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fěi rán
  • brilliant;striking
斐然 [fěi rán]
  • (1) [brilliant]∶有文采和韵味

  • 斐然成章。--《论语.公冶长》

  • (2) [striking]∶卓著,引入注目

  • 成果斐然

斐然[fěi rán]
  1. 尽管经济增长带来的减贫成就斐然,我国目前仍然还存在大量的贫困人口。

    Although economic growth has resulted in striking poverty reduction achievements , there is still a high proportion of poor headcounts .

  2. 通过20多年农业综合开发项目的实施,湖南省农业综合开发取得了斐然成绩。

    Through the implementation of agricultural comprehensive development for more than 20 years , Hunan agricultural comprehensive development has made striking achievements .

  3. 杰克在学校里学习成绩斐然。

    Jack is doing very well at school .

  4. 他突然决定退休结束了他成就斐然的职业生涯。

    His sudden decision to retire brought down the curtain on a distinguished career .

  5. 直到1987年,加拿大的工业一直成就斐然。

    Until 1987 , Canada 's industry had been the star performer

  6. 她是华尔街一名业绩斐然的经纪人。

    She 's a hotshot broker on Wall Street .

  7. 不管以哪种标准来衡量,过去一年都成果斐然。

    By any standards , the accomplishments of the past year are extraordinary .

  8. 他们成功地调整了业务,成绩斐然。

    They have revamped the business with spectacular success

  9. 现在已经很清楚19世纪90年代是多么超乎寻常、成就斐然的10年了。

    It has now become clear how extraordinarily fecund a decade was the 1890s .

  10. 他们的首张单曲成绩斐然。

    Their debut single is a stunner .

  11. 他是一名学业成就斐然的毕业生。

    He is a graduate of impressive educational attainments .

  12. 为推动开发区的发展,他和开发区干部职工一道,熬更守夜苦干,细化制度,勤奋工作,一年多来,成绩斐然。

    To promote the development of the development zone , and a staff members have more drudgery and refine system , a vigil for more than a year , hard work , and achieved great success .

  13. 一位学业成就斐然的年轻女子

    a young woman of impressive educational attainments

  14. 我厂的HID氙气灯、GPS导航系统远销海外,声誉斐然。

    I plant Xenon HID lights , a GPS navigation system pillar overseas reputation is outstanding .

  15. 中国经济自改革开放以来也取得了长足进展,尤其是加入WTO以来成绩斐然,倍受世界瞩目。

    Chinese economy has greatly developed since the execution of open policy , and its extraordinary performance has attracted world attention , especially after entering into WTO .

  16. E也在美国一所大学学习,成绩斐然,毕业后获得了三个专业学位,还创造了一项纪录,那就是同时担任多门课程的助教。

    E. E studied at a US university , finishing with three honors majors and a record as a teaching assistant in several courses , among other achievements .

  17. 目前,基础阶段的英语教学成绩斐然,而ESP的教学则相对薄弱。

    Nowadays , English teaching in the fundamental period has attained wonderful results , while ESP teaching remains a weak part .

  18. BarclaysCapital的资产分析师奈普(BarryKnapp)青睐削减成本成绩斐然的工业类股。

    Barry Knapp , equity strategist at Barclays Capital , favors industrials as a play on the cost-cutting binge . '

  19. 这给予了我们那些负责网站横幅广告和App嵌入广告的的IT人员有了更明确的分工和酬金方法。京晶:厉害了,听上去成绩斐然。

    This led to better focus and clear rewards for our IT guys in charge of banners and in-app ads. Wow , that sounds like a good accomplishment .

  20. 革新开放二十余年来,越南在对外贸易领域业绩斐然,特别是越南加入WTO对经济发展及出口的影响非常大。

    For about 20 years since reform and opening-up , Viet Nam has made great achievement in external trades , especially the great impacts on development of economy and trades of the entrance of WTO .

  21. No.5MarieCurie居里夫人原子科学家居里夫人不仅仅自己是左撇子,她作为女家长,他们一家子都是建树斐然的左撇子科学家。

    Not only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed , but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished , southpaw scientists .

  22. LFM项目诞生于1988年,在美国声誉斐然,为美国制造型企业培养了诸多生产管理的领袖型人才。

    Established in1988 , the LFM program enjoyed a good reputation in the U.S.A.by culturing leaders in the production and management fields for national manufacturing enterprises .

  23. 同时,为了适应不同领域和目标应用的需要,建立或更新GIS数据库的数据,图像数据处理与分析理论和方法的研究也成果斐然。

    Meanwhile , in order to meet the requirements of different applied fields , and construct or renew the data in GIS database , the achievements on theories and technologies for digital geo-spatial image processing and analysis were elegant in recent years .

  24. 作为一种重要的经济动物和模式动物,鸡SNP多样性的研究以及鸡主要经济性状QTL定位的研究近年来成绩斐然。

    As an important economically animal and a model animal , a great of progress of SNP diversity and QTL map - ping in chickens have been made in recent years .

  25. 将权力传承给第二代可能需慎重对待,因为他们通常不像他们的父辈一样人脉广泛、成就斐然&即使他们中有许多人都已经获得了著名大学的MBA学位。

    Handing over power to the next generation can be tricky , as the children are not usually as well connected or accomplished as their fathers , even if many have obtained MBAs from prestigious universities .

  26. 赫内斯昆卡一直在非常努力地优化Panoramio的两台服务器,成果斐然。

    Joaqu í n Cuenca has been working very hard optimizing our two servers with great results .

  27. 1996年,Delmer小组首次从植物中克隆出纤维素合成酶基因。近年来,在纤维素合成酶的结构、功能、定位和基因功能的研究方面成果斐然。

    A number of cellulose synthase genes have been first cloned from plant species by Delmer 's group in 1996 . Recently , research achievement has been obtained in accumulating to understanding the cellulose synthase function , location , and the gene function .

  28. 在此期间,我国的涉外经济成绩斐然。

    The external sector performance also improved significantly during the period .

  29. 华兴水泥构筑辉煌异军突起桥梁建设成绩斐然

    HUA XING CEMENT BUILDS SPLENDID FUTURE Splendid Achievements of Bridge Construction

  30. 吉利根当州长四年,政绩斐然。

    The Gilligan record in four years as governor was exemplary .