
  • 网络Fibonacci sequence;Fibonacci number;fibonacci series
  1. 计算斐波那契数列和错位排列数的增广Petri网模型

    Two Extended Petri Net Models For Computing The Fibonacci Numbers And The Error Position Numbers

  2. 随着故事规模的增大,Kelly使用斐波那契数列来将相关的业务价值分配给每个故事。

    Just as with story sizing , Kelly uses a Fibonacci scale to assign relative business value to each story .

  3. 对数螺线、黄金分割与斐波那契数列的完美统一

    The Perfect Unity of Logarithmic Spiral , Golden Section and Fibonacci Sequence

  4. 你还记得上次我们在研究斐波那契数列吧。

    You remember last time we were looking at Fibonacci .

  5. 采用广义斐波那契数列作背包向量的公钥密码体制

    A Public Key Cryptosystem Using the Generalized Fibonacci Sequence as the Trapdoor Knapsack Vector

  6. 这是一个递归结构求斐波那契数列中的数列中的前10个数。

    This is a recursive structure for Fibonacci series , the series of10 numbers .

  7. 有些植物的性状中存在斐波那契数列。

    Some plant traits emerged as Fibonacci numbers .

  8. 利用斐波那契数列的规律,提出了离散变量结构优化设计的斐波那契算法。

    Moreover , Fibonacci design method was used for structural optimum design with discrete variables .

  9. 如果我来写斐波那契数列你可以看看这儿,原因是我想让你看看这部分的递归可以翻倍。

    And the reason I want to show you this is to notice that the recursion can be doubled .

  10. 如果你交易有一段时间,相信你可能知道斐波那契数列关系。

    If you 've been trading for any length of time , odds are that you already know all about Fibonacci relationships .

  11. 提出一种基于斐波那契数列的寻优方法来提高交流电机驱动系统的效率。

    This paper presents a new approach , Fibonacci sequence based on-line efficiency optimization control , for improving the efficiency of induction motor drive systems .

  12. 他在跑步回来的路上,常常给唐·贝利展示斐波那契数列的例子,正如他在1941年展示冷杉。

    on his return from runs he would often show examples of the Fibonacci numbers to Don Bayley , producing fir cones as he had in 1941 .

  13. 学生:听不见:,我们马上会试一试,但是答案是斐波那契数列,我们可以定义下最初的两个数。

    STUDENT : Right , we 're going to do that in a second , but the answer is Fibonacci numbers , we define the first two .

  14. 此外,他编写了一个程序,不停地计算斐波那契数列,占用了大量的计算机运行时间,学校威胁要他承担费用。

    In addition , he created a program to calculate Fibonacci numbers that burned up so much computer time the university threatened to bill him for the cost .

  15. 首先,借鉴经验比例(黄金比例、根号比例和斐波那契数列比例)界定二维平面纸面积的选择。

    First of all , learn from the experience ratio ( the golden ratio , root ratio and the proportion of the Fibonacci series ) area of defined selection of two-dimensional paper .

  16. 然后在这里有个这样的数列,一个很好的用递归来实现的斐波那契i数列。

    And so we 've got it up here , a nice little recursive implementation of it .