
  • 网络GDP;Economic Aggregate;the measure of the nation's total economy
  1. 据国际货币基金组织最新资料表明,全球经济总量前10位、进出口贸易超过2000亿美元以及人均GDP超过1万美元的国家和地区几乎都临海。

    According to recent data of IMF , almost all nations whose GDP are on the top ten , whose exports and imports are over 200 billion and whose GDP per capita is above ten thousand dollars are near the ocean .

  2. 2009年宝鸡在全省的经济总量中排名第四。

    In the2009 , baoji 's GDP ranked fourth in the shaanxi province .

  3. accountfor占有,占…百分比亚太经合组织成员的经济总量在世界占一半以上。

    APEC members account for more than half of the world 's economic output .

  4. GDP崇拜在带来经济总量增长、综合国力增强的同时,也付出了一系列社会代价。

    GDP Worship has stimulated total supply and demand growth and strengthened the overall strength of the country , but has brought about series of social cost .

  5. 在2010年,他们那一丁点儿人口的人均GDP达到了世界第三,并且经济总量增长率高达16.6%,比世界上任何一个国家都要快。

    In 2010 its tiny population had the third highest per capita GDP in the world and its economy grew by 16.6 % , faster than any other .

  6. 以贸易为例,20国集团(G20)占到了全球经济总量的85%。

    Take trade , for example . The Group of Twenty leading nations accounts for 85 per cent of the world 's economy .

  7. 到2009年止,我国GDP总额已达到33.5万亿元,比上年增长8.7%,经济总量已经上升到世界第二位。

    To 2009 , total GDP has reached 33.5 billion yuan , increase 8.7 % compared to last year , economic outputs has rose to the second in the world .

  8. 据统计,在河南省的经济总量中,县域经济占了全省GDP近70%,可见县域经济的发展对于河南全省经济是至关重要的。

    According to statistics , the county economy in Henan province is nearly 70 % of its GDP . That means the county economy is vital to the economy of Henan Province .

  9. 中国经济总量虽然较大,但人均GDP仍然很低,实现现代化还有很长的路要走。

    Although China is a large economy in aggregate terms , its per capita GDP is still very low , and it still has a long way to go before achieving modernization .

  10. 虽然从人均GDP来说,我们离发达国家的距离还很遥远,但中国的经济总量已经成为世界第二,国际影响力日趋强大。

    Although we are far from being a developed country , considering our GDP per capita , our aggregate economy has ranked number two in the world and our worldwide influence is growing stronger .

  11. 汇率对于各地区FDI与净出口的变化会因为开放度、地区财政支出、地区投入产出率和上年经济总量等变量的不同而存在较大差异,最终体现在了经济的增长上。

    The change of trade and FDI which is made by the exchange rate will depend on the opening up degree , Public Finance Expenditure , the area input-output ratio and the last GDP .

  12. 据省工商联2007年发布的数据显示,安徽民营经济总量占全省GDP总量的52.4%,对全省经济增长的贡献率达67.4%。

    According to the data of Provincial Federation of Industry in 2007 : the GDP of Anhui private economy is 52.4 % of total , and the growth rate is 67.4 % which the contribution of Anhui province .

  13. 本文通过对东西经济总量、人均GDP、增长速度、居民收入和城市化水平等方面的对比分析,认为东西经济发展的差距有不断拉大的趋势。

    In this paper , the author illustrates that the regional differential keeps growing by comparative study on gross economic output , per capita GDP , growth rate , household income and level of urbanization between West and East in China .

  14. 现状是,尽管中国的经常项目盈余占其经济总量的比例已不像数年前那么高了,那时经常项目盈余一度达到GDP的10%,但总量还是十分巨大。

    Not , it is true , as massive a surplus as a share of its overall economy as it had a couple of years ago , when the current account surplus reached 10 % of GDP , but huge nonetheless .

  15. 应该说,这一战略选择有着巨大的历史功绩:GDP的快速增长带来的是我国经济总量和财政收入的快速增加、综合国力的明显增强和人民生活水平的显著提高。

    To a great extent , this strategic choice has tremendous historical contribution . The rapid growth of GDP stimulated rapid growth of total supply and demand and revenue , strengthened the overall strength of the country and heightened the living standard .

  16. 基于前人的研究,论文模型采用引力模型,影响因素选择了引力模型中代表经济总量的人均GDP和研究较多的名义汇率、绿色壁垒及贸易协定和组织。

    Based on the previous research , the paper adopts gravity model , and the factors are GDP per capita from gravity model as well as the nominal exchange rate , green barrier and trade agreement and organization which are studied a lot .

  17. 从GDP和人均GDP两方面分析大连市十市县经济总量现状及地区差异,用这两项指标的增长速度分析各市县经济发展的潜力。

    It is analyed the status of total economy and the differences between different regions from GDP and per capita GDP in the ten cities and counties in Dalian , with researching development potential by the growth rate of the two indicators in every city or county .

  18. 在现状对比部分,文章选取两组代表性的指标,第一组是经济总量指标:包括GDP总量及其增长速度,国土面积和人口总量状况;第二组是人均指标。

    In the part of current macro situation contrast , the paper selects two groups of representative indexes , including the first group of economic gross index , as GDP and its growth rate , land area and population contained , and the second group of per capita index .

  19. 当下,其他国家可以通过设定更低的工资标准来降低他们的生产成本。而这份贸易协议,TPP将改变这一现状,让各伙伴国家提高工资标准,提高占全球经济总量40%的区域内的工资水平。

    Right now , other countries can cut their costs by setting lower standards to pay lower wages.This trade agreement , TPP , will change that , holding partner countries to higher standards and raising wages across a region that makes up nearly 40 percent of the global economy .

  20. 从旅游经济总量的占有率来看,城市旅游已经成为现代旅游主体的重要组成部分。

    Urban tourism has become an important part of modern tourism .

  21. 优化产业结构,提高经济总量和效益;

    Optimizing industry frame , improving economy gross and benefit ;

  22. 资源耗减及其对宏观经济总量调整的思考宏观经济的总合变化

    Resource Depletion and Relevant Adjustment in National Accounts ; aggregate macroeconomic change

  23. 从短期看,经济总量仍处于偏热状态;

    In short term , the economy is still overheated ;

  24. 提升沈阳经济总量的思考

    Reflection on the Promotion of Economic Growth of Shenyang

  25. 我国对外贸易飞速发展,经济总量屡创新高。

    Chinese economic and foreign trade has developed rapidly .

  26. 经济总量大,发展速度快;

    Large economic aggregate , rapid pace of development ;

  27. 经济总量的增长在很大程度上取决于产业结构的状态,即产业结构合理,经济便可迅速增长;

    The growth of economy is mainly up to the framework of industry .

  28. 工业经济总量不断壮大,运行质量不断提高。

    Total amount of the industrial economy has grown continuously improve operational quality .

  29. 他说,当前亚洲在世界经济总量中占有1/4的份额。

    At present , Asia takes up a quarter of the global aggregate economy .

  30. 武汉市经济总量中技术进步贡献率较低;

    Secondly , the rate of contribution by the science & technology is low ;