
jīnɡ jì shuāi tuì
  • recession;economic recession;shake-out
  1. 经济衰退导致数百万人失业。

    Economic recession had thrown millions out of work

  2. 足球不可能不受到经济衰退的影响。

    Football is not immune to economic recession .

  3. 经济衰退使住房市场遭受着重大损失。

    The recession is taking its toll on the housing markets .

  4. 尽管经济衰退,公司对进一步扩展仍充满信心。

    Despite the recession the company is confident of further expansion .

  5. 经济衰退没有减弱的迹象。

    There is no sign of a let-up in the recession .

  6. 工商企业开始感受到了经济衰退的全面冲击。

    Businesses are beginning to feel the full impact of the recession .

  7. 在经济衰退期,制造业有很多人失业了。

    Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession .

  8. 其中一个地区正试图挡住经济衰退的趋势。

    One region is attempting to buck the trend of economic decline .

  9. 减税将增强消费者在经济衰退后的信心。

    Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession .

  10. 经济衰退期间成千上万家小企业被迫关门了。

    During the recession thousands of small businesses went broke .

  11. 该国受到经济衰退的严重影响。

    The country has been badly affected by recession .

  12. 尽管出现经济衰退,他们的酒席承办业仍然景气。

    Their catering business remained strong despite the recession .

  13. 我们已渡过了经济衰退的最艰难时期。

    We 're over the worst of the recession .

  14. 经济衰退使扩展公司的任何想法都化为泡影。

    The recession knocked on the head any idea of expanding the company .

  15. 经济衰退导致住房市场不景气。

    The recession has depressed the housing market .

  16. 经济衰退开始产生不良影响。

    The recession is beginning to bite .

  17. 经济衰退期间有几家银行倒闭了。

    Several banks failed during the recession .

  18. 国家南部保护得好,没有受到经济衰退造成的最恶劣影响。

    The south of the country has been cushioned from the worst effects of the recession .

  19. 该党执政时期,国家经历了历史上最严重的经济衰退。

    The party presided over one of the worst economic declines in the country 's history .

  20. 这家公司虽然仍处于危机之中,但已经挺过了经济衰退最严重的日子。

    The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession .

  21. 政客们开始使用令人恐惧的R字头词:recession(经济衰退)。

    Politicians began to use the dreaded R-word : recession .

  22. 目前的经济衰退是由消费支出骤跌引起的。

    The current recession was triggered by a slump in consumer spending

  23. 看似永无止境的经济衰退导致了最近的恶化。

    The recent deterioration has been caused by an apparently endless recession

  24. 该国已经度过了经济衰退最糟糕的时期。

    The country had come through the worst of the recession .

  25. 人们没有意识到这次经济衰退事实上有多严重。

    People don 't realize how serious this recession has actually been

  26. 分析家称日本的经济衰退已经打击了投资者的信心。

    Analysts say the recession in Japan has sapped investor confidence .

  27. 从经济衰退中走出来需要漫长的过程。

    Pulling out of a recession is a lengthy and drawn-out process

  28. 利率的下调将有助于缓解经济衰退的压力。

    Reduced interest rates would help ease recessionary pressures in the economy .

  29. 我们正在经历现代最严重的一段经济衰退。

    We are in one of the most severe recessions in modern times

  30. 加利福尼亚受经济衰退的影响尤为严重。

    California 's been particularly hard hit by the recession .