
  • 网络USC;The University of Southern California
  1. 该报告由南加利福尼亚大学安娜堡传播与新闻学院媒体的多样性与社会变革倡导组织(Media,Diversity&SocialChangeInitiative)制作。

    The report was produced by the Media , Diversity & Social Change Initiative at the University of Southern California 's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism .

  2. COCOMO是指由BarryBoehm开发的全面成本模型(COmprehensiveCOstMOdel),BarryBoehm目前在职于南加利福尼亚大学。

    COCOMO is the COmprehensive COst MOdel developed by Barry Boehm , currently at the University of Southern California .

  3. 最后,大公司的总裁问第三家公司,他们的老板是南加利福尼亚大学的MBA。

    Finally , the president asks the last company whose president earned his MBA from USC .

  4. 南加利福尼亚大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)72%的外国留学生是研究生(其中大多数学生就读于工程学院),招生人数连续十二年在排行榜上名列首位。

    USC , where 72 % of its foreign population is graduate students ( most in the engineering school ) , has led this list for 12 straight years .

  5. KirstenKennedy是哥伦比亚南加利福尼亚大学的宿管主任,称那里所有第一年的本科生需要住在宿舍里。

    Kirsten Kennedy , housing director at the University of South Carolina in Columbia , says all first-year undergraduates there have to live in a dorm .

  6. CostasSynolakis是洛杉矶市南加利福尼亚大学土木与环境工程系的海啸研究专家。

    Costas Synolakis is a tsunami expert with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles .

  7. 然而,对年龄的规定是新出现的,这是令人吃惊的,DavidPenson博士说。他是南加利福尼亚大学Keck医学院泌尿外科及预防医学的副教授。

    However , the age stipulation is new and surprising , says David Penson , MD , associate professor of urology and preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine , University of Southern California .

  8. 这听起来似乎有些天方夜谭,但南加利福尼亚大学电子工程学教授艾伦o威尔纳最近已经开发出一种类似技术,能够使无线电传播速率达到每秒32G&大约比LTE无线传输快了30倍。

    This might sound farfetched , but Alan Willner , a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Southern California , has recently developed a similar technique , which achieved a rate of 32 gigabits per second & about 30 times faster than LTE wireless .

  9. 这听起来似乎有些天方夜谭,但南加利福尼亚大学电子工程学教授艾伦o威尔纳最近已经开发出一种类似技术,能够使无线电传播速率达到每秒32G——大约比LTE无线传输快了30倍。

    This might sound farfetched , but Alan Willner , a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Southern California , has recently developed a similar technique , which achieved a rate of 32 gigabits per second - about 30 times faster than LTE wireless .

  10. 据报道,年仅20的他今年早些时候注册入读南加利福尼亚大学。

    The20 year old has reportedly signed up to study at the University of Southern California early next year .

  11. 大学生参与科学研究是培养科学思维和创新能力的重要途径&以美国南加利福尼亚大学为例

    Scientific Research Being An Important Way to Cultivate Undergraduates ' Science Thinking And Creative Activity Taking University of Southern California for Instance

  12. 运动迷们都知道南加利福尼亚大学的体育运动名利前茅,但是学生们表示,他们选择这所大学是因为这里强大的学术项目。

    Sports fans know the University of Southern California for its athletics , but students say they come for the strong academic programs .

  13. 南加利福尼亚大学的马丁希尔伯特教授和他的研究团队预测,人类已经步入信息革命和数字化进程。

    The extent of the information revolution and digital age has been calculated by Dr Martin Hilbert and his team at the University of southern California .

  14. 南加利福尼亚大学针对全球37个国家进行一项“生活满意度”调查,结果显示,经济增长并不能给人们带去相应长时间的幸福感。

    A study of life satisfaction-made by the University of Southern California in37 countries-shows that economic growth doesn 't bring with it a corresponding long-term rise in happiness .

  15. 本文通过对美国南加利福尼亚大学本科生科研活动的考察,总结了该校本科生参与科研和创新活动的一些特点。

    On the basis of investigation of undergraduate research and creative activities of University of Southern California in USA , this paper summarizes the characteristics of undergraduate research and creative works of USC .

  16. “回首看去,我再也不想经历那种疼痛,但它确实值得。”埃里克说道,它现在在南加利福尼亚大学研究新闻。

    " Looking back on it now , I wouldn 't want to go through the pain again but it was well worth it ," said Eric , who now studies journalism at the University of South Carolina .

  17. 南加利福尼亚大学在全球37个国家进行了一项生活满意度调查,结果显示,经济增长并不表示幸福感就会随之增长。

    According to the Daily Mail on December 14 , a study of life satisfaction - made by the University of Southern California in 37 countries - shows that economic growth doesn 't bring with it a corresponding long-term rise in happiness .

  18. 南加利福尼亚大学今年8月公布的一项报告表明,从2007年到2014年,在美国票房居前100位的影片中,女性角色只占有名字或有台词的角色的30.2%。

    From 2007 through 2014 , women made up only 30.2 percent of all speaking or named characters in the 100 top-grossing fictional films distributed in the United States , according to a report released in August by the University of Southern California .

  19. 南加利福尼亚州大学的马丁希尔伯特博士领导了这项研究,他指出该项数据异常巨大,但与自然相比却又是九牛一毛。

    Dr Martin Hilbert of the University of South California , who carried out the study , admits that the numbers involved are too large to comprehend-but that they are dwarfed by nature .

  20. 杜福尔的父母在南加利福尼亚圣塔蒙尼卡大学读书的时候生下了她。她说她从未见过奥萨马本人。

    Dufour , who was born in Santa Monica , California , while her parents studied at the University of Southern California , said she had never met Osama bin Laden .