
  • 网络The Republic of South Sudan;SOUTH SUDAN
  1. 世界各国领导人祝贺南苏丹共和国获得独立。

    World leaders have congratulated the Republic of South Sudan on gaining independence .

  2. 苏丹政府阻止来自新成立的南苏丹共和国装运石油,指控南苏丹没有缴纳关税。

    The Sudanese government has blocked a shipment of oil from the new Republic of South Sudan , accusing the authorities there of failing to pay customs duties .

  3. 苏丹总统巴希尔称,在有争议的阿卜耶伊地区,苏丹将对最新独立的南苏丹共和国采取武力。

    The President of Sudan , Omar al-Bashir , has said Sudan could take up arms against the newly independent Republic of South Sudan over the disputed region of Abyei .

  4. 南苏丹共和国于上周(7月9日)正式从苏丹独立出来,但是它的三所大学仍然关闭,缺少教师、学生或设施。

    The Republic of South Sudan formally became independent from Sudan last week ( 9 July ), but its three universities remain closed , bereft of staff , students or facilities .

  5. 基尔在五天访华行程的第二天表示:(本次访问)正值南苏丹共和国遭遇一个非常关键的时刻,因为我们在喀土穆的邻居已经宣战。

    Mr Kiir said , on the second day of a five day visit to China : It [ this visit ] comes at a very critical moment for the Republic of South Sudan because our neighbour in Khartoum has declared war .