
  • 网络Beijing Higher People's Court;Beijing High People's Court
  1. 对iPhone商标权的裁决由北京市高级人民法院做出,而这只是一连串引人瞩目的商标和盗版案件中的一起。

    The iPhone ruling , in a high court in the Beijing municipality , is just one of a spate of high-profile trademark and piracy cases in China .

  2. 北京市高级人民法院裁定,中山珠江饮品在2011年提交的“facebook”商标注册申请是明显抄袭和损害市场公平竞争的行为。

    The Beijing Municipal High People 's Court said the Zhongshan Pearl River Drinks application , filed in 2011 , to label certain foods and beverages " face book " was an obvious act of copying and harmed fair market competition .

  3. 北京市高级人民法院日前做出了有利于新通天地科技(北京)有限公司的裁决。新通天地销售品名为“iPhone”的智能手机套、手袋等多种皮革制品。

    The Beijing Municipal High People 's Court has ruled in favor of Xintong Tiandi Technology ( Beijing ) Ltd , which sells a number of leather products such as smartphone cases and handbags under the name " iPhone . "

  4. 北京市高级人民法院一份调研报告显示,68%的校园暴力犯罪案件中,加害人大多对受害学生不计后果地进行攻击。据《法制日报》报道,近六成校园暴力是因日常琐事而引起。

    A study released by the Beijing High People 's Court showed that 68 percent of offenders attacked their schoolmates in a cruel manner and nearly 60 percent of school violence cases were triggered by trivial matters , Legal Daily said .