
  • 网络south ossetia;South Ossetian
  1. 他们可恼地辩称,如果允许科索沃独立,那么南奥塞梯(southossetia)以及高加索地区亲俄的其他飞地也可以如此。

    They argue mischievously that if Kosovo is allowed to become independent , so should South Ossetia and other pro-Russian enclaves in the Caucasus .

  2. 同时,克鲁吉亚两个地区阿布哈兹(Abkhazia)和南奥塞梯(SouthOssetia)迅速卷入分裂主义者制造的混乱,导致了广泛的种族冲突和战争。

    At the same time , two regions of Georgia , Abkhazia and South Ossetia , quickly became embroiled in disputes with local separatists that led to widespread inter-ethnic violence and wars .

  3. 事实上,我们的部队进入冲突地区,是在俄罗斯坦克驶入我们的领土,经过罗基(roki)隧道挺进格鲁吉亚的南奥塞梯之后。

    In fact , our forces entered the conflict zone after Russia rolled its tanks on to our soil , passing through the roki tunnel into South Ossetia , Georgia .

  4. 俄罗斯支持南奥塞梯独立,并在该地区派有维和人员。

    Russia supports the separatists and has peacekeepers in the region .

  5. 他在南奥塞梯的行为不仅愚蠢,并且很可能已经构成犯罪。

    His venture into South Ossetia was foolish and possibly criminal .

  6. 白宫加紧施压,敦促俄罗斯停止在格鲁吉亚要求分离的南奥塞梯地区正在升级的冲突。

    White House Increases Presssure on Russia to End S. Ossetia Crisis

  7. 这场战争决不是因为南奥塞梯或格鲁吉亚。

    This war was never about South Ossetia or Georgia .

  8. 战争爆发时,纳努莉从她在南奥塞梯的公寓逃走。

    She fled her apartment in South Ossetia , when the fighting started .

  9. 莫斯科声称,入侵格鲁吉亚是为了保护南奥塞梯地区的该国公民。

    Moscow says it invaded Georgia to protect its citizens in South Ossetia .

  10. 我们了解南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹问题的复杂历史和现实情况。

    We understand the complex history and realities of South Ossetia and Abkhazia .

  11. 此后,南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹共和国的总统请求俄罗斯承认两国独立。

    The presidents of the two republics appealed to Russia to recognise their independence .

  12. 俄罗斯说,他们上个星期在格鲁吉亚军队试图占领南奥塞梯之后采取了干涉行动。

    Russia says it intervened last week after Georgian forces tried to capture South Ossetia .

  13. 本周二,俄罗斯宣布承认南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹地区独立。

    On Tuesday Russia recognised the independence of the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia .

  14. 把握机会,以争取在南奥塞梯的特种部队在'8天华

    Take a chance to fight as Special Ops in South Osetia during '8 days Wa

  15. 同时萨科奇还谈到“我们还将南奥塞梯政治地位的条款去掉了”。

    We have removed the issue of South Ossetia 's status from the document ' .

  16. 卡斯拉泽住所离南奥塞梯分界线只有一公里。

    The Kasradze home is just a kilometer from the dividing line with South Ossetia .

  17. 俄罗斯的阿纳托利.诺格威茨欣将军周六说,俄罗斯维和部队永远也不会离开南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹。

    Russian general Anatoly Nogovitsyn Saturday said Russian peacekeepers will never leave South Ossetia and Abkhazia .

  18. 我们也将听到我们刚刚到达南奥塞梯的记者的报道。

    We 'll also hear from our correspondent who has just arrived in South Ossetia itself .

  19. 最近发生的暴力袭击是南奥塞梯1992年获得事实上的独立以来最严重的敌对冲突。

    The recent violence is the worst since the region won de facto independence in 1992 .

  20. 南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹俄罗斯族人口密集,却抵抗格鲁吉亚的同化。

    South Ossetia and Abkhazia are heavily d by ethnic Russians and have resisted with Georgia .

  21. 北约秘书长宣布,俄罗斯侵犯了格鲁吉亚在南奥塞梯的领土完整。

    The NATO secretary general declared that Russia violated Georgia 's territorial integrity in South Ossetia .

  22. 在俄国的支持下,阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯获得并维持了事实上的独立。

    Supported by Russia , Abkhazia and South Ossetia achieved and maintained de facto independence from Georgia .

  23. 这里不远处就是南奥塞梯,其首府茨欣瓦利在不到两公里之外的地方。

    Across here is South Ossetia - its capital Tskhinvali less than two kilometers up the road .

  24. 从那时以来,俄罗斯不顾世界各国的谴责而承认南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹为独立国家。

    Since then Russia has recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia , despite international condemnation .

  25. 但是,两位总统在俄罗斯承认阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯独立一事上依然存在分歧。

    But both men expressed continued disagreement on Russia 's recognition of Abkhaz and South Ossetian independence .

  26. 然而,格鲁吉亚继续遭受分裂的冲突尚未解决阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯。

    However , Georgia continues to suffer from the unresolved secessionist conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia .

  27. 8月7日,格鲁吉亚军队和分离主义份子在主张分离的南奥塞梯地区交战。

    Fighting began August 7 between Georgian troops and separatists in the breakaway region of South Ossetia .

  28. 关于俄罗斯宣布承认南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹独立的批评性语篇分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis on the Report of Russia 's Recognition on the Independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia

  29. 布什说,格鲁吉亚争取独立的两个省份南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹必须留在格鲁吉亚。

    Mr. Bush said that the breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia must remain part of Georgia .

  30. 交战是星期五开始的,当时格鲁吉亚试图通过一场大规模攻势从分离分子手中夺回对南奥塞梯的控制权。

    The fighting began Friday when Georgia sought to regain South Ossetia from separatists in a major offensive .