
Jǐ nèi yà bǐ shào
  • Guinea-Bissau
  1. 几内亚比绍军队叛乱和军事政变历史悠久。

    Guinea-Bissau has a long history of army mutinies and coups .

  2. 几内亚比绍政府与自行任命的军政府之间的协定;

    Agreement between the government of Guinea-Bissau and the self-proclaimed military junta ;

  3. 几内亚比绍历来有政变和企图政变的传统。

    Guinea Bissau has a history of coups and coup attempts .

  4. 黛比在一分钟内吃完了!几内亚比绍之友小组

    Debbie ate hers in about one minute ! Group of Friends of Guinea-Bissau

  5. 国家简况:圣多美和普林西比、几内亚比绍、佛得角。

    Country Profile : Sao Tome and Principe , Guinea-Bissau , Cape Verde .

  6. 在几内亚比绍许多地区,基础设施大多失灵。

    In many areas of Guinea-Bissau , basic infrastructures appear to be largely inefficient .

  7. 罗马尼亚救国阵线委员会几内亚比绍争取民族独立阵线

    Council of the National Salvation Front of Romania

  8. 几内亚比绍首任国家元首去世。

    Guinea-Bissau first head of state dies .

  9. 几内亚比绍海区旱季渔获物的组成和分布

    The composition and distribution of catches in dry season of the Guinea Bissau sea area

  10. 几内亚比绍选民正在选举新的领袖。

    Voters in Guinea-Bissau Choosing New Leader Voters in Guinea-Bissau are choosing a new leader .

  11. 几内亚比绍选民将在两个以前领导过该国的候选人之间选择。

    Voters in Guinea-Bissau are choosing between two men who have both led the country before .

  12. 竞选几内亚比绍总统的候选人在星期天投票之前紧锣密鼓在全国各地进行竞选。

    Presidential candidates in Guinea-Bissau are campaigning hard across the country ahead of Sunday 's vote .

  13. 几内亚比绍问题秘书长之友

    Friends of the Secretary-General for Guinea-Bissau

  14. 几内亚比绍的宪法要求在60天内举行总统选举。

    The country 's constitution calls for a presidential election to be held within 60 days .

  15. 厄立特里亚、几内亚、几内亚比绍、肯尼亚、马拉维、毛里塔尼亚和尼日尔的评估正在进行。

    Assessments are ongoing in Eritrea , Guinea , Guinea-Bissau , Kenya , Malawi , Mauritania , and Niger .

  16. 不过,我们看到的是几内亚比绍由于这种军政双方的互相勾结而走向失败。

    But what we see is Guinea-Bissau is losing due to this kind of link , this combination between both sides .

  17. 蒙泰罗说,政治家应该远离军营,而军方则应该只担负起保护几内亚比绍的国家主权和参加地区维和部队等责任。

    Monteiro says politicians should stay out of the barracks and the military should be responsible only for protecting Guinea-Bissau 's national sovereignty and serving in regional peacekeeping forces .

  18. 几内亚比绍选民正在选举新的领袖。周日的选举是为了取代五个月前被叛军杀害的总统若昂·贝尔纳多·维埃拉之位。

    Voters in Guinea-Bissau are choosing a new leader . Sunday 's election is meant to replace President Joao Bernardo Vieira , who was killed by mutinous troops five months ago .

  19. 上周五,由几内亚比绍的保罗?戈梅斯率领的世界银行代表团赴佛得角就此进行商讨,保罗?戈梅斯是世界银行西非局局长。

    The World Bank 's current mission to Cape Verde , which began Friday , is led by Guinea Bissau 's Paulo Gomes , the World Bank 's director for West Africa .

  20. 布基纳法索驻非盟大使齐多安巴目前担任非洲联盟和平与安全委员会轮值主席。他说,几内亚比绍事件似乎还不符合军事政变的定义。

    Burkina Faso 's AU ambassador Bruno Nongoma Zidouemba , who holds the council 's rotating chairmanship , said Guinea-Bissau 's case does not appear to meet the definition of a coup .

  21. 非洲联盟险些中止几内亚比绍非盟成员国的资格。非洲联盟和平与安全委员会星期二举行紧急会议,决定几内亚比绍总统维埃拉遭暗杀是否构成军事政变。

    The AU Peace and Security Council met in emergency session Tuesday to determine whether the assassination of President Vieira constituted a military coup , which would have meant automatic suspension from the organization .

  22. 最近该组织向阿富汗、科特迪瓦、几内亚比绍、马里、摩尔多瓦、蒙古和东帝汶都拨了款。

    The latest grants were awarded to Afghanistan , Ivory Coast , Guinea-Bissau , Mali , Moldova , Mongolia and Timor-Leste . Mr. Tapp says the grant to Afghanistan is worth almost fifty-six million dollars .

  23. 我们认识到实现几内亚比绍的长期政治稳定的重要性。正如联合国建设和平委员会几内亚比绍小组提议,这需要采取措施提高粮食安全并推进安全部门的综合改革。

    We recognize the importance of promoting long-term political stability in Guinea-Bissau , which necessarily encompasses measures to reduce food insecurity and to advance a comprehensive security sector reform , as proposed by the Guinea-Bissau Configuration of the UN Peacebuilding Commission .

  24. 贫困的几内亚比绍的一位国际官员表示:区别在于,中国人这回变聪明了。合作项目与中国巨大的渔业利益或可能的石油开采会有多大程度的关联,目前还不清楚。

    The difference is that the Chinese this time come back smarter , says an international official in impoverished Guinea-Bissau . It is unclear to what extent co-operation projects are linked to China 's significant fisheries interests or possible oil exploration .