
  • 网络Dismiss a lawsuit;rejection of a complaint;non-suit
  1. 法官驳回起诉。

    The judge dismissed the action .

  2. 对APR进行预防和处罚的措施主要有:驳回起诉或上诉、罚款、承担诉讼费用、推翻既判力等。

    The major measures against APR are striking out a suit or an appeal , fine , fee of the suit and overturning of res judicata .

  3. 民事诉讼中驳回起诉与驳回诉讼请求的司法界定

    Legal Specification of Lawsuit Rejected and Claim Overruled in Civil Proceeding

  4. 驳回起诉和驳回诉讼请求是两个不同的概念。

    Lawsuit rejected and claim overruled are two different concepts .

  5. 同样的,被告也可以因为法庭不具有“对人管辖权”或“对事管辖权”而递交驳回起诉的动议。

    Alternatively , the defendant may file a motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction or subject matter jurisdiction .

  6. 建议在我国刑事判决中,应增加包括免诉判决、驳回起诉判决等几种新的判决形式。

    It is suggested in our criminal sentences some new kinds like sentence of exemption from prosecution and sentence of rejecting .

  7. 诉讼过程中胎儿出生且为死产的,法院应当判决驳回起诉;

    During the process of litigation , if the fetus is born to be dead , the court should dismiss the lawsuit .

  8. 目前我国司法实践中的知识产权公益诉讼案件,大多以起诉者没有原告资格为由裁定驳回起诉而结案。

    Many intellectual property public interest litigation cases have ended by rejecting the appeal for the reason that the prosecutor is not qualified as a plaintiff .

  9. 本文以一个实际案例引出所要讨论的问题,以自己对诉权理论的比较研究为基础,对驳回起诉的条件问题展开讨论。

    Basing on a real case and the comparative research on right of case theory , this article will focus on the discussion of the condition to dismiss a prosecution .

  10. 立案登记制要求法院接受符合法定条件的起诉,如果驳回起诉,须明确陈述理由。公民有权对判决提起上诉。

    The registration system requires courts to accept legitimate lawsuits when they are filed or clearly state the reasons for rejecting them , and citizens have the right to appeal the decisions .

  11. 在我国的司法实践中涌现出了许多行政公益诉讼案件,但大多都是以原告不适格而被驳回起诉,这与我国的利害关系人诉权理论有着直接联系。

    In our judicial practice emerged in a number of cases of administrative public welfare action , but mostly on the plaintiff is charged , it was rejected with our stakeholders ' theory are directly connected .

  12. 若旅客的诉讼理由不当,法院不能驳回起诉,而应在开庭审理认定事实的基础上作出公正处理。

    If the passenger 's reasons in lawsuits are not proper , the court isn 't allowed to reject the suit and the solutions based on facts should be made on the basis of trying in the court .

  13. 目前我过司法实践中存在着大量的案件因没有原告资格而被驳回起诉,原告资格已经成为起诉人寻求法律保护的主要障碍之一。

    Currently , in the judicial practice of our country , there are many cases which were rejected because of lack of qualification of plaintiff . And the qualification of plaintiff has become a major obstacle to legal protection for the prosecutor .

  14. 对案外人是否可另行提起确权之诉,笔者以为这种情况不应受理,已经受理的,应当裁定驳回起诉,并告知其可以依据《民事诉讼法》第二百零四条的规定主张权利。

    Can be brought to the Third Party is indeed the right of appeal , I think that this should not be accepted , has been accepted , should the court rejected prosecution , and inform them based on " Civil Law " provisions of Article 204 claim the rights .

  15. 张起淮律师代理的航空公司货物损害赔偿案,法院驳回对方起诉。

    The cargo harm case of the Shenzhen aviation limited company which Lawyer Zhang Qi Huai acts , the court rejects the plaintiff 's sue .

  16. 贵院以缺乏对人管辖权和事物管辖权为由,或者基于不便于审理的法院原则驳回原告的起诉。

    That this Court dismiss the action for lack of personal and subject matter jurisdiction , or , in the alternative on grounds of forum non convenience .

  17. 人民法院经审理,于2005年7月22日依法裁定驳回原告的起诉,案件受理费由原告承担。

    The result : The people 's court reject the plaintiff 's prosecution in July 22 , 2005 , the fees of hear a case undertakes by the plaintiff .

  18. 然而,法官依照司法程序驳回了瓦莱丽的起诉。

    The judge , though , dismissed the suit on jurisdictional grounds .

  19. 一名联邦法官驳回了一份起诉医院遗弃病人的诉讼。

    A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit for how an alleged patient dumping case .

  20. 关于更正请求的呈交书式,下列情况下任何缔约方不得驳回请求:驳回起诉和驳回诉讼请求是两个不同的概念。

    As regards the requirements concerning the presentation of the request , no Contracting Party shall refuse the request , Lawsuit rejected and claim overruled are two different concepts .