
  • 网络South carolina;CHARLESTON;North Carolina;Greenville
  1. 詹姆斯∙罗奇于1986年在南卡罗来纳州被电刑处死。

    James Roach was electrocuted in South Carolina in 1986 .

  2. 南卡罗来纳州声称有权力免除该州公民遵守联邦法规的义务。

    South Carolina claimed the power to exempt its citizens from the obligation to obey federal law

  3. 有一段时间,这家卖场出售产自南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿茶(CharlestonTea)。

    For a while , the store sold Charleston Tea from South Carolina .

  4. 他的公司在美国南卡罗来纳州的比奇岛(beechisland),从事工业管道的生产和安装。

    His company , based in beech Island , South Carolina , manufactures and installs industrial pipes .

  5. 在规模较大的一宗和解案中,南卡罗来纳州的联邦检察官于今年1月同意将57辆豪车,连同数十万美元返还给陈宏(音)和他名下总部位于弗吉尼亚州的美石集团(MayrockGroup)。

    In one of the bigger settlements , federal prosecutors in South Carolina agreed in January to return 57 luxury cars and hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hong Chen and his Mayrock Group , which is based in Virginia .

  6. MorrisWashington是南卡罗来纳州一名外科医生。他现在正在对严重肥胖的青少年进行肥胖治疗,或胃部支路手术。

    Dr. Morris Washington is a surgeon in South Carolina who is now performing bariatric or gastric by-pass surgery on morbidly obese teenagers .

  7. 尚恩·布罗克(SeanBrock),Husk,南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿

    Sean Brock , Husk , Charleston , S.C.

  8. 杰森·斯坦霍普(JasonStanhope),FIG,南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿

    Jason Stanhope , FIG , Charleston , S.C.

  9. 这些深地实验室包括:位于美国南卡罗来纳州里德一座废弃金矿里的桑福德地下研究所(SanfordUndergroundResearchFacility),位于意大利同名山脉下的格兰萨索国家实验室,位于加拿大安大略省的萨德伯里中微子观测站(SudburyNeutrinoObservatory),

    the Gran Sasso National Laboratory , beneath the mountain of that name in Italy ; the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Ontario , Canada ;

  10. 据美国科技网站CNET6月7日报道,2011年,南卡罗来纳州(SouthCarolina)洛里斯市(Loris)的洛里斯小学(LorisElementarySchool)在全美的排名是第41名,而在2012年,排名升至19。

    Loris Elementary School in Loris , S.C. , was ranked 41st in the state in 2011 . By 2012 , it rose to 19th .

  11. 南卡罗来纳州的黑尔(DavidHale)很快就升为宪兵的头目,并得到了很吃香的美国陆军犯罪调查司令部(ArmyCriminalInvestigationCommand)测谎员的职位。

    David Hale of Columbia , S.C. , quickly rose to the top of the military police force and was granted the highly sought-after position of polygraph examiner with the Army Criminal Investigation Command 。 '

  12. 南卡罗来纳州共和党参议员林赛·格雷厄姆(LindseyGraham)表示,总统对协议的通过总是“过于乐观”。

    Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said the president was " overly optimistic " about passage of the deal .

  13. 德国的宝马汽车(bmwag)计划斥资7.5亿美元扩建南卡罗来纳州的一家工厂,不过由于汽车市场的不景气,该公司最近裁减了数百名临时工。

    BMW AG of Germany plans a $ 750 million expansion of its South Carolina plant , although it recently laid off several hundred temporary workers due to the weak auto market .

  14. 书中描绘了四个小片段,分别发生在英格兰、南卡罗来纳州、波士顿和圣迭戈,这些片段讲述了数百年来,人们制作和品尝一种名为“黑莓傻瓜”(blackberryfool)的奶油甜点的历史。

    Four vignettes , set in England , South Carolina , Boston and San Diego , show how the creamy dessert called blackberry fool has been made and enjoyed over the centuries .

  15. 今年9月份,中国公司JNFibersInc.同意斥资4500万美元在南卡罗来纳州建厂,将废旧塑料瓶转化为聚酯纤维,用于填充枕头和家俱。

    In September , JN Fibers Inc. of China agreed to build a $ 45 million plant in South Carolina that turns plastic bottles into polyester fibers used to stuff pillows and furniture .

  16. 不过,来自美国南卡罗来纳州的共和党参议员林塞·格雷厄姆(LindseyGraham)星期天在接受哥伦比亚广播公司电视采访的时候指出,在一个自由社会里,人们在拥有权利的同时,也应该拥有责任。

    But with rights come responsibilities in a free society , according to Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina , who spoke on Face the Nation .

  17. 在南卡罗来纳州,妮基·哈蕾(NikkiHaley)获得的选票超过其他三名共和党州长提名的男子。

    In South Carolina , state representative Nikki Haley won more votes than the three men who sought the Republican nomination for governor .

  18. 这位前南卡罗来纳州雇员昨天兑换了上周购买的“劲球”(Powerball)奖券。

    The former South Carolina State employee turned in his winning ticket from last week 's Powerball yesterday .

  19. 这可能为他在1月21日南卡罗来纳州初选之前的选战注入新的动力。民调显示,他在南卡罗来纳州的支持率与纽特金里奇(NewtGingrich)不相上下。

    That could inject new momentum into his campaign before the South Carolina primary on January 21 , where polls tie him with Newt Gingrich for the lead .

  20. 虽然两位候选人都获得了大量的喝彩,但明显Gingrich需要的更多,他只赢得了两个州的支持,也就是南卡罗来纳州和他的家乡乔治亚州。

    Both candidates drew huge cheers , but Mr Gingrich needed them more . He had won only two states , South Carolina and his home state of Georgia .

  21. 南卡罗来纳州共和党参议员、国防事务鹰派人士林塞格雷厄姆(lindseygraham)昨日表示,他倾向于不支持自己这位前参议院同僚,因为哈格尔对以色列抱“敌视”态度。

    Lindsey Graham , a Republican senator from South Carolina and a defence hawk , said yesterday he was inclined not to support his former Senate colleague because of his " antagonistic " attitude to Israel .

  22. 南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚(Columbia)及华盛顿特区共和党顾问霍根・吉德利(HoganGidley)戴了一枚来自蒂芙尼(Tiffany)的纯银领带夹,上面刻着他名字的首字母。

    Hogan Gidley , a Republican consultant based in Columbia , S.C. , and Washington , D.C. , wears a sterling-silver tie clip from Tiffany 's that 's engraved with his initials . '

  23. 在南卡罗来纳州台上的五名候选人都没有排除明确的次序,除了前明尼苏达州州长普兰提(TimPawlenty)之外。他现在在重要的爱荷华州等地的选举中落后于其他可能的候选人。

    None of the five men who were on stage in South Carolina are considered top tier candidates , except for former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty , who currently s other potential candidates in polls in key primary states like Iowa .

  24. 2008年遇上经济衰退之后,南卡罗来纳州的LindaRuggles因屋顶木瓦失修获500美元罚金,她因无力支付而入狱6天。

    Linda Ruggles of South Carolina was unable to pay the $ 500 fine for the loose shingles left on her roof after repairs stalled followingthe 2008 recession . She spent six days in jail .

  25. 查尔斯顿交响乐团的市场总监艾米利•罗宾斯基(EmilyRybinski)说,由于薪水减少,她和住在南卡罗来纳州约翰岛的丈夫将削减家庭开支。

    Emily Rybinski , director of marketing for the Charleston Symphony , says she and her husband , who live in Johns Island , S.C. , will scale back on spending as a result of the pay cut .

  26. 公司的新目标带来了另一项发展成果:沃尔沃投资五亿美元在北美地区的第一家汽车制造工厂破土动工。这家厂位于南卡罗来纳州里奇维尔,将生产下一代S60轿车,并计划在未来十年雇佣2000名员工。

    In another outgrowth of the automaker 's renewed ambitions , Volvo has broken ground on its first automotive manufacturing plant in North America , a $ 500 million facility in Ridgeville , S.C. , that will build the next generation S60 sedan and employ 2000 workers over the next decade .

  27. 图尔卡耶夫的公司购买的那辆保时捷,是特勤局在南卡罗来纳州和新泽西州卡尼(Kearny)没收的14辆豪车中的一辆。联邦政府还冻结了数百万美元的资金,这些钱都是向海外买家销售车辆时取得的。

    The Porsche bought by Mr. Turkayev 's company was among 14 luxury cars seized by the Secret Service in South Carolina and in Kearny , N.J. Also frozen by the federal government were millions of dollars in proceeds from the sale of cars to overseas buyers .

  28. 他生在南卡罗来纳州,父母都是奴隶。

    He was born in South Carolina , of slave parents .

  29. 斯特罗姆·舍尔蒙德是个来自南卡罗来纳州的参议员。

    Strom Thurmond was the senator from South Carolina .

  30. 南卡罗来纳州对公立学校采用了新标准

    the State of South Carolina adopted new science standards for its public schools