
  • 网络dismiss the appeal;reject an appeal;dismissal of an appeal;appeal dismissed
  1. 则审裁处可不予聆讯而驳回上诉;在此情况下,审裁处须安排将驳回通知书发给上诉人及人民入境事务处处长。

    It may dismiss the appeal without a hearing and in any such case it shall cause written notice of such dismissal to be given to the appellant and to the director of immigration .

  2. 最高法院驳回上诉请求之际,苹果刚开始与美国司法部展开一场长期苦战,焦点是该公司是否可以被迫协助调查人员解锁去年12月圣贝纳迪诺恐怖枪击案一名凶手使用过的iPhone。

    The ruling comes as the company begins a long fight with the US justice department over whether it can be forced to help investigators break open an iPhone belonging to one of the killers in the San Bernardino terrorist shootings in December .

  3. 法官驳回上诉,报章对此加以严厉批评。

    Newspaper harshly criticized the Judge 's dismissal of the appeal .

  4. 上诉法院以书面审理下级法院的判案陈述方法驳回上诉。

    The appeal court dismissed the appeal by way of case stated .

  5. 地区法院驳回上诉人提出的无罪判决的动议。

    The District Court denied petitioner ′ s motion for a judgment of acquittal .

  6. 第一区上诉法院驳回上诉处理中使用的证据狗的战斗情况。

    The First District Court of Appeals dismisses an appeal dealing with the use of evidence in a dog fighting case .

  7. (一)原判决认定事实清楚,适用法律、法规正确的,判决驳回上诉,维持原判;

    If the facts are clearly ascertained and the law and regulations are correctly applied in the original judgment , the appeal shall be rejected and the original judgment sustained ;

  8. 被告们成功地让法院驳回了上诉,但却没得任何诉讼费。

    The defendants successfully obtained the dismissal of an appeal , but were awarded no costs .

  9. 经考虑后,上诉委员会驳回有关上诉,彼被判罚款港币二万五千元维持不变。如果被告人胜诉,判决书实际上就可以写成这样兹判决:经过诉讼原告人的索赔要求被驳回。

    After deliberation , the Appeals Panel dismissed the Appeal and the fine of HK $ 25,000 remains unchanged . If the defendant has won , the judgment will read substantially as follows : Adjudged that the plaintiff recover nothing by this action .

  10. 但即使上诉法庭认为就上诉中所提出的论点可对上诉人作出有利的决定,如果其认为实际上并无审判不公,则可驳回该上诉。

    Provided that the court of appeal may , notwithstanding that it is of opinion that the point raised in the appeal might be decided in favour of the appellant , dismiss the appeal if it considers that no miscarriage of justice has actually occurred .

  11. 最近,B试图通过上诉终止驱逐进程,但法官驳回了他的上诉。

    The saga emerged in a recent court ruling when B tried to halt deportation proceedings . But judges struck out his appeal .

  12. 对APR进行预防和处罚的措施主要有:驳回起诉或上诉、罚款、承担诉讼费用、推翻既判力等。

    The major measures against APR are striking out a suit or an appeal , fine , fee of the suit and overturning of res judicata .

  13. 法官驳回了她的上诉请求。

    The judge pronounced against her appeal .

  14. 最高法院已经驳回你的上诉。

    Supreme court denied your peal .

  15. 欧盟最高法院认为下级法院驳回该制造商上诉的行为属错误行为,该行为是对欧盟反倾销税则的挑衅。

    The top EU court said a lower court incorrectly dismissed the manufacturer 's appeal , challenging EU anti-dumping duties imposed on leather shoes made in China .

  16. 法庭驳回了他们的上诉。

    The court rejected their petition .

  17. 法院驳回了安瓦尔的上诉,并判他5年监禁。

    He received five years in jail after his appeal was rejected in court .

  18. 最终在欧洲时间这个星期五,欧足联驳回了里尔的上诉坚持原判。

    However , on Friday afternoon UEFA 's Appeals Body backed the original decision .