
  • 网络Geometric proof
  1. Mazur定理的一个推广及其几何证明

    A generalization of Mazur theorem and its geometric proof

  2. 积分变换公式的几何证明

    The geometric proof of integral transformation formula

  3. 结论所给出的二次有理Bézier曲线的一个整体逼近的几何证明方法,纠正和完善了许伟、齐从谦关于二次有理Bézier曲线的结论。

    Conclusion A geometric method was given to prove the whole approximation of rational quadratic curves . The conclusion of rational quadratic B é zier given by XU Wei and QI Cong-qian is made perfect .

  4. 四维空间相交定理的几何证明

    Proof of the intersection theorem by geometry in space of four dimensions

  5. 线性规划分解筛选法的几何证明和方法比较

    Geometric Proof and Comparision of a Decomposition Screening Method for Solving Linear Programs

  6. 其中,几何证明是几何学的精华之一。

    In which , the proof of geometry is one of the elites .

  7. 布尔莎&沃尔夫转换模型的几何证明

    To Prove Burse-Wolf Conversion Model with Simple Formula

  8. 平面几何证明的三种思维模式

    Three Modes of Thinking in Proving Plane Geometry

  9. 而几何证明在培养学生逻辑思维能力上起着先决作用。

    The geometric proof plays a precedent role in training students ' logical thinking ability .

  10. 几何证明与初等几何变换

    Geometrical Proof and Elementary Geometric Transformation

  11. 学生害怕几何证明题。

    The students frightened geometry proofs .

  12. 几个代数命题的几何证明

    Geometric proof of several algebraic propositions

  13. 自然数幂和公式与三角公式的几何证明&数学史与数学教学关系个案研究

    Intuitive Proofs of the Trigonometric Formulas and Formulas for the Sum of the Powers of Natural Numbers

  14. 可以促进学生几何证明结构中的某些要素的积极发展,但对于构建证明和逻辑上的能力发展方面尚无根本性的突破。

    But we have no essential breakthrough in the development of constructing proof and the logical ability .

  15. 空间刚体加速度投影定理的几何证明及应用

    A geometric proof on theorem of projection of acceleration of rigid body in space and its application

  16. 本系统已能成功地解决一般几何证明问题,满足不同层次学生的平面几何辅导需要。

    The system have successfully saved the question of proved plane geometry , Tutorship of arrangement students are satisfied .

  17. 而且,当遇到具无理系数的方程时,作者放弃了几何证明,具有明显的算术化趋势。

    When the coefficients of quadratic equations were irrational numbers , Ab ū K ā mil abandoned the geometry demonstration showing the trend of arithmetization .

  18. 与此同时,与之相关的一些问题:如何制作出优秀课件;几何证明的心理过程是否能有新的构建

    At the same time , and the related problems : how to make a good courseware ; The psychological process of geometric proof is whether the new building

  19. 尽管我非常想见欧几里得(古希腊数学家)——几何证明的发明者——可他很可能穿着拖鞋(当年穿着),我吃饭时可不想看到脚趾。

    As much as I 'd love to meet Euclid -- inventor of the geometric proof -- he probably wore sandals and I cannot look at toes during dinner .

  20. 再者,在假设选取合理的加工参数的前提下,运用几何证明的方法对每一段铜线的压弯深度和其相对应的成形控制角变化值之间的关系建立简单的等式。

    Thirdly , this paper assumes that the processing parameters are selected reasonable , and then establishes a simple equation by using geometric method for each copper bent depth and its corresponding control angle .

  21. 几何证明是初中几何入门教学的一项重要内容,能正确地进行推理是基础教育对几何教学的基本要求。

    Geometric proving is an important content of the geometric beginning teaching during junior middle schools , " being able to deduce correctly " is the basic request of the elementary education to Geometric teaching .

  22. 然而,如何作辅助函数,如同作几何证明中的辅助线,需要较高的技巧,无一定法则可循,这给教学带来了难处。

    But how to construct an auxiliary function needs higher technique and has no rules to follow , as the same as making auxiliary line geometry proof problem . It has brought about difficulty for teaching work .

  23. 不同地区,不同经济水平,男、女学生在几何证明上存在显著的差异,同一地区,经济水平相近条件下,这种性别差异不显著。

    While the male or female students of the different district because of the different economic levels have remarkable diversities , the students of the same district , under the similar economic circumstances , the sexual difference was not outstanding .

  24. 通过把复杂的连通问题逐步化简,并利用理论分析、数学建模和几何证明,采用几何理论和数学归纳法的思想,从拓扑学的角度给出了传感器区域的一种网格划分方法。

    The paper simplifies complex connectivity problem step by step . By means of theoretical analysis , math modeling and geometry proving and making use of geometric theories and the method of mathematics induction , the method of grid plot of sensor field is proposed from the viewpoint of topology .

  25. 其次通过把系统外激励函数当作控制变量,利用Banach空间几何性质证明了此系统存在唯一最优控制元。

    Secondly , by regarding the function of the system ′ s exterior load as the control variable , the existence of unique optimal control element was proved by utilizing the geometric property of Banach space .

  26. 试用几何方法证明下列代数恒等式。

    Indicate how each of the following algebraic identities might be established geometrically .

  27. 用超几何函数证明全椭圆积分的一个替换公式

    The proof of a total elliptical integral replacement formula with the hypergeometric function

  28. 微分几何定理证明中最简单辅助条件的计算

    Computing simplest subsidiary conditions in differential geometry theorem proving

  29. 并用几何语言证明了弹性力学的几个基本原理。

    The geometric meaning of several principles in the theory of elasticity is given .

  30. 同时,也对四色问题与初等几何定理证明作了简单的讨论。

    Additionally , the well known four colour problem and elementary geometry theorem proving problem have been discussed .