
nán yáng
  • Nanyang;a general name used towards the end of the Qing Dynasty for the coastal provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong;an old name for the Malay Archipelago, the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia or for southeast Asia;an old name for the Malay Archipelago,the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia or for Southeast Asia
南洋 [nán yáng]
  • [an old name for the Malay Archipelago,the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia or for Southeast Asia] 指南洋群岛一带的地方

南洋[nán yáng]
  1. 南洋科技(NanyangTechnology)是一家鲜为人知、通常行事低调的公司,本身已在深圳证券交易所上市。

    Nanyang Technology , a little-known and mostly inactive company already listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange ,

  2. 目前他们分别在上海交通大学(ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity)、新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity)和尚德商学院工作。

    They are now at Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Nanyang Technological University and Sauder .

  3. 只有南洋商学院(NanyangBusinessSchool)和中欧国际工商学院(ChinaEuropeInternationalBusinessSchool)例外,它们在博士和研究这一项上表现不佳。

    The only exceptions are Nanyang Business School and China Europe International Business School , both underperforming in the doctoral and research ranks .

  4. 然而,在QuacquarelliSymonds两周前发布的总榜世界大学排名(WorldUniversityRankings)中,新加坡南洋理工仅名列第39位。

    Still , in Quacquarelli Symonds 's overall World UniversityRankings released two weeks earlier , N.T.U. came in just 39th .

  5. 在南洋小学,核心课程都是用中文授课的。Happy四岁的妹妹Bee上的是南洋幼小(NanyangKindergarten)。南洋幼小两年的课程完全用中文讲授。

    Her sister , Bee , 4 , attends Nanyang Kindergarten , where instruction is completely in Mandarin for two years .

  6. 之所以选择这个地点,是因为这样他们九岁的女儿Happy就能够进入当地顶尖的南洋小学(NanyangPrimary)学习了。在南洋小学,核心课程都是用中文授课的。

    The address positioned them to get their 9-year-old daughter , Happy , into a top local school called Nanyang Primary , where core subjects are taught in Mandarin .

  7. 所有的CCA化学元素的流失情况,红松比南洋松更明显。

    All of the CCA components were leached significantly more in red pine than southern pine .

  8. 他和南洋理工大学一道进行这项研究的同事弗朗西斯科·苏亚雷斯-鲁伊斯(FranciscoSuárez-Ruiz)及周宪(音)并非独行者。

    He and his Nanyang colleagues who worked on the study , Francisco Su á rez-Ruiz and Xian Zhou , aren 't alone .

  9. 当初,她在新加坡南洋商学院(NanyangBusinessSchool)获得商业管理学士学位,随后进入通用电气金融工作。但如今,她希望加快自己的职业发展,学习金融以外的新技能。

    However , Nah , who joined the company after an undergraduate degree in business management from Nanyang Business School in Singapore , wanted to accelerate her career and develop new skills beyond finance .

  10. 在过去两次的排名中均居第二的新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,简称N.T.U.)超过香港科技大学,拔得头筹。

    Nanyang Technological University in Singapore , second in the past two editions , overtook Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to secure the top spot .

  11. 为庆祝中国农历新年,新加坡南洋商学院(NanyangBusinessSchool)邀请5位经验丰富的商界人士出席其CEO早餐系列活动,讲述他们在华做生意的经历并讨论由此带来的挑战。

    To mark the Chinese New Year , Nanyang Business School invited a panel of five experienced business men and women to its CEO Breakfast Series to speak about their experience of doing business in China and discuss the challenges this brings .

  12. 南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity)的一个团队给一个机器人编了程序,让其创造并执行计划,自主组装宜家售价25美元的松木斯第芬(Stefan)椅的大部分,要做到这一点需要各种人类的技能。

    A team from Nanyang Technological University programmed a robot to create and execute a plan to piece together most of Ikea 's $ 25 solid-pine Stefan chair on its own , calling on a medley of human skills to do so .

  13. 纳丁是新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)科学家们的智慧结晶,其运行机制类似苹果Siri或微软小娜,她的外貌完全是按照其创造者纳迪娅·塔尔曼教授的样子为蓝本。

    Powered by intelligent software similar to Apple 's Siri or Microsoft 's Cortana , she is the brainchild of scientists at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and is based on her creator Prof Nadia Thalmann .

  14. 新加坡南洋理工校长伯蒂尔·安德森(BertilAndersson)表示,从全球情况看,亚洲大学正在缓慢追赶全球更成熟的教育机构。

    The president of N.T.U. , Bertil Andersson , says that Asian universities are slowly catching up on the more established institutions in the global charts .

  15. 在客厅、茶几周围、组合电视柜两侧平行处,配置2株1m高的南洋松、榕树、棕榈、苏铁、橡皮树、龙血树等植物。

    In the circumference , combination in living room , tea side-table television cabinet two parallel place of , install 2 stub 1 the m is high south seas pine , banyan , palm tree , Su 's iron , rubber tree , dragon blood tree etc.

  16. 两位听取过相关计划介绍的人士表示,今年夏天,南洋科技悄然对中国航天科技集团公司(CASC)旗下制造彩虹系列无人机的公司启动了收购。

    quietly moved last summer to acquire the unit that makes the Caihong ( Rainbow ) series of drones from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation ( CASC ) , according to two people briefed on the plans .

  17. 南洋本土的汉语书写:东南亚华文文学的族性言说

    The Ethnic Characteristic : The Local Voice of South-East-Asia Chinese literature

  18. 新加坡南洋理工学院的职业教育模式及若干启示

    Vocational Education Model of Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore And Some Enlightenment

  19. 南洋兄弟烟草公司经营中的文化思想

    The Cultural Idea of Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company in Running Business

  20. 红溪惨案与清朝对于南洋华侨政策研究

    Angke Massacre and Qing 's Policy Towards Southeast Asia Overseas Chinese

  21. 南洋材实木防火门生产技术研究

    Research on Solid Wood Fire-Rated Door Production Technology of South Sea Timber

  22. 前段时间才去了在广东江门的南洋船厂。

    Some time back I visited Jiangmen Nanyang Ship Engineering in Jiangmen .

  23. 曾任教于新加坡南洋艺术学院戏剧系,并任剧目顾问。

    Once consultancy and teacher of South Sea art academy .

  24. 他的弟弟考取了南洋大学。

    His brother succeeded in the examination of Nanyang University .

  25. 南洋兄弟烟草公司烟叶基地建设(1905&1949)

    Tobacco Base-Building of Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company ( 1905-1949 )

  26. 论南洋劝业会的历史地位与作用

    On the Historic Status and Effect of Nanyang Commodity Exposition

  27. 我是南洋大学第一届毕业生。

    I was among the pioneer Batch of graduates from Nanyang University .

  28. 南洋理工学院教学工厂模式的剖析

    Analysis of " Teaching Factory " Model of Nanyang Polytechnic

  29. 南洋珠生产及国际市场趋势

    Market place production and international trend of Nanyang pearls

  30. 南洋理工学院的办学理念及其启示

    The School-running Idea of Nanyang Polytechnic and Its Inspiration