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  • 网络Fu Style;the style of fu
  1. 先秦仪式展演与赋体的生成&对赋体形成过程的发生学考察

    The Ritual Display of Pre-Qin Period and the Generation of the Style of Fu & An Ontological Study of the Formation of the Style of Fu

  2. 两汉时期赋体文学的模拟。

    Second , two Chinese period compose simulation , body of literature .

  3. 《西游记》赋体语言初探

    Investigating the Language of Ode Style in " Journey to the West "

  4. 慢词风致与赋体手法

    Style of Man Ci and Techniques of Fu

  5. 第一章从源流论的角度来探究汉魏六朝赋体文学,着眼于文化精神之变迁,历时态地考察赋在汉魏六朝期间嬗变的主要规律。

    The first chapter runs for the laws of the development of cultural mettle of Fu .

  6. 论赋体起源

    On the Origin of Parallel Prose

  7. 20世纪新的文化和文学语境,塑造了新的赋体观念,也影响了赋体创作。

    The writers in the 20th century were affected by their new literary conception of Fu .

  8. 论赋体之缘起

    On the origin of fu

  9. 汉末桓灵之世赋体创作的转变体现在抒情化和趣味化两种倾向。

    The two trends of lyricalness and interest show the change of Fu creations in the late Eastern Han Dynasty .

  10. 中国古代赋体文学有着鲜明的文体特征。将其翻译成英文,这些特征理应得到再现。

    The ancient Chinese prose-poem has distinctive stylistic features , and these features need to be represented in the English translation .

  11. 从其说来源之背景到赋体起源说的理论内涵,都进行了较深入的探讨。

    Everything from the background of the origin of the theory to the theoretical connotation of Fu origin theory is profoundly discussed .

  12. 赋体是汉魏时期的主流文学形式,能够代表当时语言的实际状况。

    Fu , as the mainstream literary form in Han Dynasty , can represent the actual state of the language at that time .

  13. 我们还应该看到的是,赋诗对赋体的产生和发展,对《诗》的流传和阐释都产生了深远的影响。

    We should also pay attention to its influence on the producing and development of Fu Ti the circulating and explaining of the songs .

  14. 荀子的赋体文学虽不多,但影响较大,故而在文学发展史上具有特殊的意义。

    The literary works of Xun-Zi is not much , but it has great influence , so it has special influence in the literary history .

  15. 这些文体包括:谴责小说,侠义小说,传奇小说,史类小说,赋体小说,寓言小说等。

    These literary forms include condemning novels , chivalric novels , legend novels , history novels , composing novels , fable novels and so on .

  16. 宋玉是继屈原之后杰出的楚辞作家,他勇于创新,开辟赋体文学,成为一代赋圣。

    Song Yu is an outstanding Chu Ci writer , who is after following Qu Yuan always innovating , creating Fu literature and becoming Fu Sheng lastly .

  17. 赋体文学一个鲜明的创作手法就是“前后左右广言之”。这种创作手法深刻地影响了元嘉时期的诗歌创作。

    " Narrating in an overall and detailed manner ", one of the distinctive creation method of fu-style literature , exerted a deep influence upon the Yuanjia poetry creation .

  18. 在赋体文学发展史上,南北朝是一个题材空前多样广阔,内容空前丰富充实,艺术空前精湛优美的时代。

    In the history of ode-style literature , the Northern and Southern Dynasties is the era of unprecedented wide variety of subjects , enriched contents and exquisite fine art .

  19. 在词汇层面上,赋体文学常出现不同词汇集的词汇组成词组和虚词。

    At the lexical level , there are collocations composed of lexicons from different lexical sets and the function words in the middle and at the end of the clauses .

  20. 刘禹锡不仅在诗歌方面成就斐然,有诗豪之誉,而且在赋体文学上也是骨力雄健、气魄豪壮。

    Not only Liu Yuxi had striking achievement in the poetry aspect and the reputation of Heroic Poet , but also he had sturdy vigor and unconstrained verve in Fu literature .

  21. 肯定宋玉是赋体文学的开山祖师,并第一个创作了对问体赋、谐体赋和祝辞;

    It also affirmed that Song was the originator of ode style literature because he was the first one who indited " Asking and Answering Odes ", " Humoristic Odes " and " Prayer Diction ";

  22. 从建安时代赋体文学对诗歌的渗透出发,详细阐释魏晋时期拟诗兴起的原因及魏晋拟诗的发展过程和艺术特征;

    Fit era compose body literature infiltration in poem set out , explain period plan reason that poem rise and draft evolution and artistic characteristic of poem the Wei Jin Dynasty such as in detail building ;

  23. 日本及港台学者对中国赋体文学的研究比较深入,他们大都是从赋与诗的关系入手来谈对赋的认识和界定问题,但在具体论述赋与诗的关系上又各持己见。

    The scholars of Japan , Hong Kong and Taiwan have a deep research on Chinese literature of ode style . They mostly discuss understanding and the definition to ode from the relation between poetry and ode .

  24. 我们认为儒家正名思想的文化传统是赋体探源的深层理论渊源,而六朝时的文学自觉意识引起的文章辩体之风则是赋体探源的近因。

    It is considered that the cultural tradition of Confucian rectification of names is the profound theoretical origin of Fu exploration . But the style of article debate caused by the literary self-consciousness in Six Dynasties is the immediate cause of Fu exploration .

  25. 论《古赋辨体》出现的原因

    On the Reasons for the Appearance of Gu Fu Bian Ti

  26. 论宋赋诸体

    On Styles of Song Fu

  27. 因为赋具有体物叙事的功能,农桑入赋,更能表现其农业文化特征和文学特征。

    Because of vested with the functions of narrative , " Sang-agriculture " reflected by Fu gives better performance of its agricultural characteristics of cultural identity and literature .

  28. 祝尧《古赋辨体》对于汉赋的认识,包括赋之文体及渊源论、汉赋价值论、汉赋艺术结构论、汉赋作家作品论凡四个方面。

    Zhu Yao 's understanding to Han Fu in Gu Fu Bian Ti ( One Book ) includes four aspects of its style and sources , its value theory , its structure artistic theory , its authors and works .

  29. 音乐赋作为赋体文学的一大门类,倍受历代作家的青睐。

    Musical fu is a big kind of Fu literature , which got the favour of the writers of past dynasties .

  30. 本文主要从当时的科举试赋制度,尊体意识与乾嘉学术的影响等三个层面作出简要的论述。

    The influences of the system of examining Ci Fu in imperial examinations , style-respect awareness and the learning of the Qianlong and Jiaqing Periods on Ci Fu study are analyzed .