
fù xián
  • be unemployed
赋闲 [fù xián]
  • [be unemployed] 晋代潘岳辞官家居,作《闲居赋》。后来就把没有职业在家闲住叫赋闲

  • 吾只在省侯补,是个赋闲的人,有这闲功夫等他。--《官场现形记》

赋闲[fù xián]
  1. 萨内蒂透露自己以前就对MBA学位怀有这些猜疑和担忧。从商学院毕业后,她有一年时间失业赋闲,那期间她的疑虑更重了。

    Zanetti says she harbored these doubts and concerns about the degree , especially after being unemployed for a year after graduation .

  2. 他感到很有趣,赋闲在他自己的美国田庄上。

    He was amused , resting here on his American estate .

  3. 我一直都在家里赋闲。

    I have been taking it easy at home .

  4. 她如今赋闲在家,照看孩子,并规划着新的事业。

    She now stays at home , looking after the children and planning new ventures .

  5. 他母亲批评他妻子抚育孩子的方式,并且不满她赋闲在家。

    His mom criticized his wife for her parenting style and for not getting a job .

  6. 他说:“在漫长的赋闲时间以后,他再一次为足球燃烧起来。”

    He said : " following his long break , he is burning for football again . "

  7. 他们长期赋闲,日常活动内容以做家务、看电视和听广播为主。

    The contents of day-to-day activities are doing housework , watching TV and listening to the radio .

  8. 赋闲在家已有数月?通过采取一些措施自我提高,你可以避免职业技能出现退步。

    Out of work for months ? Prevent your professional skills from atrophying by taking steps to brush up .

  9. 他父亲赋闲了,正忙于随处找工作。

    His father has been fired ( is out of work ), and he 's busy looking for a job .

  10. 最新消息称,世界杯冠军教练银狐里皮将在下赛季重返都灵,此前,他赋闲了一年。

    The latest reports suggest that World Cup winner Lippi will return to Turin next season after his one-year sabbatical .

  11. 这些日子,家中光景很是惨淡,一半因为丧事,一半因为父亲赋闲。

    In these days home proposed projects was very bleak , half for the funeral , half for my father idleness .

  12. 政府内外对失业调整补贴持怀疑态度的人认为,每周发放20美元会让这些人变成不负责任的赋闲者。

    Skeptics in and out of government said that the giveaway of $ 20 a week would lead to irresponsible idleness .

  13. “当我第一眼看到这个标题时,感觉非常奇怪,”陆说道。陆61岁,是位退休赋闲的市场研究员。

    " When I saw it , I thought it was very strange ," says Lu , 61 , a retired market researcher .

  14. 只要能达到每三个人工作的同时只有不到一个人赋闲的比例那么全体公民都能享受到很好的公共医疗和社会福利。

    Public Health and SS service for all citizens works great for as long as you have a ratio of3 working people to1 retired person .

  15. 这位已年过70的老先生,无论是早年在政府部门上班,还是现在退休赋闲在家,都时常有人找他写联。

    Now in his seventies , the retiree has been frequently asked to write couplets since his younger years , when he worked in the government .

  16. 因为他暂时赋闲在家,这名大夫将他介绍给了一名顾问,后者帮助他申请了一份公共医疗保险,每年报销3万美元的治疗费。

    Because he was between jobs , she introduced him to a counselor who helped him file for public health insurance covering his $ 30000-a-year treatment .

  17. 佩尤的研究人员推测,那是因为比起男性,更多的女性选择赋闲在家,尽管该研究并不想对这种差别进行嘲讽。

    The Pew researchers speculate that this is because more women than men are unemployed by choice , although the study didn 't attempt to tease apart that difference .

  18. 根据生产实际,综合利用并列、赋闲列和拟水平试验设计,运用多重比较进行方差分析,寻找水泥熟料的最佳工艺。

    According to practical production , this paper synthetically used concatenation , idle column , quasi-level experimental design and multitude-comparison AnOVA to seek for the optimum technics of cement production .

  19. 就像那些在纽约的演员一样,我也曾大把时间赋闲在家(失业中),于是我在格林威治村一家小而高档的意大利餐厅做着午餐服务员维生。

    Like most of my fellow actors in New York I was " between jobs " and making ends meet as a lunch waiter in a small high quality Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village .

  20. 赋闲在家,每日收拾屋子,看孩子写作业,日子如白马过隙一样溜掉,如同未出山的孙猴子一样寒暑不知年,所以先讲一段外星话。

    I 'm free at home , clean house and take care of my son , time flee away so quickly just like Money King in the old mountain , so speak ET language first .

  21. 你可能还要参加一个能提高自身技巧的课程学习,并向你的前雇主显示,即便你失业赋闲,也一直没落后。

    You might also want to enroll in a course that will bump up your skills set and show your former employer that you 've kept up , even as you 've been out of work .

  22. 我今年23岁,在纽约赋闲六周。1930~1931那一整年,我曾是一个纽约客,在哥伦比亚大学研究生院专修广告学。

    I am 23 years old , six weeks on the loose in N.Y. However , I was a New Yorker for a whole year in 1930-31 while attending advertising classes in Columbia 's School of Business .