- residue

The Residue of the Complex Function f at ∞ and It 's Applications
Another formula for finding Z-inverse transformation and its residue algorithm are presented in this paper .
Discussion on the Calculating Method of n-order Pole Residue
And thirdly , the parameters of POD controller are set by compensating the phase angle of residue .
The Two-sided Residue Interpolation in the Strict Class S_l ( E_m ) for Matrix Functions
Laurent Expansion and Residue Theorems in Universal Clifford Analysis
Prony 's method is used in open-loop transfer function identification and computation of residues .
This method chooses the input signal of TCSC POD controller by the residue ratio method and tunes the controller by compensating the residue phase .
Here MATLAB is utilized to solve several problems in Complex variable function & integral transform , such as : residue , rational function , Fourier transform , Laplace transform and system of linear differential equations .
The first Dirichlet s integral is solved by trigonometric power reduced formulas and residue theory , namely , formula solutions have been obtained .
The assumptive conditions are given reasonably about the residue method of Z inverse Transformation , and a close forthright prove is given by the theory of Laurent series and residues in complex function .
The generalized Helmholtz 's equation is solved by the dyadic method , the analytic expression for dyadic Green 's function of the equation is given combining with Fourier 's transformation , theorem of residues , etc.
An Extension of the First Mean Value Theorems for Generalized Riemann Integration ; The Application of Generalized Residue Theorm in Calculating a Certain Kind of Generalized Integral
Based on the integral representation of Dirac - delta function and Cauchy 's theory of residues , the Green 's function for two-dimensional anisotropic elastic media with piezoelectric , piezomagnetic and magnetoelectric coupling effects is derived .
The phasor of global feedback is stable . Global measurement signal is selected according to participation factor and residue of transfer function and PSS is configured by mode analysis .
The stability near the equilibrium point was discussed by solving the Floquet exponent and the critical condition is obtained by using Melnikov function .
The solutions based on the generalized residue theorem and Bertrand-Poincare formula of singular integrals , which are greatly simplified , can also be used in similar problems .
This article approaches an effective method which applies expansion in Laurent theorem and reside concept to rational fraction , and then makes rational fraction partial fraction .
Through Laplace transform and residue method , the analytic solutions of bus voltage phase angle increment and active power increment after a step-power disturbance was solved . The simulations prove that the solutions are correct .
The expansion theorem of Dirac operator 's eigenvalue problem with multi-point boundary conditions is given by resorting to the Titchmarsh residue method .
Because the RGA computation is implemented based on the residue analysis , the proposed method can effectively reduce computational complexity and shorten signal selection process .
This paper considers the asymptotic property for some heat kernels and Green kernels on the Heisenberg group by residual theorem and path integral method , and gives simple and explicit formulas . The problem left in [ 1 ] is completely solved .
The transfer function was derived from the matrix function of axialy moving strings . Then the inverse Laplace transform , with the residue theorem , was employed to calculate the time domain response from the frequency domain response .
The scalar Helmholtz equation in cylindrical coordinate is constructed , using the method of separating variable , and fourier transform , and residue theory , and the Green 's function and field of the transverse electric mode associated with the electric diple are also obtained .
With operator method , we factorize the wave equation of transversely isotropic media in F-K domain , aPPly the residual theorem to get the analytical solution of the Green 's Function .
The problem of experimental verification about sampling theorem is discussed , the influence of the finite duration of sampled signals on the performance of system is analysed , and a problem that should be noticed while using residue theorem to find Z & transform is posed .
Because the residues of system transfer function is not to be calculated in this method , less computation time is required , so this method is suitable to various power system operating modes and the efficiency requirement of power system to PSS can also be satisfied .
RTEMP & A Computer Program for the Transient Thermal Transfer Analysis in Nuclear Fuel Elements by Using the Method of Weighted Residuals
In conjunction with the generalized minimal residual ( GMRES ) method , the preconditioning technique is applied to solve the radiation problems of the wire antennas mounted on a plate , a sphere and a large plane model , respectively .
Objective : To make the calculation of residue much easy .