
hǎi dì
  • Haiti
海地 [hǎi dì]
  • [Haiti] 西印度群岛岛国。面积27400平方公里,人口586.2万(1990),首都太子港

海地[hǎi dì]
  1. 她开始说海地克里奥尔语。

    She begins speaking in the Creole of Haiti .

  2. 巴拉格尔先生正向本国和海地之间驻守不严的边界部署更多的士兵。

    Mr Balaguer is deploying more soldiers along his country 's porous border with Haiti

  3. 一些民主党人支持为海地人在美国提供临时避难所。

    Some Democrats support granting the Haitians temporary safe haven in the US .

  4. 美国海岸警卫队说他们营救了100多名海地难民。

    The US Coast Guard says it rescued more than 100 Haitian refugees .

  5. 这周已开始将海地人强制遣送回国。

    Involuntary repatriation of Haitians began this week .

  6. 马尔科姆海军上尉说她没有发现人们大批逃离海地有减缓的迹象。

    Lieutenant Malcolm said she saw no sign that the exodus from Haiti was abating

  7. 海地的教会在争取民主的运动中扮演了重要的角色。

    The Church in Haiti has played an important role in the drive towards democracy .

  8. 政府当局正试图阻止大批难民逃离海地,进入佛罗里达。

    The administration is trying to stem the flood of refugees out of Haiti and into Florida

  9. 如果他们认为海地人会接受那个解决方案,那他们就大错特错了。

    If they believe that solution would wash with the Haitian people , they are making a dramatic error .

  10. 要表现什麽?如何表现?海地克理奥尔拼字法的争论

    What is to be represented , and how ? Haitian Creole orthographic debates .

  11. 海地总统RenéPréval阁下

    His Excellency Ren é Pr é val , President of Haiti

  12. 盖茨最早在Twitter上发布讯息包括他关于教育改革、海地地震、地球工程等问题的看法。

    The first installments include his thoughts on education reform , Haiti and geo-engineering , among other topics .

  13. 此外,伊丽莎白已经建立了许多可持续发展的品牌推广计划,包括选择海地以及今年秋季推出的MaidenNation。

    Additionally , Elizabeth has founded many sustainable branding initiatives including Choose Haiti and launched this Fall , Maiden Nation .

  14. 在欧洲,合适建造ELF发射机的位置在波罗的海地盾和加里东地盾覆盖的区域。

    In Europa are similar suitable locations for ELF transmitters , to be found in areas covered by the Baltic and the Caledonian shields .

  15. 然而,她一到海地,就能运用从emba学到的技巧评估形势。

    Yet as soon as she arrived in Haiti she was able to assess the situation using skills already learnt on her EMBA .

  16. 在对全球179个国家自2000年起至今的人均gdp增长率进行排名后发现,意大利仅列于第169名;位于其后的仅仅是海地、厄立特里亚和津巴布韦这样极度贫困的国家。

    In the global league table of growth in GDP per head , it comes 169th out of 179 countries over the period since 2000 , beating only a handful ofbasket-casessuch as Haiti , Eritrea and Zimbabwe .

  17. 教师MathieuDaquin本人是海地人,他说这些课程对来自海地的学生来说很有好处。

    Teacher Mathieu Daquin is himself Haitian . He says the classes have been good for the students from Haiti .

  18. 曼联的国际慈善合作伙伴UNICEF紧急请求帮助1月13日加勒比国家海地大地震的受害者。

    United 's international charity partner UNICEF is urgently appealing for emergency assistance to aid the victims of a devastating earthquake that rocked the Caribbean nation of Haiti on13 January .

  19. 我想说的是,自1804年以来,海地人一直要求华盛顿同样尊重我们对自由和经济主权的热情,当时海地坚决反对奴隶制和拿破仑的统治,尽管海地的生产力为法国贡献了一半的GDP。

    I 'd argue Haitians have been asking Washington to similarly respect and honor our passion for freedom and economic sovereignty since 1804 , when Haiti forcefully rejected slavery and Napoleon 's rule , despite generating half of France 's GDP with its productivity .

  20. 包括KerbyEdme在内的其他海地学生称,帮助海地是他们共同的目标。

    Other Haitian students , including Kerby Edme , say they share that goal of helping Haiti .

  21. Jean-Louis和好莱坞海地联合会正在鼓励想要帮助当地人的人们现在用捐款代替捐物。

    Jean-Louis and Hollywood Unites for Haiti are encouraging people looking to help to send money instead of goods at the moment .

  22. PaulAlcesteZamor:“我想做一名优秀的外科医生,然后回到海地帮助那里的人们。”

    PAUL ALCESTE ZAMOR : " I want to be a good , and then go back to Haiti to help people there . "

  23. 海地的Digicel公司去年营收入达4.39亿美元,利润达到了惊人的8600万美元。

    The Haitian operation made an impressive $ 86-million profit on revenue of $ 439 million in 2012 .

  24. Witherspoon说,“聆听世界”已经分发了大约1200台收音机,超过一半的收音机送给地震灾民,大部分在海地。

    Mr. Witherspoon says Ears to Our World has sent out about one thousand two hundred radios . More than half have gone to earthquake victims , in Haiti .

  25. 海地的新总统MichelMartelly曾在竞选期间,呼吁大家重拾已经受伤的民族自豪感,并且承诺削减和平部队军事力量,甚至用重新成立的海地军队替代他们。

    Haiti 's new president , Michel Martelly , appealed to wounded national pride during his campaign , promising a cut in peacekeeping troops and their replacement by a newly reconstituted Haitian army .

  26. 为得到此类支持,世界银行研究部门的Ratha建议海地政府发行海外人士重建债券,以利用海外人士的财富。

    With an eye toward capturing that kind of support , Ratha , who works in the Bank 's research group , has proposed Haiti issue reconstruction diaspora bonds to tap the wealth of the diaspora .

  27. 本次地震也是一次机遇,将使我们注重“建设更美好的海地,同时加强工程建设规范和监督检查制度,”Tsikata说。

    It will also be an opportunity to focus on " building better in Haiti while strengthening codes and the institutions that supervise constructions ," Tsikata said .

  28. 敬请各位朋友为海地灾区人民奉献一份善款,以支持IACMSP的心理援助工作。

    All friends over the world please make a charity dedication to the Haitian people in the disaster area to support the work of IACMSP psycho and mental health aid .

  29. 除了海地的援助工作以外,tahirkheli同时还在管理肯尼亚、利比亚、巴基斯坦、乌干达和英国的项目。

    As well as aid work in Haiti , MS tahirkheli is also managing projects in Kenya , Libya , Pakistan , Uganda and the UK .

  30. Digicel手机商店外排起了长队。海地人开始为手机充钱、购买手机或把损坏的手机里的旧号码转到新手机。

    There were long lines outside Digicel cell phone stores , as Haitians looked to charge phones , purchase phones or transfer old phone numbers to new phones to replace damaged ones .