
dì èr shěn chéng xù
  • procedure of second instance
  1. 刑事第二审程序是整个刑事程序制度的一个重要环节,其制度功能主要表现为制度的救济性。

    Being a key link in whole criminal procedure system , the criminal procedure of second instance manifest itself chiefly in the relief nature of the system .

  2. 第十四章第二审程序

    Chapter XIV Procedure of Second Instance

  3. 论民事诉讼第二审程序的改革与完善

    The Reform and Perfection of the Second Instance of Civil Litigation

  4. 文章认为第二审程序是一种救济程序,其设立宗旨在于保证裁判的正当性,仅仅将第二审程序理解为纠错程序是有偏差的。

    The dissertation regards the second instance as a remedy procedure .

  5. 刑事第二审程序研究

    Research on the Criminal Procedure System of Second Instance

  6. 但刑事第二审程序一直以来都是我国司法制度中较为薄弱的一个环节,现行立法上对此规定较为粗糙,人们对其也不甚重视。

    The criminal second instance is a weak link . Not only the current legislation ordered very coarsely , but also it is unvalued in the heart of the people .

  7. 因此有必要从理论上加深对第二审程序制度的研究,并为逐步建立一套科学、完善的第二审程序制度体系提供立法建议。

    So , it is essential to deepen the understanding in theory to second instance procedure system and provide legislative suggestion to it which is perfectly and scientifically being built-up progressively .

  8. 民事第二审程序是司法体制的重要组成部分,担负着纠正事实错误和法律错误、实现权利的救济、促进法律适用的统一等重要功能。

    It performs the important functions , such as correcting the factual errors and the legal errors , realizing the remedies for rights , promoting the unification of the application of the law .

  9. 其基本思路是:针对立法和实践中的问题,从审判权与上诉权实现合理制约出发,完善现行的第二审程序,使之更符合公正与效率的要求;

    Its basic way of thinking is : Aim at the problems inside lawmaking and practice , perfect the current second review procedure , making it even match the request of fair and efficiency ;

  10. 上诉不加刑是第二审程序中的一项特殊原则,因其特殊的法学价值,先后被世界上大多数国家所接受和采用。

    As a special principle in trial of second instance , no additional punishment resulting from appeal has its particular law value and is widely accepted and adopted by most countries in the world .

  11. 原告于第二审程序中为诉之追加不仅关涉被告防御权之行使,更关系到审级利益之维护。

    The increase of proceeding request in the procedure of trial on appeal is not only relation to the exercise of defense rights of the defendant , but also to the benefit of judicial rank .

  12. 其次分析论证了建构第二审程序的价值基础,认为第二审程序存在的根据在于诉讼程序的效益价值和效率价值。

    It follows that the value basis to construct second instance procedure is expounded and proved . It is held that the existence of second instance procedure depend on the benefit value and efficiency value of contentious procedure .

  13. 一审宣判后,公诉机关认为对被告人受贿罪无罪部分的判决错误,按第二审程序向上级法院提出抗诉。

    After the first verdict was declared , the prosecution organ thought the part of the judgment which ascertained the accused innocent on the crime of bribery was wrong , they protested to the superior court in the procedure of the second instant .

  14. 前言部分泛泛地介绍了我国现行刑事诉讼法修改的意义,明确指出了现行第二审程序制度存在弊端,认为第二审程序有待进一步修改和完善。

    The part Preface introduce briefly the significance of our revised criminal procedure law , point out definitely the existing defect in our second instance procedure system and hold it that the current second instance procedure has much necessity to be further modified and improved .

  15. 正文部分分为五节,各节分别从价值基础、制度功能、程序特点、缺陷分析上对第二审程序制度进行了一定的研究,并就进一步完善第二审程序提出了相关建议。

    The part Text separate into five sections , in each section a certain study has been made respectively from value basis , systematic function , procedure feature to defect analysis . To further consummate the second instance procedure , some relevant suggestions has been raised .

  16. 文章从第一审审判程序和第二审审判程序两个方面进行分析,并且在各审程序当中,又纵向论述了审理土地案件所必需历经的程序,从案件的受理,到审查和裁判等各个方面。

    The article analyzes from two aspects of the trial proceedings of first instance and second instance , and in which respectively discusses vertically all trial procedures necessary for land cases trial including admissibility of the case , reviewing , referees and other aspects .

  17. 对在死刑第二审阶段发现的程序问题按其所处的诉讼阶段不同进行了分类,并对死刑第二审程序的立法缺失进行了相应的归纳。

    In this paper , the procedural problems in second instance on death penalty cases at different stages of litigation are classified , and the lack of legislation programs in it are also summarized correspondingly .

  18. 发生法律效力的判决、裁定是由第二审法院作出的,按照第二审程序审理,所作的判决、裁定,是发生法律效力的判决、裁定;

    dgment or order ; " " if the legally effective judgment or written order was made by a court of second instance , the case shall be tried in accordance with the procedure of second instance , and the new judgment or written order shall be legally effective ; "

  19. 原来是第二审的或者是上级人民法院提审的,按照第二审程序另行组成合议庭。

    A case originally of second instance shall BE tried denovo by a newly organized collegiate BEnch in accordance with the procedure of second instance .