
fěi jì
  • Fiji
斐济[fěi jì]
  1. 我们去澳大利亚时中途在斐济停留了两天。

    We had a two-day stopover in Fiji on the way to Australia .

  2. 糖是斐济第二大出口创汇产品。

    Sugar is Fiji 's second biggest export earner .

  3. 斐济总理称斐济并不急于重返共同体。

    The Prime Minister of Fiji has said Fiji is in no hurry to rejoin the Commonwealth

  4. 这种早餐在亚洲和太平洋地区特别受欢迎,尤其在泰国、斐济和马尔代夫等地气候温暖的私人度假村。

    These breakfasts are particularly popular in Asia and the Pacific , especially at warm-weather private villa resorts in places like Thailand , Fiji and the Maldives .

  5. ——在斐济国立大学的讲话“印度制造”是指:我们不仅欢迎有成本效益的企业进行生产,而且还会为这些企业的产品营销提供一个广大的市场。

    By saying Make in India , we are not only inviting11 companies for cost-effective manufacturing , but also giving them an opportunity of a large market for their products .

  6. 福布斯家族在斐济群岛上有座小岛,这座小岛被卖给了红牛(RedBull)的创始人迪特里希•马特希茨。

    The island in the Fiji archipelago was sold to Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz .

  7. 应用RT-PCR技术对国外引进的甘蔗品种(材料)进行了甘蔗斐济病的检测,进一步改进和完善了该检测技术。

    Sugarcane Fiji disease of exotic sugarcane varieties were tested by RT-PCR , and it may further improve the detection techniques of the disease .

  8. Lisa说这里有一部分是夏威夷原住民,有些是日本人、菲律宾人、中国人、斐济人和汤加人。

    Lisa : Some of those are native Hawaiians . Some are Japanese , Filipino , Chinese , Fijian , Tongan .

  9. AV在澳大利亚、巴布亚新几内亚和斐济用于议会选举,在爱尔兰用于总统选举。

    Australia , Papua New Guinea and Fiji use AV in parliamentary elections , and Ireland uses it to elect its president .

  10. 这是斐济群岛的纳梅纳岛(NamenaIsland)海域,一条颜色鲜艳的长鼻鹰鱼正栖息在软珊瑚群中。长鼻鹰鱼属于热带海洋鱼类,以其针状的鼻子以及红白色的鳞屑而著名。

    Longnose hawkfish , like this brightly patterned creature resting in a bed of soft coral off Fiji Island 's Namena Island , are tropical marine fish known for their needle-like snouts and striking red-and-white scales .

  11. 报导称,在斐济的东北部的L及S地区也有震感。

    Reports said the tremors were felt in Fiji 's northeastern Lambasa and Savusavu areas .

  12. 他说,我给在悉尼四季酒店(FourSeasonsSydney)做行政总厨的一个朋友拨了通电话,那个朋友找到他的熟人买到了斐济的芒果,还从夏威夷买到了草莓和覆盆子。

    ' I called a friend who was the executive chef at the Four Seasons Sydney , who got his contacts to buy mangoes in Fiji and strawberries and raspberries from Hawaii , ' he said .

  13. 此处是斐济一处珊瑚礁的浅滩,艳丽的软珊瑚舞动在红色、粉红色与黄色之中,而成群的拟花?(fairybasslet)则闪耀着橘色和紫色的光辉。

    Here in the shallows of a Fijian reef , brilliant soft corals wave in reds , pinks , and yellows as schools of fairy basslets flash orange and violet hues .

  14. 斐济元(货币代码fjd)是斐济的货币。

    The Fijian dollar ( currency code FJD ) is the currency of Fiji .

  15. 最大的基督徒教会是卫理公会派教徒教会(MethodistChurch),占总人口的36.2%(其中包括三分之二的本土斐济人),在斐济所占的人口比例在比其他任何国家高。

    The largest Christian denomination is the Methodist Church . With 36.2 % of the total population ( including almost two-thirds of ethnic Fijians ), its share of the population is higher in Fiji than in any other nation .

  16. 评估斐济儿童疾病综合防治办法(IMCI)在检测儿童常见皮肤病上的灵敏度。

    To assess the sensitivity of an Integrated Management of Childhood Illness ( IMCI ) algorithm to detect common skin conditions in children in Fiji .

  17. 自由而和平的竞选导致斐济政府由一个印度-斐济人(Indo-Fijian)领导。

    Free and peaceful elections in1999 resulted in a government led by an Indo-Fijian .

  18. TemuWaqanivalu医生是世界卫生组织驻斐济首都苏瓦南太平洋办公室的工作人员。

    Dr. Temu Waqanivalu is with the World Health Organization 's South Pacific office in Suva , Fiji .

  19. 斐济共和国是南太平洋的岛国,位于瓦努阿图(Vanuatu)东部,汤加(Tonga)西部和图瓦卢(Tuvalu)南部。

    The Republic of the Fiji Islands , or Fiji , is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean , east of Vanuatu , west of Tonga and south of Tuvalu .

  20. 在这里,一个灿烂的红色海扇珊瑚伸展在一条金黄色小热带鱼之后在斐济群岛的Namenalala岛海域之外。

    Here , a brilliant red sea fan coral spreads behind a golden damselfish in waters off Fiji 's Namenalala Island .

  21. 伴随着斐济宜人的风景,当地人会对你很友好的说“Bula”(你好)。

    Along with the good scenery of Fiji , the people there are also very friendly and say " Bula "( hello ) whenever they spot you .

  22. 伴随着斐济宜人的风景,当地人会对你很友好的说“Bula”(你好)。

    Along with the good scenery of Fiji , the people there are also very friendly and say " Bula " ( hello ) whenever they spot you .

  23. Tavarua岛,斐济-它是这是从游客相对较少的角度来看,总理拥挤的地方之一,但作为一个辉煌的冲浪点服务!

    Tavarua Island , Fiji – It is one of the premier places which is comparatively less crowded from the tourists'point of view , but serves as a brilliant spot for surfing !

  24. 你去不成斐济所以生气?

    You 're upset because you want to go to Fiji ?

  25. 这会儿,我们可以听听斐济岛最近的新闻啦。

    now we 'll have the latest news from the Feegees .

  26. 斐济是地球上最美丽的地方之一!

    Fiji is one of the most beautiful places on Earth .

  27. 有些是日本人、菲律宾人、中国人、斐济人、东加人。

    Some are Japanese , Filipino , Chinese , Fijian , Tongan .

  28. 想看我在斐济拍的照片吗,小弗?

    Do you want to see my picture of fiji , frankie ?

  29. 它位于萨摩亚群岛的南边,斐济岛的东边。

    It lies south of Samoa and east of Fiji .

  30. 我本来应该还有不到一个星期的时间就到斐济了。

    I should have been in Fiji in less than a week .