
liú zhì wù
  • lien
  1. 本章分为留置权对留置物所有人的影响、行使留置权应具备的条件、留置权的法律效力、留置权如何行使、留置权的消灭等几个方面来阐述。

    This chapter consists of lien influence on owners of lien goods , essential requirements for exercising lien , legal validity of lien , how to exercise the lien , the elimination of lien etc.

  2. 留置权消灭后,债务人享有请求留置权人返还其留置物的权利。

    After the lien is terminated , the debtor has the right to request the creditor returns the possession back .

  3. 采用缝线或硬膜外麻醉导管作为泪小管留置物。

    Suture or cpi dural anesthesia catheter was used as the filling material .

  4. 因保管不善致使留置物灭失或者毁损的,留置权人应当承担民事责任。

    The lien holder shall be civilly liable for loss or destruction of or damage to the retained property resulting from his negligence . The management accepts no responsibility for loss of goods in storage .

  5. 研究生物膜形成相关基因,阐明表皮葡萄球菌致病机理是研究预防和治疗由表皮葡萄球菌引起的插管等留置物相关感染的关键。

    It is crucial to study the biofilm forming related genes in S. epidermidis , thereby revealing the mechanisms of its pathogenesis and for the development of effective preventive and therapeutic measures against intravascular catheter associated infections caused by S. epidermidis .

  6. 此外,还从海上货物运输留置权的成立要件、行使条件限制、效力范围、留置权人的权利义务、留置物所有人的权利义务、货物留置权的实行、消灭以及留置方式等方面进行阐述。

    In addition , Chapter II elucidates the establishment conditions , restriction on exercising conditions , effective scope , the lien or 's rights and obligations , the acquisition , the extinguish and the means of possessory lien on goods .