
  • 网络taxes system
  1. 这种不协调的一个突出表现,就是赋税制度与社会主义市场经济体制的不适应。

    The uncorrespond of taxes system and socialist market economy is one main display .

  2. 楚国赋税制度综议

    Review on the Taxes System of Chu State

  3. 中国皇权社会赋税制度的法理逻辑及其制度结果&从王税官课成为赋税制度基本形态谈起

    The Legal Theoretical Logic and Results of Taxation in Chinese Monarchical Society

  4. 论清代定额化赋税制度的建立

    On the Establishment of Ration Taxation System in Qing Dynasty

  5. 伪满洲国赋税制度述评

    Commentary about the Tax System of Puppet Manchuria Regime

  6. 赋税制度是一项重要的国家制度。

    Tax system is an importantly national system .

  7. 论铸币税的征收西汉赋税制度研究

    On Tax System of Western Han Dynasty

  8. 此外,他们还对太平天国政权的赋税制度与政策予以客观分析和评价。

    Insides , they gave objective analysis and evaluation on the taxation of the Tai-Ping regime .

  9. 田赋制度是清代新疆赋税制度的重要内容之一。

    The land-tax system is one of important items in Xinjiang 's taxation during the Qing dynasty .

  10. 中国封建社会的赋税制度对于维护封建国家的长治久安起到了重要作用。

    Tax system in Chinese feudal period played an important role in maintaining stability of the state .

  11. 国家的赋税制度与溺女婴的习俗则是传统社会有力的人口调节器。

    Meanwhile the state system of taxes and convention of drowning female babies served as powerful adjusters of population traditional society .

  12. 沉重的赋税制度是造成农妇困顿现实的根本原因,战争与兵役是造成农妇困顿现实的直接原因。

    The heavy taxation system is the fundamental reason , and the war and army is the direct cause of the actual .

  13. 明代的赋税制度通过一系列国家立法的形式被固定下来,成为明代法制中重要的组成部分。

    In the Ming Dynasty , tax system became an important part of the legal system through a series of national legislation .

  14. 楚国的赋税制度,主要包括军赋、田税、地租、户口税和关市税等几种形式。

    The taxes system of Chu state maily includes corvee , farm tax , land rent , household tax , tariff and so on .

  15. 经济上,实行封建赋税制度,其农业、手工业和商业都有了较大发展。

    On the economy , feudal taxes system had been carried out . Great development had been obtained on the agriculture , handicraft industry and commerce .

  16. 中国皇权社会赋税制度与欧洲中世纪税制不仅在形态上、而且在法理基础上都有着很大的不同。

    Compared with medieval European taxation , Chinese taxation in the monarchical society was quite different in its foundation of legal theory as well as in its formation .

  17. 都铎王朝正处于由封建社会向近代社会转型的时代,其议会与税收的关系奠定了英国赋税制度现代化的基础。

    Tudor Dynasty was at the transformation stage from a feudal dynasty to a modern society and the relationship between the Parliament and taxation led to the modernization of British tax system .

  18. 耶律楚材最重要的贡献是成功劝谏统治者建立赋税制度,放弃屠城、残害百姓。

    Chucai was most notable for convincing the Mongols to tax conquered cities instead of destroying them , arguing that the money and manpower gained from the cities could fund future conquests .

  19. 在赋税制度下,负债融资可以增加企业的价值,举债经营是现代资本运营的重要举措。

    With the rule of taxes , The owing circulation funds can increase the enterprise 's value . The operation through raising a loan is the important measure for the modern capital running .

  20. 例如:宋时的“两税法”和明朝时的单税法都来自于唐朝的赋税制度。

    For example , the " two taxes " system of the Song Dynasty , the " single whip method of taxation " of the Ming Dynasty were originated from the Tang 's taxation system .

  21. 在赋税制度改革方面,应该在全社会确立权利与义务相互统一的纳税人意识,建立和健全与社会主义市场经济相适应的社会主义社会契约论基础上的宪政性质的赋税制度。

    On taxes system revolution , we should establish the united of right and obligation taxpayer consciousness . To building and consummating the constitutional government taxes system of agree with socialist market economy base on the socialist contract .

  22. 它的存在决定了国家的早期性,而它被赋税制度逐步取代的过程,也与早期国家发展到较为成熟的领土国家的演进过程相同步。

    At the same time , it is the special product in the early state and its existence also decides the early stage of country . The process of replacing by taxation goes coherent with the maturity of the early state .

  23. 第二部分叙述了辽金赋税制度之比较,主要从六个方面来进行比较:赋税种类、征收依据、征税对象、额度与数量、征税时间以及减免税的原因和力度。

    The second part describes the comparison Jin tax system , mainly to compare from six aspects : tax types , the collection of basis , taxed , the amount and quantity of time and tax relief for tax reasons and efforts .

  24. 古代帝国在中东地区留下的遗产中,行省制度、赋税制度等文明成果是中东的财富;多民族融合与文化的兼容并蓄使中东历史呈现独特的风貌;

    There are many ' Legacies ' given by ancient empires such as province system , taxation system etc , which were wealth for civilization in the Middle East , and multitude cultural merging had made history of the Middle East outstanding .

  25. 改革面临的瓶颈及公共经济学有关政府效率及有限的和有效的政府等理论,为赋税制度的公共选择改革和乡镇机构改革提供了佐证和支撑。

    The problems existing in the tax reform and the theories of public economy about the government 's efficiency and the " limited and efficient government " help us to set up proper tax system and to reform the government in the rural areas .

  26. 为提供一些解决问题的建议,本文以历史考察的方法来总结历史上与农业税相同或相近的赋税制度所体现的宝贵经验,以比较研究的方法总结国外与农业相关的税收法律制度的经验。

    To give some advice to solve these problems , this paper sums up the valuable experience of the agricultural taxation system in Chinese history with the method of historical investigation , and studies the experience of the legal system of agricultural taxation abroad with the method of comparative study .

  27. 前言:简要陈述本论文选题的理论与现实意义、本论文研究的对象与内容以及研究方法。第一编:清代赋税法律制度的背景分析。

    In the foreword , the author gives a brief introduction to the theoretical and practical significance of the subject in this thesis , the object and the method of the study , and the main content of this thesis .

  28. 本文试图通过对历史上为何赋税导向宪政的原因分析,揭示赋税的宪政含义,以此为基础提出与赋税有关的法律制度改革。

    This research tries to discover reasons why taxation historically led to constitutionalism , and by drawing on these reasons and the constitutional meanings of taxation , it suggests reforms in the legal and related systems to impose taxation .