金融的发展产生的。

    The financial structure change is accompanied by the economic and financial development .

  10. 本文从我国转轨体制下的政府作用出发,探讨了在政府介入情况下我国的经济与金融关系。

    This article studies the relation of economy and finance under government interventions .

  11. 论市场经济与金融体制改革

    On Market Economy and the Finance System Reform

  12. 农村经济与金融相互促进发展的典型案例&浏阳个案及其启示

    A Typical Case for the Mutual Promotion and Development of Rural Economy and Finance

  13. 有教堂的市场经济与金融职业人才的培育

    Market Economy with Ethics and Cultivating Financial Talents

  14. 第一,这再次证实了委内瑞拉的经济与金融困局。

    First , it is another confirmation of Venezuela 's economic and financial distress .

  15. 欧洲经济与金融报刊联合会

    Union of the European Economic and Financial Press

  16. 泡沫经济与金融危机

    The Bubble Economy and the Financial Crisis

  17. 虚拟经济与金融危机防范

    Fictitious Economy and Precautions of Financial Crisis

  18. 第四章分析了当前新疆区域经济与金融资源配置所存在的问题。

    Chapter IV analyzes the problems of current economic and financial resources in Xinjiang regions .

  19. 日本经济与金融的最近发展

    Recent Economic and Financial Developments in Japan

  20. 两难选择下的动态最优安排:县域经济与金融支持的上饶个案研究

    Optimized Financial Arrangement in a Dilemma : County-Level Economy and Financial Support of ShangRao Case

  21. 虚拟经济与金融创新

    The Fictitious Economy and Finance Innovation

  22. 知识经济与金融支持

    Knowledge Economy and Financial Support

  23. 李艳芝是西安交通大学经济与金融学院一名普通的金融英语讲师。

    Ms Li is a lecturer in Financial English at Xian Transport Universitys Economic and Banking School .

  24. 当前中国的宏观经济与金融形势仍存在较大的系统性风险隐患。

    At present , the macro economic and financial situation of China still exist superior systematic risk .

  25. 中国脆弱的银行体系是中国宏观经济与金融稳定的最大隐患。

    The weak bank system is the biggest hidden danger of macroeconomy and financial stability in China .

  26. 结果,几乎所有反映经济与金融关系的指标都显出“心博停止”的特征。

    As a result , virtually every indicator of economic and financial relationships exhibits characteristics of cardiac arrest .

  27. 李是西安交通大学经济与金融学院金融英语专业的一名老师。

    Ms Li is a lecturer in Financial English at Xian Transport University 's Economic and Banking School .

  28. 在经济与金融全球化的趋势下,银行业竞争压力进一步增强。

    Under the trend of globalization of economic and finance , competition in banking becomes more and more fierce .

  29. 可以预测,届时台湾会主动或被动地加入该自由贸易区,两岸四地经济与金融会高度的融为一体。

    We can forecast that Taiwan will join the highly free trade area voluntarily sometime in the near future .

  30. 全球金融动荡下的澳大利亚经济与金融&兼论当地中资银行的应对策略

    The Economy and Finance Status of Australia Under Global Financial Crisis & The Counter-measures of Chinese Banks in Australia