
  • 网络Fiji;Fiji Island
  1. 它位于萨摩亚群岛的南边,斐济岛的东边。

    It lies south of Samoa and east of Fiji .

  2. 英联邦内的一个独立国家,位于斐济岛上。

    An independent state within the British Commonwealth located on the Fiji islands .

  3. 这会儿,我们可以听听斐济岛最近的新闻啦。

    now we 'll have the latest news from the Feegees .

  4. 有些人会去斐济岛度10周年婚庆。

    Some people go to Fiji for their10th anniversary .

  5. 叙利亚的叛军从斐济岛抓获了45名联合国维和人员,并将他们作为人质,叛军发布了一系列要求。

    Syrian rebels who took 45 UN peacekeeping troops from Fiji hostage have issued a list of demands .

  6. 联盟的发起人林东表示,富豪们以团体形式去南太平洋购岛尚属首次,并解释说,斐济的岛最便宜,因为那边“岛多人少”。

    It is the first time such a group has been put together with the sole aim of securing the members ' own South Pacific plot of land , according to Lin Dong , the founder of the China Island Owners Association . Lin explained islands in Fiji are the cheapest , with plenty of choice but very few inhabitants .

  7. 斐济是太平洋岛上的停靠港,从澳大利亚的悉尼坐船出发,斐济是途中必停的一站。

    A Pacific Island Port of Call , Fiji is one of many stops to be made on cruises beginning in Sydney , Australia .

  8. 斐济是太平洋岛上的“停靠港”,从澳大利亚的悉尼坐船出发,斐济是途中必停的一站。

    A Pacific Island " Port of Call , " Fiji is one of many stops to be made on cruises beginning in Sydney , Australia .

  9. 这是斐济群岛的纳梅纳岛(NamenaIsland)海域,一条颜色鲜艳的长鼻鹰鱼正栖息在软珊瑚群中。长鼻鹰鱼属于热带海洋鱼类,以其针状的鼻子以及红白色的鳞屑而著名。

    Longnose hawkfish , like this brightly patterned creature resting in a bed of soft coral off Fiji Island 's Namena Island , are tropical marine fish known for their needle-like snouts and striking red-and-white scales .

  10. 在这里,一个灿烂的红色海扇珊瑚伸展在一条金黄色小热带鱼之后在斐济群岛的Namenalala岛海域之外。

    Here , a brilliant red sea fan coral spreads behind a golden damselfish in waters off Fiji 's Namenalala Island .