
  • 网络Beitong;BETOP
  1. 公司位于东莞市南城区,靠近G107国道和广深高速东莞城区石鼓出口,北通广州,南抵深圳香港,交通十分方便。

    The company is located at Nancheng District of Dongguan city , adjacent to G107 State Road and Shigu Exit of Guang-shen Expressway , which connects Guangzhou in the north and Hong Kong in the south .

  2. 北通道西电东送规划研究概况

    Outline of Study on Planning of " West Power Transmission to the East " in the North Passage

  3. 整个格局是东引西联,南拓北通,中心崛起,形成合力。

    The whole structure is " connecting east and west , extending to the north and south , raising the central area and forming composition forces " .

  4. 又往北通到隐示麦、达到亚都冥坡对面的基利绿、又下到流便之子波罕的磐石。

    It then curved north , went to En Shemesh , continued to Geliloth , which faces the Pass of Adummim , and ran down to the Stone of Bohan son of Reuben .