
liú shēng jī
  • phonograph;a gramophone
留声机 [liú shēng jī]
  • [gramophone;phonograph] 通过唱针在旋转的圆盘或圆筒上的螺纹中移动来放声的装置

留声机[liú shēng jī]
  1. 激光唱片等新技术使留声机黯然失色。

    The gramophone had been eclipsed by new technology such as the compact disc

  2. 电话和留声机是同一时代的产物。

    The telephone and the gramophone were contemporary .

  3. 那是一台上弦的老式留声机。

    It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up .

  4. 他步入室内时听到那架蹩脚的留声机在呜咽

    He heard the tinny phonograph bleating as he walked in .

  5. 有些野心勃勃的不法之徒想出了一个精明的办法:用改良后的留声机把音乐刻在X光胶片上。

    Some enterprising outlaws devised an ingenious solution : etch the music onto X-ray film with the help of a modified record player .

  6. 我们用儿歌MaryHadaLittleLamb因为托马斯爱迪生在1877年,第一次录制在留声机上的也是这首儿歌。

    We used Mary Had a Little Lamb because those are said to be the first words , that Thomas Edison spoke into his phonograph in 1877 .

  7. 理论上说,黛丽拉可以像X系统一样,使用录制在留声机中的一次性密钥,就像电报使用的一次性密码本。

    In principle the Delilah could have used a one-time key recorded on gramophone records as the X-system did , analogous to the ' one-time pad ' for telegraph transmissions .

  8. 台式计算器已见不到了;个人台式电脑已经问世;iPoD取代了留声机。

    The desktop calculator has gone ; desktop personal computers have arrived ; the iPod has taken over from the gramophone .

  9. 要想计算过去50年的通胀程度,它必须指出多少部留声机相当于一部ipod。

    To calculate how much inflation has taken place over the past 50 years , it would have to show how many gramophones are equivalent to an iPod .

  10. 自任职以来,郑明勋重组了乐团,使得它的上座率增加,国际巡演取得好评,并与德意志留声机公司(DeutscheGrammophon)签订了一份合同,得以发行大量唱片。

    Since then , as he has remade the orchestra , attendance has risen , international tours have been well reviewed and a contract with Deutsche Grammophon has allowed it to release a number of recordings .

  11. 看看LaMilongadelosConsagrados(门票55比索,最低消费一杯酒水)里的专注舞者吧,这里的舞池挤满了老年人,努力配合着音乐踏出舞步,音乐虽然是用电脑播放,听上去却带有一种留声机的质感。

    Check out the dedicated dancers at La Milonga de los Consagrados ( 55 pesos to enter , one-drink minimum ) , where the seniors keep the dance floor packed , working their moves to music , which , though played on a computer , sounds as if it 's coming from a Victrola .

  12. 我喜欢在傍晚听留声机,放松一下。

    I like to relax with my gramophone of an evening .

  13. 这家留声机曾在1876年的费城世博会上展出过。

    It was once on display at the1876 Philadelphia World Expo .

  14. 留声机是托马斯爱迪生的发明物。

    The phonograph , an invention attributed to Thomas edison .

  15. §1877年&托马斯-A-爱迪生发明留声机。

    1877 & Thomas A. Edison has a phonograph playing .

  16. 留声机是托马斯·爱迪生发明的。

    The phonograph is an invention attributed to Thomas Edison .

  17. 人们把留声机的发明归功于爱迪生。

    Edison is credited with the invention of the phonograph .

  18. 1877年,托马斯·爱迪生首次公开展示了他的留声机。

    Thomas Edison demonstrates his phonograph for the first time .

  19. 1877年的今天,发明家托马斯.a.爱迪生宣布发明了留声机。

    In1877 , inventor Thomas A.Edison announced the invention of his phonograph .

  20. 他在发明电话后首次的一项实验中,改善了留声机的品质。

    One of his first experiments after the telephone bettered the phonograph .

  21. 一架古老的留声机沉重地奏出很久以前的曲调。

    An ancient record-player ground out some tune long ago .

  22. 你在做记录,就像歌曲被刻录在留声机的唱片上。

    You are recording as it is recorded on a gramophone plate .

  23. 爱迪生拥有早期留声机的专利权。

    Edison held the patent on the early phonograph .

  24. 他把每周的薪水存起来,从没忘记过维克多牌手摇留声机。

    Every week he squirreled away his paycheck , never forgetting the Victrola .

  25. 一种长期播放的留声机唱盘;每分钟转.圈。

    A long-playing phonograph record ; designed to be played at 33.3 rpm .

  26. 汤玛斯爱迪生创造了许许多多的发明物,但留声机却是他的最爱。

    Thomas Edison created many inventions , but his favorite was the phonograph .

  27. 他卖掉最后的一张留声机唱片,一定赚了大钱。

    He must have hit the jackpotwith the sales of his last gramophone record .

  28. 自从录音磁带进入市场以来,留声机唱片已成了市场上的滞销品。

    Gramophone records have become a drug on the market since cassettes were introduced .

  29. 收藏家俱、庭用品和老式留声机。

    Furniture , household articles , and gramophones .

  30. 火灾过后三个星期,爱迪生成功地推出了他的第一部留声机。

    Three weeks after the fire , Edison managed to deliver his first phonograph .