
  • 网络Reunion Island;La Réunion
  1. 长达17个月的马航(MalaysiaAirlines)MH370搜寻过程可能出现迄今最为重大的一项进展,空难调查人员正对此展开调查。此前警方在印度洋法属留尼汪岛发现了一片可能与这架失踪飞机相关的残骸。

    Crash investigators are examining what may be the most significant development yet in the 17-month search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 after debris potentially related to the crash was found on the Indian Ocean island of La R é union .

  2. 去年8月一块波音777机翼碎片(确定为襟副翼)冲上了印度洋法属留尼汪岛(LaRéunion),随后获马来西亚总理纳吉布•拉扎克(NajibRazak)确认属于MH370。

    In August a piece of a Boeing 777 wing known as a flaperon washed up on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion and was subsequently confirmed by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak as belonging to MH370 .

  3. 去年7月在印度洋上的留尼汪岛(Reunion)发现了一块襟副翼残骸,那是飞机机翼的一个部件,它是被负责一个海滩清洁团队的本地人约翰尼•贝格(JohnnyBègue)发现的。

    A piece of the aircraft 's wing , called a flaperon , was found on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion last July . It was discovered by an islander , Johnny B è gue , who was in charge of a beach cleaning team .

  4. 如欲获得关于该疾病和留尼汪岛疫情的更多信息,请见留尼汪岛地区卫生观察站的网站。

    For more information about the disease and the outbreak in La R é union , please see the web site of the Observatoire R é gional de la Sant é de La R é union .

  5. 位于马达加斯加东部的法属留尼汪岛距离澳大利亚军队搜索区域有1000多英里之遥,但洋流有可能将飞机碎片带到这个小岛。

    While R é union , a French territory east of Madagascar , is more than 1000 miles from the area of the Australian search , it is possible the part was carried by ocean currents to the small island .