
jǐ nèi yà
  • Guinea
几内亚[jǐ nèi yà]
  1. 来自几内亚和安哥拉的黑奴要求得到良好的待遇,他们会以拒绝生孩子为由来威胁雇主。

    The black slaves from Guinea and Angola have demanded to be well treated , threatening to refuse to have children .

  2. 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)周四称,在肆虐几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂的埃博拉疫情中,已有超过1万人死亡。

    The World Health Organization said Thursday that the number of deaths in the Ebola epidemic that has afflicted Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone had surpassed 10,000 .

  3. 世界医学会(WorldMedicalAssociation)昨日警告称,防护装备严重短缺正让几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂的医生和护士的生命处于危险当中;

    The World Medical Association warned yesterday that serious shortages of protective equipment were putting the lives of doctors and nurses at risk in Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone ;

  4. 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)数据显示,有半数的病例是在过去三周中产生的,疫情蔓延的加速对几内亚、利比里亚、塞拉利昂的冲击最为严重。

    Half of the cases have come in the past three weeks , according to the World Health Organization , with Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone hardest hit by the accelerating outbreak .

  5. 随着埃博拉病毒在利比里亚、塞拉利昂和几内亚造成的死亡人数日益增高,世界银行(worldbank)承诺将向西非提供总计2亿美元紧急资金,以抗击埃博拉。

    The World Bank pledged up to $ 200m in emergency funding to help fight the Ebola virus in west Africa , as the death toll in Liberia , Sierra Leone and Guinea mounts .

  6. 几内亚总理AhmedTidianeSouare表示,政府没有解散,仍然在正常运作。

    Guinean Prime Minister Ahmed Tidiane Souare says his government has not been dissolved .

  7. 据一位市政府官员称,斯潘瑟一直在几内亚与无国界医生组织(DoctorsWithoutBorders)合作治疗埃博拉病人,直到10月14日回到纽约。

    Dr. Spencer had been working with Doctors Without Borders in Guinea , treating Ebola patients , before returning to New York City on Oct. 14 , according to a city official .

  8. 被问到如果人们不遵守法纪应该怎样办,GeneralCamara说,“如果那样,我就已经不是几内亚的三军统帅了。”

    Asked what would happen if they did not , General Camara said , " By then , I may not be chief of staff anymore . "

  9. 在利比里亚、塞拉利昂和几内亚,接受了CDC培训的当地工作人员一直在对从非洲出发的旅客进行筛查。

    In Liberia , Sierra Leone and Guinea , C.D.C. - trained local workers have been screening people as they depart from Africa .

  10. 科特迪瓦英语教师YvesBehBah通过几内亚来到利比里亚。

    Ivorian English teacher Yves Beh Bah came to Liberia through Guinea .

  11. 该组织表示,国际捐赠者应该继续支持几内亚,不止是支持选举,改善安全状况,还应支持几内亚的经济复兴和社会改革。1.stabilizev.稳定,安定他为稳定局势出了一臂之力。

    The group says international donors should continue to support not only the elections and improved security but also economic recovery and social reform .

  12. CDC没有对几内亚的猖獗疫情进行估计,因为在该国,埃博拉是一波一波来袭的,研究者无法对此建模。

    The C.D.C. estimates omit Guinea , which has been hit hard , because the epidemic struck in waves that could not be modeled .

  13. 然而,力拓与中国铝业(chinalco)刚刚证实,计划在几内亚合作开采铁矿石。

    And yet Rio and Chinalco have just confirmed plans for a partnership to develop iron ore deposits in Guinea .

  14. 周一,在纽约肯尼迪机场(JFKAirport),当局仍在继续检查来自利比里亚、塞拉利昂和几内亚的游客。

    At New York 's John F. Kennedy airport the authorities continued to screen air travellers arriving from Liberia , Sierra Leone and Guinea on Monday .

  15. 世界医学会(WorldMedicalAssociation)昨日警告称,防护装备严重短缺正让几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂的医生和护士的生命处于危险当中;实际上,包括两名美国人在内的多名医护人员已经受到感染。

    The World Medical Association warned yesterday that serious shortages of protective equipment were putting the lives of doctors and nurses at risk in Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone ; indeed several health workers , including two Americans , have already been infected .

  16. CIF于去年宣布进军几内亚,并带来了70亿美元的基建与矿业投资一揽子协议。

    The CIF announced its arrival in Guinea last year with plans for a $ 7bn package of infrastructure and mining ventures .

  17. EdisonChouestOffshore公司总部位于露易斯安那州,其C-猎犬号船的美籍船长及一名工程师被绑架,补给船进入尼日利亚海岸附近的几内亚湾国际水域时遭遇了袭击。

    The American captain and an engineer from Louisiana-based Edison Chouest Offshore , C-Retriever were abducted when their all-supply vessel came under attack in international waters off the gulf of Guinea , off Nigerian coast .

  18. CDC建议美国人,如无绝对必要,避免前往受病毒打击最严重的三个国家:几内亚、塞拉利昂和利比里亚。

    The CDC advised Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to the three countries hardest hit by the virus : Guinea , Sierra Leone and Liberia .

  19. 从塞拉利昂、利比里亚和几内亚飞往美国的乘客中,约43%在JFK抵达。

    JFK receives about 43 percent of the people who fly to the United States from Sierra Leone , Liberia and Guinea .

  20. 命运弄人的是,去年确认几内亚第一例检测结果为阳性的埃博拉病例的实验室巴斯德研究所(PasteurInstitute)正是《病毒学年鉴》的出版方。

    In a twist of fate , the same laboratory that confirmed the first positive Ebola test results in Guinea last year , the Pasteur Institute , was the publisher of Annals of Virology .

  21. 中国最大铝业集团中国铝业(chinalco)正投资于马来西亚一家新建冶炼厂,并研究在几内亚开发铝土矿以及兴建其它工厂的可能性。

    Chinalco , the largest aluminium group , is investing in a new smelter in Malaysia and exploring the potential for developing bauxite mines and other facilities in Guinea .

  22. 联合国要求西非区域性组织西非经济共同体(ECOWAS)对几内亚和尼日尔实施更严厉制裁。

    The United Nations has called on the West African regional group ECOWAS to impose tougher sanctions on Guinea and Niger .

  23. 记者表示,几内亚人希望能够采取更严厉的制裁,禁运是ECOWAS能够赞同的最为微弱的措施。

    The correspondents say Guineans had hoped for tougher sanctions and the embargo was the weakest measure ECOWAS could agree on .

  24. 这个企业将开发几内亚的西芒杜(simandou)铁矿等项目。

    This will be used to develop projects such as the Simandou iron ore project in Guinea .

  25. 几内亚政府在6月份警告,力拓可能被剥夺simandou的另一半资产。

    The government of Guinea warned Rio in June that it might be stripped of another Simandou block .

  26. 继淡水河谷(Vale)25亿美元的收购之后,西非国家几内亚预期未来几周将宣布另一桩重大铁矿石交易,其中中国投资者被认为是领跑者。

    Guinea expects in the coming weeks to announce another significant iron ore deal to follow Vale 's $ 2.5bn acquisition in the west African country , with Chinese investors considered the frontrunners .

  27. 周一,几内亚全国过渡委员会负责人HadjaRabiatouSeraDiallo在科纳克里会见政府成员,对目前的形势进行讨论。

    Examine the situation The head of Guinea 's National Transition Council , Hadja Rabiatou Sera Diallo , met with members of government Monday in Conakry to discuss the situation .

  28. 在Thiam的支持下,皇后大道集团抓住契机成为几内亚新组建国家矿业公司的合作方。

    With Mr Thiam 's support , the syndicate won the chance to become a partner in a new national mining company .

  29. 几内亚Kalia的铁矿石项目规模可观。

    The iron ore project at Kalia in the west African country is substantial .

  30. 在几内亚25个专区中,Mandiana专区被认为是黄热病风险最高的专区之一,2008年9月召开的黄热病风险评估国家会议决定在该专区进行大规模预防性疫苗接种。

    Mandiana prefecture is one of the25 prefectures in the country considered to be at highest risk of yellow fever .